White Shield vs. OMG
Game #1
Maokai Zilean
Jayce Thresh
Ryze Alistar
Zed 2. Janna
Khazix 2. Lee Sin
Corki 4. Ahri
Kassadin 4. Lucian
Morgana 6. Irelia
Match-ups – Najin White Shield
Top -
is going to be in a lot of trouble in this lane. There really isn't
much he can do, Irelia will out-trade and out-sustain Kassadin, as
well as hitting a much stronger spike at level 6 and at first item.
Not too much else to say. The best Kassadin can do is to focus on
farming and leave Irelia alone. Get your CS, get to level 6, and
then try to make plays elsewhere on the map. It almost might be
worthwhile to go super late-game with tear and Rod of Ages, knowing
you must be defensive for a good 25-30 minutes against Irelia.
Letting go of the turret, or getting theirs quickly would be a good
way to let Kassadin roam post 6 without a mass amount of CS being
Mid -
A very
even match-up in mid lane. The winner will be determined by skill.
Zed has a lot of mobility with his shadows to dodge out on Ahri's
skills and both have good farming and poke abilities. Zed should
play out the lane, getting CS, poking with his Q, and absolutely
dodging out on Ahri's charm. Getting charmed will turn the match-up.
Things will get explosive once level 6 is reached as the kill
potential for both champions is very high. Zed must remember that
where he shows up after his ultimate is completely predictable and
expect a Charm to be en-route. However, if Ahri's Charm is ever
down, Zed has the opportunity to go completely all in without fear of
much repercussion. Should be safe against ganks, as long as he keeps
his shadow up when SSB does not know where Lee Sin is.
Bot -
are going to have a pretty even time against Lucian/Janna. A lot of
this lane will be dependent on Morgana landing her bindings, keeping
Lucian or Janna in place for Corki bombs while providing damage. If
Morgana misses her bindings, Lucian will have free reign to go in
against Corki and out-trade him with Janna's shield. As a couple
levels come into play, it will be harder to catch Lucian, due to his
dash, but will be necessary to keep the lane going even. At level 6,
NWS will gain poke, as well as all-in, provided they don't let Lucian
dive in to his bullying right away and push one of them out. Morgana
will have to think about when to shield herself at level 6, to
prevent Janna from knocking her away when Morgana uses her ultimate.
does not have to many options on where to gank in this match-up, the
only CC to help him out is Morgana, and if she can land it on Lucian
or Janna when he is near, should be very successful. Other than
that, Khazix is going to need to farm primarily farm, and be ready to
counter-gank Lee Sin. Irelia might offer a possibility for a gank,
if she is pushed up, however with her stun, and with only slows from
Lee Sin/Kassadin, it is going to be difficult. It may however, be
necessary for Kassadin to survive.
Match-ups – OMG
Top -
up in Irelia's favor. She should have this lane match-up easily, if
no outside help comes for Kassadin. With sustain, strength in trade,
and all-in potential in her favor, she really doesn't have much, if
anything, to fear from Kassadin. At every opportunity, she should be
looking to dash in to a ranged creep, and then start trading damage
with Kassadin, burning through his mana and making it harder for him
to CS. It won't be until way after the laning phase that Kassadin
will even pose a threat to her, and for a very long time Irelia can
easily split-push and force Kassadin to fight in this weak lane.
Mid -
A very
even, skill based match-up. Both Ahri and Zed have even amounts of
farm, harass, and all-in potential. The deciding factor will really
be how well Ahri can land Charms and how well they both play with
their ultimates. Getting help from Lee Sin can really turn this
match-up, but getting in on Zed will be hard.
Bot -
An even
match-up, Lucian/Janna can turn it in their favor early and keep it
that way if they play it right though. Janna shield + Lucian Q will
be very strong at level 1, and should win them the lane, as long as
they can dodge Morgana's binding. As the lane progresses, OMG's lane
should continue to bully Corki, with Lucian saving his dash to dodge
Morgana's binding and effectively winning the lane by dodge out on
that damage. At 6, poke will be going over to Corki, as well as some
strong all-in potential with Morgana's ultimate. Lucian however,
come dive Corki instantly, putting down his burst damage and moving
into the culling to get him to half hp or lower. This will prevent a
lot of NWS's ability to fight back if he can pull it off
Lee Sin
doesn't really have any solid options for a gank in this match-up,
however, he doesn't really need them. All his lanes are strong and
can stand on their own. Any opportunity he gets to gank will just be
a bonus. Mostly he should be sticking to farming and being ready to
protect his lanes from Khazix ganks.
Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield
Condition – Heavy mobility and assassin focus. Skirmish early and
avoid big fights. Split-push in the late-game 1-1-3.
NWS are
playing a team that does not really work together, but is one of
their signature top/mid assassin combos. For most of the game,
Corki/Morgana/Khazix are going to be on their own (would have
preferred to see Nami for this) and relying on the poke/clear power
of Corki and Khazix to delay OMG. Meanwhile, Kassadin and Zed will
be split-pushing, trying to draw OMG's members away and into fights
and then winning through lead or skill. The big problem though, is
that Kassadin and Zed do not really spike early, where as Irelia
will, and Ahri has the ability to get ahead of Zed. If defenses come
in to either of OMG's solo lanes, then NWS has the option to swap
top/mid and fight. The real down fall is how long this is going to
take for NWS to build up to. They will have to survive and look for
objective trades, rather than looking to fight 5v5. Jungle
skirmishes with Kassadin/Zed collapse towards Khazix should be a plan
that NWS look into.
Composition/Strategy – OMG
Condition – Get an early lead and win the mid-game. Snowball
mid-game 5v5 wins and neutral control into a gold lead and the win.
really up to OMG to win this game and not lose it. They have a much
bigger power spike in the mid-game and they need to group up and take
objectives during this time. Force dragons, force 4/5 man buff
invades. Irelia, Janna, Lee Sin are all stronger than their
opponents early on and OMG can abuse this. Keep Irelia fighting a
1v1 as she can kill either Kassadin or Zed, and if she gets rolling
will be unstoppable for a large portion of the game. Ahri should
focus on farm, and going even/ahead of Zed with CS, allowing her to
provide greater value to her team in the mid-game with equal power
and much better catch/pick. If OMG can get even a small lead, they
will be able to bully NWS around the map.
Notes -
NWS and
OMG walk into each other 4v4, but Janna Tornado is too strong for NWS
and OMG come out with First Blood.
Lee Sin
tries to invade on Khazix, however he loses the smite fight and gets
caught out. Zed gets the kill onto Lee Sin and gets red buff from
first blood allows Lucian to buy a very early pick-ax. OMG then
initiate a lane swap, sending the duo bot lane and Irelia top. NWS
do eventually follow.
NWS try
to gank bottom, but Morgana gets antsy and completely whiffs her
Game is
going pretty slow at the moment. Expecting things to pick up the
once the next backs happen.
duo heads back, Lucian gets a Brutalizer. Huge harrass potential
now, and a strong spike for Lucian. Will delay his Infinity Edge,
but the early strenght is going to be better right now.
Zed back, OMG should have ran for dragon immediately. It would have
been a 5v4 with all of OMG stronger than their lane opponents.
Instead, when Zed gets back, NWS take the dragon for free after Ahri
and Lee Sin burn their ultimates trying to kill Khazix.
OMG get
a great catch on Khazix in the jungle as OMG heads to take the blue
of NWS. Khazix goes down to Irelia, and NWS take the blue buff.
has picked up her Trinity Force now, expect her to start making
strong poke coming out of NWS in the bot lane now that Corki has his
Trinity Force.
dragon is back up and something will happen this game, lets hope.
OMG should have the strenght to fight, but they choose not to. I'm
not sure why OMG is not fighting, especially with Lucian/Irelia.
NWS get
the dragon, and then a pick with Morgana in the middle, killing Ahri
and NWS push down the middle and bottom turret.
