Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - C9 vs. NWS Game #2

Cloud9 vs. Najin White Shield Game #2
Standard Lanes

Thresh Maokai
Lee Sin Zilean
Ryze Alistar

1. Zed 2. Nami
3. Khazix 2. Elise
3. Corki 4. Ahri
5. Rumble 4. Kayle
5. Janna 6. Twitch

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top -
Pretty even match-up between Kayle and Rumble. Both should be able to cs fine in lane. Early harassment will go in Kayle's favor, but Rumble can easily turn around for the slow and flamespitter damage because of Kayle's short range. Whoever gets ahead will be able to start to bully the lane, as both champions do sustained damage. Both are vulnerable to ganks, but in a 2v2 fight, Rumble and Khazix should come out on top.

Mid -
A very even match-up in mid lane. The winner will be determined by skill. Zed has a lot of mobility with his shadows to dodge out on Ahri's skills and both have good farming and poke abilities. Zed should play out the lane, getting CS, poking with his Q, and absolutely dodging out on Ahri's charm. Getting charmed will turn the match-up. Things will get explosive once level 6 is reached as the kill potential for both champions is very high. Zed must remember that where he shows up after his ultimate is completely predictable and expect a Charm to be enroute. However, if Ahri's Charm is ever down, Zed has the opportunity to go completely all in without fear of much reprecussion. Should be safe against ganks, as long as he keeps his shadow up when C9 does not know where Elise is.

Bot Lane -
C9 have a slightly better match-up down here. Janna/Corki will be able to provide high damage and burst against Twitch/Nami. As long as Corki does not get caught by Nami bubble, the lane should always remain in there favor. At level 6, Twitch can have the all-in advantage, but C9 should be able to easily disengage from it and wait out Twitch's ultimate, retaking the lane easily after.

Jungle -
Khazix should look to avoid Elise in the early stages as she will win 1v1 fights unless Khazix can get the jump on her in human form. Khazix will definitely scale better and from level 6 on will have the advantage. Bot and mid lane should be safe without Khazix and he should look to focus his attentions on top lane, looking for a good counter-gank onto top lane if Elise shows up.

Lane Match-ups – Najin White Shield

Top -
Pretty even match-up between Kayle and Rumble. Both should be able to cs fine in lane. Early harassment will go in Kayle's favor, but Rumble can easily turn around for the slow and flamespitter damage because of Kayle's short range. Whoever gets ahead will be able to start to bully the lane, as both champions do sustained damage. Both are vulnerable to ganks, but in a 2v2 fight, Rumble and Khazix should come out on top.

Mid -
A very even, skill based match-up. Both Ahri and Zed have even amounts of farm, harass, and all-in potential. The deciding factor will really be how well Ahri can land Charms and how well they both play with their ultimates. Getting help from Elise can really turn this match-up, but getting in on Zed will be hard.

Bot -
This match-up is slightly against NWS. There is greater bully potential from C9 at most if not all stages in this match-up. NWS should either lane swap, or be prepared to lose the lane gracefully, relying on sustain to keep Twitch farming. If at some point Corki's dash is down, then a good bubble would give NWS the edge in a trade or all-in.

Jungle -
Elise can bully Khazix early on, avoiding isolation damage with spiderlings and having solid upfront damage. NWS should look to put there focus on shutting down Rumble. Elise can do her normal jungle clear and then move to try to catch Khazix in his blue side jungle. Since Elise likes to start an early ward, placing this on C9's blue jungle after the invade would give them great control and the ability to put a lot of pressure onto Rumble.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud 9

*Win Conditions – Snowball a huge mid-game power spike. Split-push with Zed while being able to wave clear/poke with Corki.

C9's team has a team with a massive power spike in the mid-game. Corki/Rumble/Janna are all amazing come level 6 and their first items. C9 will look to control early dragons and teamfights and snowball a victory. Expect to see Rumble as a lynch-pin in C9's strategy, his ultimate zoning out NWS while the rest of C9 burst down targets. Later on, as the game progresses, C9 can look to use Corki to hold back NWS while Zed split-pushes lanes as the strongest split-pusher in this match by far. Whether ahead or behind, strategic control of the map and dragon will be key in C9's ability to win.

