Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSB vs. FNC Game #2

Fnatic vs. Samsung Blue Game #2
2v1 Lanes, FNatic Top

Twitch Zilean
Yasuo Alistar
Khazix Lucian

1. Lee Sin 2. Thresh
3. Tristana 2. Elise
3. Janna 4. Maokai
5. Rumble 4. Corki
5. Zed 6. Talon

Lane Match-ups – Fnatic

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Lee Sin is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
A very volatile match-up, if either champion gets ahead the lane will shift heavily into their favor. Zed should get as much poke as possible. At level 2 Zed will have the all-in potential and use it to push Talon out of lane or at least away from the creeps. At level 6 the match-up becomes a game of chicken with their ultimates, whoever uses theirs first most likely losing the fight. Any damage brought in by the junglers will help shift this match-up.

Bot -
Tristana/Janna is a slightly weaker lane than Corki/Thresh, but not by too much. Good Tornadoes to keep Thresh back and proper shielding by Janna will keep them in the fight in the lane. Things will get rougher as Corki gains levels and items, hitting his power-spike. FNC should just farm as much as possible, and hope to get ahead with Lee Sin ganks. Look for a potential tower trade, moving up top as the level 6's hit.

Jungle -
Lee Sin has the strength over Elise early on and should look to use it by trying to catch her out in human form in the jungle or by creating early ganks on mid and top, forcing her out. Must be aware of getting caught by the cocoon and letting Elise get her burst first.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Elise to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Lee Sin damage will be much higher.

Mid -
A very volatile match. This lane will swing very heavily from the first kill/forced back on. Talon must respect that Zed will take an early lead at level 2, and accept it. From level 3 on, the match-up will be a bit of a toss up. Zed will have the greater poke potential as well as being able to trade evenly with Talon. Creep damage will be on Zed's side, as Talon must go onto Zed to get down his harassment, while Zed does not. Early help from Elise can really shift this match-up. Level 6 will be a game of chicken, whoever uses their ultimate first and tries to fight will most likely lose. Talon however, can combo Zed and then ultimate out. Dealing some damage and fast clearing the wave before moving elsewhere.

Bot -
SSB's duo lane will have an easy time in against FNC. There is really no threat from Tristana/Janna while all the potential lies with SSB in all aspects of the lane. However it will be hard to kill FNC's lane and the focus should be on bullying them out and denying CS.

Jungle -
Elise will lose out to Lee Sin early, but Elise is a pick made to be part of a composition and not on her power alone. Elise should farm, try to watch for and mirror Lee Sin, being prepared to save her allies when he tries to gank. Early Dragons will be useful as well, as she is very strong at this.

Team Composition/Strategy – Fnatic

*Win Condition – Do your own thing and win the game. Win game win lane.

Ew. This Fnatic team has no synergy at all. Tristana needs to scale into late game and only has the single protection of Janna in this match-up. Rumble really wants to bully around neutral objectives but has no synergy with anyone else on the team. Zed wants to just win his lane and then split-push, not being as effective in a full on team fight, but FNC have no wave clear to keep SSB at bay while he does so. Fnatic has to win their lanes hard to be able to win this game. Pick a lane and hard focus it. Preferably mid or top, and then just try to snowball that strength into dragon fights and split-push. Very difficult with the power spike of Talon and Corki. MUST get themselves a favorable early game.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Team-fight in 5v5's. Poke out FNC with Corki while sieging turrets. Avoid fights with FNC in the jungles.

SSB have a much much stronger team composition. Maokai and Elise will make a solid front-line duo. Corki can poke FNC in extended sieges or defenses and prep the FNC team for Talon to go all in and deal his decent AoE damage. There is so much AoE and tank ability on SSB and fighting FNC who are almost all single target. SSB just need to get a little tanky early and then use Corki's power-spike with Trinity Force to take control of the map. Their only real worry at this time is Rumble ultimate, and there is nothing to lock SSB in it. On top of the team-fight prowess that SSB had, they also have Elise and Thresh for getting picks. All in all, a superior team composition by far.

Game Notes -

FNC do not ward their red side jungle at the start, and do not go for an invade. Janna going for a late ward gets collapsed on. Runs the wrong way, however did not see Elise coming to cut her off.

