Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - OMG vs. LMQ Game #1

LMQ vs. OMG Game #1
Standard Lanes

Lee Sin Zilean
Irelia Alistar
Ryze Khazix

1. Thresh 2. Maokai
3. Jarvan 2. Tristana
3. Rumble 4. Nami
5. Twitch 4. Elise
5. Syndra 6. Yasuo

Lane Match-ups – LMQ

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Jarvan is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
Syndra will have a slightly rough time against Yasuo. While she can bully him somewhat and can farm safely and easily, she must be careful of Yasuo's all-in potential. Dealing with Wind Wall after level 6 will be especially important as it can block out massive portions of her damage. Properly whittling Yasuo down and getting him to use his Wind Wall will be essential for her getting her burst combo down onto him and getting the kill.

Bot -
I'd really like to see LMQ lane swap. While they are going to be able to go even for a little while in lane, once a few levels come in for Tristana and Nami, they will be able to harass Twitch pretty handily and then out-sustain the return damage. In an all in situation, Thresh has to go for Nami, as she will shut down Twitch if Thresh hooks Tristana, however that leaves Tristana able to put the damage onto Twitch with Nami using CC as soon as the hook is over. Should end up being a very rough lane if they go for the 2v2. Jarvan can make a huge impact though, ganking for Nami kills.

Jungle -
Jarvan against Elise is a pretty interesting match-up. Both have strong early games and roughly the same farming potential, and both want to gank early. Really all that is to be said here is that whoever gets the jump on the other, be it damage too quick to counter, or a solid counter-gank will come out ahead. Jarvan can really look to any lane to gank, with mid and bottom able to setup the gank, and top lane having the damage to kill if Maokai is pushed.

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Elise to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Jarvan damage will be much higher.

Mid -
Yasuo will have to play tricky with his dashes to survive in this lane. While he should be safe from taking too much poke, and with Syndra's all-in a little weak before level 6, he should stay even in lane. If Syndra's stun is down and does not hit him, then it will be a good time for Yasuo to try to get in and do some trade damage. Once level 6 hits, both will have kill pressure. However, Yasuo will have a huge advantage with his Wind Wall and should be able to block at least some of Syndra's ultimate even if stunned.

Bot -
OMG have a stronger duo lane. They can out-range, out-poke, out-sustain, and have a stronger all-in. Nami provides a ton of power to Tristana while Twitch is not a very strong lane bully. OMG can bully the lane early and continue to at almost all points of the match. The toughest time will be when Twitch gets his Blade of the Ruined King and has his ultimate. Nami needs to beware getting caught out by Thresh as Twitch is stealthing in.

Jungle -
Elise against Jarvan is a pretty interesting match-up. Both have strong early games and roughly the same farming potential, and both want to gank early. Really all that is to be said here is that whoever gets the jump on the other, be it damage too quick to counter, or a solid counter-gank will come out ahead. Elise can look to gank top or bottom but will have a harder time middle with Syndra sitting back and Yasuo not having a way to set up the gank outside of ultimate. CC chains with Maokai or Nami will be rewarding.

Team Composition/Strategy – LMQ

*Win Condition – Get picks with Syndra and Twitch in the mid-game and use the power of Rumble to control neutral objectives. Use the mid-game power-spike to fight OMG before they can scale up.

LMQ have a very strong mid-game team with 1 item and 2 item power-spikes that will give them an advantage over OMG during this point. LMQ also have 3 points of strength in strategy outside of this. The first is that Syndra and Twitch can make great picks, especially when/if LMQ can control the jungle and rotations around the map. Rumble and Jarvan have great synergy, Jarvan's ultimate able to lock people onto Rumble's ultimate and this can help take down priority targets and is a great means of engagement. The third strong strategy that LMQ have, is that they have immense damage and CC in corridors. Fighting in the jungle, or drawing OMG into choke points will be huge for them. Since LMQ do have a weaker bot lane, and Rumble performs better than Maokai with less gold, I'd run 2v1 lanes to get Twitch to his first item, and then start to make picks around the map.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Make it through the early and mid-game without giving up too much to LMQ. Transition into team-fights once all 3 lanes reach 2 items and delay until the late-game power really kicks in.

OMG have a team that will do wonder's in the late game while still having good enough synergy to be able to fight earlier on than normal with Tristana. Maokai/Nami have great synergy with Yasuo and will be able to keep team-fights in their favor or from getting too out of hand, as long as OMG pick the right fights and do not blindly dive into Rumble ultimate and Syndra stuns. An early Aegis will be great against LMQ and then OMG can focus on killing Twitch first, allowing Tristana to clean up with sustained damage once Rumble and Syndra ultimates are down. OMG must not fall too far behind, but can allow a small lead onto LMQ. Be very wary of fights in the jungle corridors, as LMQ have massive damage and control in those spots.

Game Notes -

LMQ's bot lane is forced to give the lane up to OMG, waiting till the creeps get to the tower to get CS.