*Note – With Twitch being an immobile ADC, Rumble ultimates zoning him in fights will be key in the late game.

Team Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield

*Win Conditions -Get picks in the mid game and snowball the lead from that into a victory. Have Kayle and Twitch reach their late game potential.

Najin have a heavy pick oriented composition with Kayle to provide protection against Zed and for Twitch. Najin must play carefully against the power spikes of C9 and avoid early-mid game teamfights. By pressuring around the map, especially early on, NWS can get solid vision control which is paramount to pick compositions. Once the laning phase is ending, NWS should look to get small skirmishes going in which they can use their CC and/or Twitch suprise to snag kills here and there. Moving into the late game, Kayle and Twitch should out-scale C9's team. With C9's team lacking any hard CC except Janna knock-up, a Twitch getting a solid flank and receiving Intervention from Kayle should allow him to deal massive amounts of damage to C9.

Game Notes -

Janna/Corki get good level 1 harass onto Nami. However, Janna continues to harass Nami while Corki trades with Twitch not getting Janna shield and they trade even. Twitch will get ahead with the sustain of Janna. Forces an early back from Corki.

Elise is able to sneak into the bottom bush, getting a solid gank onto Janna. Nami backs up for some unknown reason and is not in range to chain CC onto Janna for the kill.

Zed being MIA gives away a gank top.

Make note of the 5 ranged comp of NWS.

Great bubble in bot lane and charm in mid lane give NWS the damage they need to take dragon easily.

Ahri take mid turret early, due to the wave clear and pressure she has been putting onto Zed.

Note the deep wards of NWS.

Great trading against Twitch from Corki will turn into a major engage. Rumble TP's in, turns dangerous. Does not Flash Nami ultimate and ends up taking a ton of CC and damage, getting him killed. He does get off a great ult, but it just barely does not get kills. Results in First Blood for NWS and a ton of burned summoners from NWS (only ignite is up for Ahri).

Khazix gives away position by hitting Ahri for no gain.

Item Notes -

Early Zhonya from Ahri and Intervention from Kayle make it very hard for Zed to find a target.

NWS get a second dragon by having the exact timer and being ready with vision control and positioning.

A 4 man push onto mid results in great damage onto C9's T2 turret but C9 engage as 4 and chase NWS away. With no summoners from the previous big fight, a great Janna tornado and an amazing Rumble ultimate result in them getting 2 kills, mid T1 and bottom T1 turrets. (NWS was running towards Twitch, but should have just ran mid instead of getting locked down near the wall/turret remains).

C9 hit a major item and level spike and push down outer top turret. Trade for bot turret. However opening up the map is great for C9, any turrets they can trade will be good as taking turrets in 5v5's will be much harder for them.

C9 start to take vision of dragon with their spike. Dragon attempt turns into C9 making a catch and team fight ensuing. C9 come out ahead with 3 kills for 2. C9 low, thinking they had done enough to NWS, attempt a very very risky dragon and end up being caught, trade 1 for 2 and lose dragon.

C9 will rotate rotate rotate and focus on vision around objectives as they roam as 5. However, NWS push down mid and take T2 mid and the mid Inhibitor turret. They do trade for T2 and inhibitor turret with Zed split-push.

NWS get a good engagement onto C9, but great play by Janna and a good Rumble ultimate get C9 away without dieing. Being low however they move to take dragon. Zed uses this opportunity to once again split-push top.

NWS catch C9 again with Twitch and once again just barely miss kills. Seeing Zed top they back off, but can't decide what to do, canceling several recall as they decide what to do. Nami ends up alone in base against Zed. (huge misplay by NWS, they had the chance to take mid inhibitor in trade, or push for it and send 2 back to deal with Zed while the rest of C9 are low. Not seeing the team of NWS, Zed backs (good to be safe).

