Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSW vs. EDG Game #2

Samsung White vs. Edward Gaming Game #2
Standard Lanes

Zilean Yasuo
Rengar Kassadin
Thresh Alistar

1. Maokai 2. Ryze
3. Janna 2. Khazix
3. Twitch 4. Nami
5. Fizz 4. Kog'maw
5. Jarvan 6. Ziggs

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Ryze vs. Maokai will be a fairly farm centric lane. Maokai will sustain through Ryze's harassment while being unable to apply solo kill pressure against him. Both champions will be picking up Rod of Ages and will begin to scale up slowly. Maokai however, has great item pathing ability with EDG's team having a double AP comp, and a Kog'maw. Gank pressure will be stronger for Maokai, the dual CC of him and Jarvan will be able to put kill pressure onto Ryze, alternately, Maokai should only be under threat of a gank if he is pushes up to Ryze's tower.

Mid -
Fizz is going to have a rough time in this lane and should be spending most of his time farming under tower. Ziggs can heavily poke him at early levels, and trade very well with Fizz's level 3 combos. As the lane progresses, Fizz will have the kill pressure on Ziggs, if Ziggs ever gets in range of Fizz while Ziggs' satchel charge is down. Fizz will need to farm as best as possible, while keeping his HP high enough to be of use if Jarvan comes for an early mid game gank.

Bot -
Twitch/Janna have some very strong all in potential at levels 1 and 2. If they can earn themselves a lead here, they should be able to hold onto the lane pressure. However, past that mark, EDG will have the sustain to hold them in lane, and Kog'maw can get off a few shots of harassment with his E range. It will be up to Janna to stop this damage from coming in to Twitch and allowing him to possible return a shot or two with the shield. Level 6 will tilt the lane much more into EDG's favor, unless SSW can find a good all-in with Twitch dodging/flashing Nami bubble or ultimate. Ganks against Kog'maw will be really effective, especially once Kog'maw's flash is down.

Jungle -
Jarvan will get out-farmed by Khazix however his gank potential is much stronger. If he can avoid the counter-gank from Khazix, Jarvan should be able to turn the lanes into his team's favor. One kill in any of these lanes will provide a very large advantage to the kill potential and thus the lane dominance of SSW's team.

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Ryze should be able to easily farm and scale up in this lane, while applying some pressure to Maokai. It is unlikely that he will be able to apply enough pressure early on to matter though, and the same goes for Maokai. This lane will be an even farm fest unless the jungler's intervene. Ryze must be wary of the double CC combo of SSW, while knowing that Maokai must be far down the lane for Ryze and Khazix to secure a kill onto him.

Mid -
Ziggs has a very favorable match-up. While it is unlikely that he will be able to kill Fizz, he can keep him down extremely well. Harassment will be key for Ziggs in levels 1 and two. Lots of bombs and auto attacks to burn through Fizz's flask and pots. At level 3 and beyond, Ziggs must be ready to trade if Fizz goes in, and attempt to long range farm and harass with bombs. The biggest threat will come from jungle ganks from Jarvan as well as when Fizz reaches level 6. Ziggs however, with proper warding, should be able to easily farm from a safe range in this lane.

Bot -
EDG should be fine in this lane, they need to avoid the level 1 or 2 all-in from Janna and Twitch, however after this point they should be safe in lane. Attempt to get of some harass with Kog'Maw E, but be wary of the return damage from Twitch and Janna shield. Farm until 6 while warding against Jarvan. At 6, the lane should shift more heavily in EDG's favor. Kog'maw providing more harassment and Nami having greater disengage. Beware the Jarvan ganks against Kog'maw, especially at 6.

Jungle -
Khazix will out-farm Jarvan. His primary focus will be on farming and trying to mirror Jarvan around the map, providing counter-gank and counter-jungle opportunities. It's up to Jarvan to make the plays, and Khazix to prevent them. The best gank opportunities will come from top lane if Maokai is pushed up to Ryze's tower, sneaking into a bush in bot lane, or a counter-engage onto Fizz if he tries to trade with Ziggs.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Picks from Twitch, Small skirmishes with Fizz, and all-in 5v5 teamfights on good engages.