OMG get
a pick mid, killing Zed, while Ahri 1v1's Kassadin in the bot lane
and then takes the bot turret.
bought a DFG instead of finishing Zhonya's. Very good choice since
Kassadin/Zed can switch around who fights who.
rotate top and take the turret. OMG try to collapse as 5, however
NWS are able to disengage. OMG miss out on the chance to take the mid
I'm a
bit disappointed at how little OMG has done this match. NWS are
starting to scale that Kassadin up, though Ahri now has a response
for Zed.
slick Lee Sin play gets OMG the pick on Khazix and the kill. OMG are
able to take the low mid turret. But Kassadin is able to get a
return kill as OMG retreat. Irelia gets caught heading towards
dragon, but with no vision, she dies and NWS get dragon, again.
OMG are
getting hit by way too many bindings and are letting NWS dictate the
press mid and bottom lane, and take T2 of OMG. At this point in the
game, the power has really started to shift and OMG are going to need
some picks to get back into the match, instead, OMG rotate around and
make a cheeky play on Baron, taking it for free before NWS even have
a clue.
push middle, with Zed pushing the bot lane. Zed should continue to
push. Corki/Khazix have decent wave clear. Zed however backs.
start a fight with a Lee Sin kick onto Kassadin. Janna just barely
misses placing her Monsoon and Kassadin gets blown into the turret.
Zed could have been pushing at OMG's inhibitor turret if he had kept
up his split-push.
OMG get
a good positional advantage and are able to get some damage onto the
mid turret. Kassadin tries to harass from the back, throwing the
game for NWS. Playing around with Lee Sin gets you flash kicked into
OMG's team. OMG kill Kassadin and Zed, take the mid T2 turret, and
dive the inhibitor turret, killing Morgana and take the inhibitor
turret. Now OMG can back out and go take dragon.
shop and return to mid to brute force down the open inhibitor. They
are unable to get it, however, and retreat. When they do NWS head to
Baron. Irelia has to sacrifice her life to stop NWS from taking
slow slightly, as the teams are evenly matched at the moment. NWS
can use their mobility to wait for a pick or map movement chance.
OMG however, need to really get a good Charm or Lee Sin kick.
Anyone's game at the moment, however the next team-fight or Baron
should determine the winner.
and Morgana force the flash from Janna and get some decent damage
down. But Kassadin sticks around in a bad spot instead of just
backing up and gets caught by Irelia, allowing Ahri to catch up, then
they both chase down Kassadin while OMG pushes into NWS's team.
Another great Lee Sin ultimate knocks Corki into the OMG team. OMG
get 2 kills and then get Baron for free.
OMG can
brute force down the mid inhibitor.
NWS try
to make a last stand as OMG push the bottom inhibitor turret with
Irelia top. A great Janna Monsoon really saves Lucian from instant
death. Zed gets annihilated when he goes in, and then Irelia joins
the fight form behind. OMG get 3 kills and then move to kill the
Notes -
is working towards Zhonya's when she should be getting Mikael's to
stop Ahri's charm. Morgana does not want to dive into the OMG team,
even with Zhonya's. NWS is much more about picks and mobility.
Game Notes -
took a long time to even start to try to fight. They really handed
the game to NWS for the first 20 minutes. It is only the sneaky
Baron that allow them to get back into the game and prevent NWS from
being able to split-push.
OMG are
going to need to change this passive style that they opted into for
some odd reason if they want to go farther this series.
was a perfect pick into Zed and Kassadin and it showed.
Note – I almost wonder how well an AP Corki would have done in this
match. Very rarely did he ever have time to auto attack and Irelia
had so much armor.
Najin White Shield should have done -
Baron earlier. That's the number one reason why they lost. If they
had not let OMG take that first Baron, NWS had full control of the
game. NWS need to look at this, realize they were playing so
strongly early and just let this match go. Ward up Baron early in
the next match.
did get caught out three times, by trying to be a little to
aggressive when he doesn't need to be. Save will have to be more
careful about this next time.
was one point, where OMG was pushing 5v4, before the Baron play, and
Zed was alone on the top side of OMG's bottom. Zed could have kept
up this push, while his team, who is ahead at this point, protects
the mid turret with the strong wave clear and poke of
Corki/Morgana/Khazix. This would have changed the landscape of the
choices that led up to Baron.
forward, NWS need to play just as strong, take away Lee Sin, and keep
up the Baron wards.
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