Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - SHR vs. EDG Game #5

Star Horn Royal Club vs. Edward Gaming Game #5
2v1 Lanes, SHR Top

Maokai Rengar
Alistar Zilean
Lucian Fizz

1. Ryze 2. Twitch
3. Jarvan 2. Khazix
3. Orianna 4. Rumble
5. Tristana 4. Thresh
5. Janna 6. Syndra

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Ryze is a lot stronger than Rumble early on and should look to abuse this fact. Constant harassment will put Rumble behind and as long as Ryze is able to dodge harpoons, should be able to do so without fear of retaliation. At level 6 he must be aware of Rumble's all-in power and respect it. Beware of ganks from Elise.

Mid -
Orianna cannot fight Syndra in an all-in, but will be able to easily farm and keep Syndra in lane, or against her tower. With the protection of the ball, she will also be able to farm jungle camps while Syndra is occupied. In all-in engagements, while Orianna will lose and be pushed back, it is unlikely that Syndra will be able to kill her, only bring her low. As long as Orianna is wary of ganks and does not take poke from Syndra, she will scale into her strong mid-late game team fighting.

Bot -
I feel like this is a fairly even lane. Both are pretty bad at harassment early on and want to farm. Tristana/Janna can get off a few pot shots with her shield, but Tristana has no AD ratios to make real use of the shield. Janna shield can block Twitch damage, and the trades should go even. Thresh hooks can make a difference, but a well placed Janna Tornado and shield will be able to stop anything major. All in all, a fairly even lane that will be defensive for both.

Jungle -
Jarvan can have some strong gank potential against Rumble up in the top lane and should look to make use of it early. The double CC and the slows should be enough to take him down. Once level 6 comes into play, Jarvan should be looking to either gank Twitch, (hopefully having already burned his flash) or gank for Orianna against Syndra, providing the ball delivery and lacking Syndra up.

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Rumble has a rough time against Ryze as Ryze is able to easily harass him. Rumble must wait until level 2/3 before he can even attempt to fight back. Must land harpoon and slow Ryze to keep him in Flamespitter range if he tries to snare Rumble. A hard lane for Rumble, he will need to just survive until level 6 and his power-spike before trying to fight Ryze.

Mid -
Syndra has a pretty easy time against Orianna. She has much higher kill potential, especially at 6, and has decent wave clear. Though Orianna will push the wave into Syndra faster, Orianna cannot go all-in against Syndra unless ahead. Syndra stun + burst will deter Orianna from using her higher sustained damage. Just needs to make sure she does not get out-farmed.

Bot -
A pretty even lane, both just want to farm and maybe get off some harassment. Twitch will lose alone, but not by much, and if Thresh can get in for a hook for flay, will come out on top. Both sides will only come out on top in trades by a little bit. Mostly this will just be farming, and looking for an opportunity to capitalize on a misplay of the other duo. At 6, Thresh can try to bait a fight while Twitch gets into position to attack Tristana, needs to be aware of the knock-back though.

Jungle -
Khazix should look to farm and try to get a vision on Jarvan early, especially for the top lane to protect Rumble from a gank. A gank with Thresh lantern is also a possibility, however Tristana and Janna should be able to get away from it. Once 6, look to help Syndra in middle against Orianna, providing the extra damage necessary to secure the kill.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Scale into the late-game and win with 3 really strong late-game champions.

Even though SHR have picked up a late-game team composition, they have strength in the mid-game with Jarvan and Orianna and to a lesser extent Ryze and Janna. Tristana will be the weakest link early, however she will grow into her hyper carry status. Janna and Orianna are going to be very strong at buffing Tristana for the mid-game as well. All the lanes for SHR, while they won't outright win, they won't outright lose either and SHR should be able to take this into the mid-game and the late-game and win with their superior team-fighting ability, not as a composition but as a team.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Get picks in the mid-game with Twitch/Thresh/Syndra and turn that into a lead. Use Rumble to disrupt the team-fight ability of SHR. Beat SHR before they can out-scale EDG.

EDG are going to need to find a window of opportunity to get picks in the early-mid and mid-game. Thresh/Syndra/Twitch are good at this, however it does require SHR to make position mistakes. EDG cannot straight up fight SHR in a 5v5 without a lead. It is up to EDG to generate a lead if they want to win. The lane in the most danger will be Rumble and EDG should at least make sure he can reach level 6 without much delay. Once there, Rumble should be strong enough to contribute and the attention should turn to getting picks with Syndra somewhere. This match-up is going to be hard for EDG, they are the ones that have to make plays and they are going to be hard against SHR. If they can get a lead, they can keep SHR separated by pushing multiple lanes and looking for picks in the rotations.

Game Notes -

EDG let SHR get a few picks they should not, particularly the Ryze and Orianna. This may really bite them in the rear in this all important final match.

Tristana gets caught out by Thresh and Twitch at level 1 and is forced to pick up his Rocket Jump and burn Flash to escape. He does make a great escape choice by escaping up the river, farther away from Twitch, rather than towards the lane which might have got him killed.

The Tristana catch forces SHR to move to the 2v1 lanes, but EDG does not read this and gives a slight advantage to SHR.