Yasuo has put a lot of early harass onto Syndra, but it has cost him some CS.

Jarvan gank after Syndra stun burns Yasuo flash, but Jarvan also burns his own as well.

Great reaction by Rumble saves him from getting stunned and chain CC'ed by Elise/Maokai.

Nami throws her bubble at Thresh, who is a harder target, and after he has used his skills.

A good read or just luck gets Elise and Jarvan into bot lane for the same gank, and both sides back off.

OMG start dragon at a bad time but do back off, slowly turns into a 5v5 fight. Item power points are on LMQ's side with Bilgewater on Twitch and Haunting Guise on Rumble. Elise backs off towards the lane, very wrong move, instead of back with her team. This gets LMQ First Blood onto Twitch.

OMG stick around while LMQ attempt Dragon, a great bubble by Nami leads into a team-fight, 4v5. OMG get 2 kills, but stick around to try to finish off dragon, without smite and Twitch gets the last hit, just barely. Greedy plays by both teams get the other team gold/kills.

Lane bush gank by Elise catches LMQ off guard as they try to go in, OMG get a kill on Thresh.

Maokai is able to bully Rumble with the Negatron pick-up.

Syndra is able to 1v1 Yasuo when his Wind Wall is down.

Dragon comes up again and we get another team-fight. Nami tries to start it off with her ultimate but it completely misses. Her team backs up after, but she keeps going forward, straight into Thresh hook. The fight goes 2 for 0 in LMQ's favor, but OMG do steal the dragon.

LMQ push mid right after, and OMG engage after a bubble lands onto 2 members of LMQ, however it is 4v5, almost a 3v5 with how far away Tristana is who only gets 1 shot off the whole fight. LMQ get another kill and then back off.

Elise could have tried to flash the Syndra stun, if she had predicted it.

Both Yasuo and Tristana's damage is really low right now in burst settings.

Twitch backs when he could push down OMG's bot T2 turret, or at least get damage on it. LMQ have the defense on their TOP T2 and the mid turret is already lost, or should have been lost. Twitch could have pushed the turret, and potentially further.

LMQ make a deep engage, locking 2 people in with Jarvan and Rumble ultimate. Jarvan does go down before LMQ are able to back him up, but the lock-down and the Rumble ultimate are able to do enough damage and disruption for LMQ to clean up, going 2 for 1. LMQ take dragon after.

OMG get a catch onto Syndra and kill her at the mid turret, OMG dive in for more kills. The turret has about 3 hits on it, but they do not kill it. Tristana could have shot it down instead of leaping in to die. OMG end up going 2 for 2 when it could have been 1 for 0 or 2 for 0, and they do not get the mid turret. They do get the top T2 turret though.

A bit of damage trading near OMG's mid T2 turret goes awry when Elise moves too far forward, using her stun when there is nothing to gain from it, ends up getting caught by Thresh. This starts the 5v5 fight and Elise is out of it instantly with Rumble ultimate cutting OMG off from helping Elise. The fight goes so close, with 4 members of LMQ falling into the red. If Elise had not gotten caught, OMG might have turned that fight around, taking the win instead of giving up 4 kills for 0, as well as losing 2 turrets and the inhibitor.

Twitch goes to get a pick onto Tristan and gets it. Tristana jumped away, but did not ultimate Twitch away which is the only reason Twitch could get the kill. Leap alone is not enough against Twitch ultimate.

LMQ go to Baron, catch Elise, then take Baron. OMG try to stop it, 3v5 and without smite. Trade 1 kill for 2, and LMQ get baron easily as well.

LMQ will now bully down OMG's base.

Item Notes -

Maokai gets an early Negatron Cloak, before getting Rod of Ages. Love this choice against Rumble.

Elise goes Banshee's, should have picked up a Locket instead for the entire team.

End Game Notes -

OMG's positioning and decision making for fights was really bad this game. Several members got caught or dived into bad positions. Some fights Tristana was only able to get off a handful of attacks. This is what really lost them the game.

What OMG should have done -

Played better really. There was just a lot of individual mistakes and bad dive/fight calls. OMG got caught out at least 5 times and made several fights in 4v5 or even 3v5 engages. OMG needed to slow down and pick better fights and they could have lasted longer and gotten to higher power points.

The real nail in the coffin point was when OMG dived LMQ's mid turret. OMG had a 4v3 advantage with the burst of Syndra down, they could have just taken the tower that had 3 hits left, and then fought. Instead they dive, ignore the tower, and Tristana jumps in way too deep. If she had just taken the tower, she would have seen Twitch pop up and then not have jumped into him. This was a huge misplay by OMG and set LMQ up for the win.

Another big change would have been Elise getting Aegis/Locket instead of her Banshee's. This really hurt OMG's team fight abilities, especially against Rumble and Syndra. This change could have swung a team-fight.

OMG need to drop their nerves for the rest of the games, and not make so many individual mistakes and strategic mistakes.

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