C9 take Baron vision control after NWS back.

Notice how Corki uses a missle to spot out Twitch when they see NWS rushing forward.

Zed is in a great split-push postion and NWS is too far out. C9 will look to stop backs. Zed does back off as NWS collapse. Zed hides in the top bush, constantly recalling in case NWS are near.

C9 get Zed into position through this bush hiding and get NWS out of position. C9 rush Baron and Zed rushes the inhibitor, this will force NWS to make a decision and fast, almost guaranteeing that they lose at least one. The decision takes long enough that Zed gets the inhibitor and a kill, but dies. Amazing strategic play.

NWS get a great engage. A perfect tornado and a great Rumble ultimate save the day, keeping the fight from really get out of hand for C9. They come out going 2 for 3, but ending up with more hp to take the dragon. C9 ALMOST came out with the team win as well. Amazing shadow play by Zed, he runs up to Twitch when he is invulnerable, and uses his ultimate onto Nami, returning to the shadow next to Twitch when he is vulnerable.

C9 return tot he split-push and Baron vision play again.

C9 get an opportunity to push mid with NWS off to the side. NWS collapse, and C9 run into the jungle, espcaing as NWS does not want to chase them through a funnel.

Note the minion waves at this moment, and C9's crazy flanking aggression.

NWS engage with Twitch too far out front. (needs to stop trying to engage onto Corki. A beautiful Rumble ult completely cuts off NWS and deals a ton of damage to Twitch, forcing out the Intervention. Zed and Khazix will chase and flank, until they can leap in and kill Twitch. At this point it is 2 late game damage dealers against Kayle with no ultimate and Elise/Nami who are both more like supports. Ahri leaves her team to attack a Rumble who has already used his ultimate.

C9 claim a 4 for 2 and gain Baron. Taking Baron is huge for C9, much better than an inhibitor. In a sneaky play they heal and rush to backdoor NWS open top inhibitor, using the dragon NWS take as a bait.

C9 quickly clear out the remaining outer turrets and rush bottom inhibitor turret, surprising NWS as Twitch is clearing out a wave up top. (C9 do not slow down here.)

C9 have the ability to take the inhibitor, but with all of NWS in the red, Corki goes overly aggressive and gets locked up by CC. C9 do take the turret, but lose the fight and 2 GA's.

C9 return to put pressure onto the bottom inhibitor, but the super minion threat up top ends.

NWS once again try to engage in middle, but Twitch only gets his engage Spray and Pray onto Rumble. An aboslutely beast Rumble ultimate catches onto 3 members of NWS letting Rumble and Corki 2v3 and take almost no damage, meanwhile Janna/Khazix/Zed fight Kayle and Ahri. Kayle ultimate is used on an out of combat low hp Twitch and C9 get an ace and take the game.

Item Notes -

Early Hexdrinkers from C9. Great item pick-ups.

NWS do not pick-up an Aegis/Locket. Instead Nami grabs Mikael's against 0 CC. Really bad choice.

End Game Notes -

C9's team-fighting capability is amazing.

C9 use

NWS did not know how to react to the map pressure, rotations, and split-push of Cloud9. They really got out-rotated and surprised, making slow reactions to the Zed threat.

NWS also try a little too hard for some of there engages and Twitch gets too far ahead of his team.

What Najin White Shield should have done -

I think the two main points that NWS did wrong, were not knowing what to do against the split-push that C9 had going. They could not decide how to respond and got pulled apart by the vision control and the pressure. NWS needed to get several wards on the hiding spots that Zed can use up top. (Bushes near the lanes), and to have a decisive plan on what to do when Zed is spotted/pushes and act on it instantly.

The second point is that several of their attempted engages had Twitch overextending alone, essentially starting fights 1v5. C9 would disengage, split up to prevent Twitches massive damage, and then Rumble would turn the fights with his ultimate. Twitch really needed a good flank, with NWS rushing in to pincer C9 and get in range to ultimate Twitch then. They really just split themselves up too far too many times.

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