SSB try to invade FNC's blue, but get caught out and FNC get a kill and then steal SSB's red buff while Elise takes FNC's red buff.

FNC with huge CS lead due to the invade.

Essential cocoon dodge by Rumble saves him from a tower dive.

Maokai uses TP to head top, committing himself away from dragon.

FNC do a neat lane swap, sending Zed top against Maokai and their duo lane mid against Talon.

Rumble recalling in a dumb spot gets delayed on his back.

SSB take dragon when Zed and FNC's duo switch lanes again.

Rumble catches Elise out and 1v1's her.

An amazing Thresh hook/Flash lantern gets Talon a kill onto Lee Sin.

FNC trying to catch SSB out in their jungle ends up in a small skirmish, going 1 for 1.

Thresh tries to ward w/o back-up and gets caught in FNC's jungle.

SSB get another free dragon.

Zed makes a great play after getting caught by Talon, and wins the duel just barely and then takes T1 bot turret. I must point out that Talon, finishing Hydra is likely what lost him this fight, the gold allocation is bad this early on for Talon. He could get more burst spending the gold going from Tiamat to Hydra, on a pick-axe and long sword, moving into Last Whisper.

SSB get a third free dragon. FNC is not getting anything when SSB takes these.

Tristana gets caught top.

With a lack of wave clear, Rumble essentially wastes his ultimate clearing a creep wave with it.

Because Rumble's ultimate is down, they miss a perfect opportunity to engage in a 3v3 over a ward fight.

So much time has been invested by FNC into Tristana, who does now have 2 items, but she still lacks protection from the team.

FNC catch Talon in bot with 2 on 1. FNC burn Rumble ultimate and Zed ultimate. Does work out though and FNC get mid T1.

However, FNC move to bot T2, while SSB go for Baron. Rumble equalizer being down, just barely, prevents him from stalling at Baron and gets caught trying to wait for it to come up.

FNC get the inhibitor, SSB get the Baron. Good play by FNC after they noticed SSB had started Baron. FNC also get Dragon, this gives the gold advantage and the map pressure advantage for this trade to FNC. However, SSB are very strong in a siege or team-fight.

Another great hook/lantern from Thresh allows Talon to kill Zed.

SSB siege the top T2 turret. Their team composition really letting them do this easy, poking with saplings and Corki missiles. Talon goes to clear mid and FNC send to push him out. FNC lose their top turret.

Rumble tries to engage in a 3v4, Janna and Zed are en route but no close enough at all. Zed decides to go after Talon, instead of joining the fight FNC have started, and Janna gets to the fight after its over. FNC lose 2 and then their top inhibitor. No reason to initiate this fight.

FNC sneak a dragon when SSB back.

SSB take baron after taking vision control, FNC unable to fight them.

FNC can no longer even attempt to fight SSB. Tristana has 4 items, but FNC cannot provide the team she needs to fight.

SSB siege FNC's base and slowly take all the inhibitors.

FNC make a good engage and trade 1 for 1, but SSB keep up the pressure mid with 2 lanes of super minions pushing hard into FNC's base. When Talon's ultimate comes back up, they dive the low FNC members. SSB get an Ace, though only Elise survives. Maokai TP's in and they finish off FNC's base.

Item Notes -

Rumble knowing that the lane swap was happening, starts with a Ruby Crystal for a quicker Haunting Guise.

Thresh goes Aegis and not Mikael's <3 because FNC have 0 lockdown.

End Game Notes -

FNC played very well but they lost to their team composition. Going even with SSB early on did not allow them to get the lead they had to have to beat SSB's better team composition.

Rumble used his ultimate several times to clear waves or unnecessarily on kills and it really cost FNC.

SSB took quite awhile to really let their composition start.

What Fnatic should have done -

Change their team composition. It was just horrid and had 0 synergy at all. I really wanted to see the Zed pick changed to Orianna or Xerath or something else. This would have given FNC more control, wave clear that they desperately needed, and disengage to protect Tristana. This would have been the biggest change and given their team, not complete synergy, but at least some synergy with Rumble/Orianna, and Tristana/Orianna. FNC's team had 0 synergy and it showed and cost them the game.

In game, they did well, but some wasted ultimates and then bad fight choices ended up solidifying the loss. On top of this, Fnatic let SSB have 3 free dragons, taking nothing for them.

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