Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - C9 vs. SSB Game #4

Cloud9 vs. Samsung Blue Game #4
2v1 Lanes, SSB Top

Thresh Zilean
Zed Alistar
Ryze Lucian

1. Lee Sin 2. Maokai
3. Rumble 2. Yasuo
3. Corki 4. Rengar
5. Talon 4. Nami
5. Braum 6. Twitch

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top –
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Lee Sin is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
While all melee vs melee match-ups in the mid lane are very volatile, Talon should have a decent advantage in this lane. While he cannot match the sustained damage that Yasuo can put out, Talon has a much stronger trade/burst and poke potential. Talon will need to avoid early all-ins, but should be able to whittle Yasuo down from range and then from trades at level 3. Since Talon normally goes flask, he should also be able to outlast Yasuo in the lane. Come level 6, Talon has huge burst ability to push Yasuo out of lane or kill him. Must be aware of Yasuo's Wind Wall, as it will cancel out both Rake and Talon's ultimate. With proper timing against Yasuo's Flow and Wind Wall, Talon should come out on top in this lane. If he falls behind though, Talon will have a hard time coming back against the sustained damage of Yasuo.

Bot -
Corki/Braum are stronger than Twitch/Nami. Should look to scout out the lane swap and match it. If they can find the 2v2, then Corki and Braum should be able to out everything SSB's lane. Higher burst, better bullying potential, Braum able to block everything from Twitch/Nami. There are a lot of options for C9's lane. Especially with Twitch having no escape, and Corki able to dash away from Nami bubble, getting down damage onto Twitch, and potentially getting Braum's passive stun off, should be pretty easy and consistent for C9's duo.

Jungle -
Lee Sin has a stronger early-game than Rengar and should look to use it, especially since every lane has solid gank opportunities. Getting Rumble or Talon ahead will be best for the team and should be looked to for primary pressure. Getting wards around level 4/5 into Rengar's jungle will be important, as it will give the rest of the team the knowledge of when and where he reaches level 6.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Rengar to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Lee Sin damage will be much higher.

Mid -
All mid lane melee vs. melee match-ups are volatile, however this one will be difficult for Yasuo. Yasuo should play very aggressive against Talon, trying to stay in Talon's ranged creeps to keep him back. Using Flow to take Rake hits, and then dashing into Talon will net great results. Yasuo has much stronger sustained damage, but will lose out in quick trades or poke. Using the minions properly will allow Yasuo to keep up with Talon after he uses his combo, and can then proceed to keep up the sustained damage on Talon. At 6, Yasuo should make sure to use his knock-up as his spinning slash, as Talon can blink attack over Yasuo's tornado, both dodging and attacking Yasuo. Wind Wall can be used to block Talon ultimate and his Rake, doing so will vastly decrease Talon's damage in an all-in. If Yasuo can get a lead, he should be able to keep it, as the extra Flow shielding will allow him to stay in the fight and out-trade Talon.

Bot -
Twitch/Nami should look to lane swap. If they end up in the 2v2 they will end up getting bullied by Corki/Braum. Faster harass from Corki, and the potential for Braum stun are very deadly to Twitch and should be avoided. In a 2v2 lane, Twitch should just look to safely farm, relying on Nami to keep him safe and healed, and look to get any free shots onto Braum when possible, and avoid fighting Corki.

Jungle -
Rengar is going to want to focus on farming. Getting to level 6 quickly will be a great boon to the team. Outside of farming, ganks against Rumble will be the most successful, as long as Lee Sin is not there for the counter-gank.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud9

*Win Condition – 5v5 fight in small areas, utilizing the their AoE. Do not get picked off and do not let Maokai be the one to engage the fights.

Cloud9 have once again come out with a weaker team that looks like the team said, oh I need to play this as individuals. Their only hard CC is coming from Braum and though they have a lot of AoE, they have no way to group SSB up. They do have a great response to SSB diving, however Maokai Yasuo is so strong that when they do engage, C9 will be immediately put on to the back foot, forced to use their team skills on the duo engage while Twitch can fire from behind safely. Cloud9 are going to need to turn early dragon's into snowball wins. They cannot get picked out by Twitch or Rengar and they must avoid any small skirmish that is sought after by SSB. Hopefully, Lee Sin can get some good knock-back kicks and allow Talon to instantly kill the target. C9 have to win in the mid-game, and they have to do so by out-maneuvering Maokai and Yasuo while keep good wards up for Twitch and Rengar.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Get picks and small skirmishes throughout the mid game with the double stealth and the synergy of Yasuo/Maokai.

Samsung Blue have gotten the very deadly combination in Maokai/Yasuo and will have great strength throughout the entire game. Early ganks once Yasuo is 6 will be huge and those two moving as a team into skirmish spots in the jungle will yield great results. On top of this huge synergy in every fight aspect of the game, SSB have double stealth champions and very large pick potential with Rengar/Twitch. Opening up the map early and spreading C9 from team-fights will be key for SSB's victory, helping them to keep C9 from grouping for their AoE. Aim for small fights and picks. 2's and 3's, and avoid 5v5 fights until defensive stats come in.