EDG trade top turret for dragon very early. This, I think is actually in benefit for SHR, as they want to move back to the 2v2 lane after Tristana's weak period from the level 1 is over, and because this does give Ryze a slight advantage in the top. I do not like this trade in most situations, as the gold difference is very little but the map play is huge. In this match-up I like it even less. EDG have to make the plays and EDG have to get they picks. They are the ones who need to open up the map and find ways to force rotational mistakes from SHR.

Thresh messes up his flash and flays forward instead of back. This makes him miss Tristana and SHR can escape the attempted gank.

EDG draw First Blood in middle. Orianna tries to bait Syndra in, but Khazix is there before Jarvan and the burst from Syndra/Khazix is able to kill her. A slight misplay when trying to make a play of their own. EDG are able to take dragon as well.

EDG try to force a play on bot lane with TP, but earns nothing. Thresh hooks too soon after flay, not even waiting to see if flay would create the situation they wanted, and then there was nothing for EDG to catch with or force a flash out of.

A great long gank and equalizer earns EDG a kill on top lane. A small lead has come in for EDG, however they have not shut down SHR at all, just kept themselves slightly ahead. Game is still going in SHR's favor, as long as they can realize this.

SHR get their first turret when the duo lane takes the bot turret alone.

The game is so slow, that its almost hard to realize how late it is and what items players have.

The first team fight of the game looks to happen at dragon. Posturing goes on for awhile, but Orianna is seemingly out alone and Twitch goes to make the pick. However the bait is strong and a hero pink ward allows Orianna to completely stop Twitch. SHR are able to then take a second kill, dragon and the mid turret. However they are a little slow on the turret kill and Rumble is able to get his TP off. EDG get 2 kills and take the mid turrets, both T1 and T2. The whole situation ends up with 2 for 2 in kills, 1 dragon and 1 turret to SHR, and 2 turrets to EDG.

SHR keeping the game even right now only works towards their favor. If they can keep this up for 12 more minutes, they should have the game turn to them completely.

A crazy fight top starts when Twitch gets caught out but he lives. EDG are able to the kill on Jarvan and a lot of damage onto SHR, but Thresh goes too deep and dies, then the fight turns with some very aggressive but very good play by Tristana and her team backing her up. Fight goes 4 for 2 in SHR's favor. Syndra tries for a catch, but misses her stun and dies, another kill to Tristana, but as Tristana/Janna try to escape, Rumble TP's to block them they get the kill onto Tristana so in the end, 5 for 3 in SHR's favor, a great trade for SHR, especially with the 3 kills onto Tristana.

EDG catch Jarvan out, but SHR is able to escape. EDG burn important ultimates for this and get nothing. When Jarvan heals, SHR are able to take dragon.

Game slows down again for awhile and the Baron dance begins. SHR are in complete control of the game now though, and its up to them to win or lose.

SHR force the TP burn from Rumble.

EDG get a pick onto Tristana in the mid lane, just barely catching out and killing her, but they do get her. EDG bait the Baron, and get a good catch, but a great Ryze flash away from EDG, into the Baron pit, and onto Twitch gets him the kill for his life, but does prevent EDG from being able to start Baron after.

Another good pick onto Jarvan gets him really low, and an Equalizer almost kills him, but Janna saves Jarvan with her ultimate. This does mean SHR have the advantage to push with 2 ultimates down on EDG's side. SHR push and take EDG's T2 mid turret and then bait Baron. SHR get a kill onto Rumble and start Baron. A very bold play but Rumble's ultimate is gone and Twitch's is still down. SHR are able to get the Baron before EDG can commit to the fight. SHR are able to take the top T2 as well. This is the final nail in the coffin for EDG, or at least should be. SHR have Baron, a solid gold lead, and the better 5v5 composition and have scaled into the late-game.

SHR start to push the bottom lane, the best lane to push when you have Baron and nothing else is already open.

SHR are able to force open the bot lane, EDG cannot really fight. SHR are able to get the inhibitor and then get a catch, and then end the game.

Item Notes -

Where is the Locket, again......

End Game Notes -

SHR recuperate their emotions and are able to play a steady game and deny EDG the win and the early-game.

EDG fall off a bit of their deny Ryze or Orianna and it really hurts them.

This match was the closest one yet however, going close meant that SHR was going to win eventually.

What Edward Gaming should have done -

I feel that, this game was lost in champion select. SHR got Ryze, something that Cola really needed to get, and then gave away Orianna instead of picking it before SHR could. EDG let SHR get a very solid composition that could survive and stay strong through the early and mid-game and then scale into the late-game. I would have also loved to have seen Corki picked up instead of Twitch. This would have given EDG that little bit of oomph that they needed to break through the defenses of SHR in the mid-game and turn that into a win. EDG let SHR really get a composition they shine at, and did not bring enough hammers to break it down before it got truly strong.

In the game, I can't say that EDG did much wrong. They got an early lead, though small, and they played it well. They needed to make a few risky plays to get the lead they had to get to win, however they did not work out and unfortunately for EDG they lead to SHR taking the lead and strolling to the win from there.

One of the only changes I would have made, in game, is the initial dragon for turret trade. I would have much rather seen EDG take a turret as well and open up the map so that they could find the picks that they needed.

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