Game Notes -

C9 let Samsung Blue get Yasuo/Maokai. *sad face x10000*.

A trap by C9 ends up casting Lee Sin his flash as SSB move as 3 into the 2 man trap.

Lanes turn into 2v2, with Rumble v. Twitch in the top lane.

Rumble stepping out to ward, gets caught at the wrong time and SSB take First Blood, going onto Twitch.

Rumble is super shut down at the start of this game, something that C9 could not have had happen.

Rengar's level 6 nets SSB a kill onto Yasuo and dragon for SSB.

A forced engagement by SSB on the top lane ends up with them losing the fight, C9 taking 3 kills for 1.

C9 focus top, and are able to get a dive and the turret.

Another deep dive by SSB turns into a 1v1 and C9 able to put damage onto the mid turret.

Despite a very bad laning phase, C9 have brought the gold within 1k with great map movements.

After baiting out the dragon and taking mid, C9 disengage from Rengar ultimate, however Balls gets antsy and his Rumble ultimate is near useless as he tries to use it from too far away. The fight goes crazy, with a lot of bad plays on both sides. Braum ultimate hitting one, Lee Sin kick not being used in time, Talon too far out to nuke Twitch. SSB piles in onto Lee Sin, the jungler and groups for all of C9's AoE, leaves Corki alone. Yasuo waiting so long on his ultimate, Lee Sin never using his. Corki not using his heal on Rumble. Such a crazy fight. If Rumble's ultimate had been up, this would have been a wash or if Lee Sin had hit his. Gah such a crazy fight. C9 end up got 5 for 4 and they get dragon.

C9 catch Nami out, and now C9 have a lead.

SSB set up a trap in their top jungle as C9 seek to control it. Yasuo having his knock-up from wraiths ends up being huge and unexpected. Corki instantly dies and SSB are able to clean up 4 kills for 0, and then take Baron. A great trap by SSB, especially the Yasuo knock-up. Corki could possibly have used a rocket to check the bush instead of his Q, and would have to have flashed super fast once seeing the Tornado. The fight is spread out and C9 cannot use their AoE. Big comeback by SSB and looks to be the closing point for C9 with how strong Yasuo is after this.

C9 still play aggressive, even against a team with Baron. Catch out and kill Nami. Do have to give up Dragon though, when she respawns and makes it to the fight.

Yasuo is super ahead on Yasuo right now. No one on C9 can fight him.

C9 are getting whittled down by Yasuo. C9 should just say screw it at this point and 5 man push bottom against him, force a reaction from SSB.

Rengar is able to catch Talon out with Yasuo, and SSB take the bottom inhibitor and a long drawn out fight, the total trade ending up 4 for 1 and the inhibitor for SSB.

C9 try to make a fight in the middle with a man advantage. It's a bit forced and does not work out due to the gold lead of SSB. C9 back off and lose the turret when the rest of SSB make it middle.

SSB use their gold advantage to start denying vision at Baron, waiting for a pick or for complete vision control as SSB will destroy Baron. However C9 can make their best fight at Baron.

SSB try Baron, are forced to fight, and the fight goes 5 for 2 in SSB's fight, but its very close, much closer than SSB needed to make it.

Yasuo gets caught out and Lee Sin is able to knock him back into C9. C9 then get the pick onto Twitch and Maokai as well. C9 make the call to go for the win, the best call they can make at this point.

C9 group up a little too much and it lets Nami get a 2 man knock up and a 3 man bubble. And this, saves SSB. The Nexus is saved with just a few hits, those 2-3 seconds mattering. Could go over this play with a fine toothed comb, but it was C9's best chance at the win, and was so close.

Item Notes -

Yasuo picks up QSS to combat Exhaust.

End Game Notes -

Once again Cloud9 are able to make great rotations and pull SSB into their team-fights.

SSB make a lot of mistakes, a lot of getting caught out, and do not play their team composition to its full potential.

The laning phase is the only reason SSB won this game, going so much stronger, close to 100 CS and dragon ahead of C9.

What Cloud9 should have done -

Yasuo really messed up Cloud9 the most. I really feel that if they hadn't given up the Maokai/Yasuo combination then C9 could have taken this game.

Inside the game, Cloud9 got way behind in the laning phase. Talon got stomped, and Rumble got picked on and ended up with a bad lane swap. Cloud9 should have really sought after and found that 2v2 lane, keeping Twitch low and allowing Rumble to play against Maokai to get to his level 6 faster.

After the laning phase, Cloud9 played really well. They made their comebacks. Turned a 6k gold lead into an even match. Took a 10k gold lead on SSB into a near win. They did well. Outside of the laning phase, (and the dragon fight in which both sides really messed up) the Corki Q into the bush instead of a longer Rocket really cost them. A fast flash or the rocket could have saved that whole fight and the massive swing into SSB.

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