SSW have crafted a three strike point team. Fizz is very strong in a skirmish or split-push scenario. As long as he does not get shut down in the early game. Getting these skirmishes will be a huge boon for SSW, as they will heavily go in their favor. Twitch as well can get picks come mid game, stealthing in and surprising EDG in other lanes. With these two points going well, it will lead SSW into strong teamfights, both their engagement and their flanking abilities are very high. While they must be wary of EDG's disengage abilities, if they can get a lead, they will be able to continue the engage through them. Early dragon fights should also be a key point for this team composition. Much more suited to fighting in the open rather than on turrets.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Stay safe in lane, get the farm, and then transition to sieging turrets. Avoid deadly jungle skirmishes and dragon fights. Use their superior wave clear, poke, and disengage to put pressure on the turrets, and use clever rotations to keep SSW on the defensive.

EDG's team has some very major turret pushing power with Ziggs, Kog'maw, and Khazix. Their kiting and zoning abilities combined with Nami disengage are superior to the engagement that SSW can provide. SSW also lack good wave clear so EDG should be able to siege and slowly whittle down SSW's turrets all while keeping them on the defensive. While the lanes are similar in match-up strength, I would still like to see a lane swap. This would facilitate tower pressure earlier and a trade of top turret for dragon would be beneficial in my mind. Regardless, once the first turret falls, EDG should make a concerted attempt to start the siege. The biggest threat will come in the form of flanks, so good vision control to see TP flanks or Twitch stealth flanks coming.

Game Notes -

Nami gets some good harassment at level one, but then uses her heal more for harass after and loses out on healing potential. Kog'maw takes good harassment from Twitch.

SSW push bot lane to the turret right after level 2 and then take an early back to buy a few items/consumables. When they return, Janna gets some very deep wards. Does cost Twitch some CS.

EDG back soon after, most likely to pick up wards, however Kog'maw is unable to finish his phage, would have preferred for them to wait until Kog'maw could pick this up. As it stands EDG's bot lane has missed out on a better item spike. Kog'maw and Nami, with the levels and now a better lane, begin to bully SSW's bot lane and keep them at their tower.

Fizz is out csing Ziggs. Unfortunately we do not get to see much of the lane.

Nami gives away their ward placement. Twitch hits 6 first in lane and immediately goes on the offensive, while Jarvan waits close by. The range from level 6 does allow Twitch to get off some good damage, but earns nothing in the end result. However SSW wanted to back and shop anyways, so they lost nothing as well in the offensive attempt.

Ryze does not respect the power of Sheen Fizz that is heading top for him (seen through pink ward and by Khazix) and with his low mana is unable to fight against the damage of Fizz and lock-down of Maokai. Khazix simply lets the gank happen, choosing to farm his wraiths rather than follow Fizz.

Meanwhile in bot lane, Twitch and Janna have returned to lane while EDG's bot lane have backed. This gives SSW a window to 3 man dragon. Especially when they see Khazix in his top side jungle they know they have the opportunity to take drag before EDG can respond.

EDG still have great pressure in bot lane, by evidence of the CS lead and the lane bullying.

Maokai attempts to TP bottom, forcing EDG to back off of a fight they could have won, and causing Kog'maw to burn his flash. The TP gets stopped by Ryze though. If Ryze could have communicated the TP denial earlier, Kog'maw could have saved his flash and instead won the 2v2 fight. However, because Kog'maw's flash and Nami's ultimate is down, a bait by Twitch will allow Jarvan a lane gank into ultimate on Kog'maw and the kill.

On the back, SSW send their bot lane up top, since they are losing lane. The timing of the switch coincides with Ryze backing, and results in them taking top turret in exchange for bottom turret.

*It's at this point that I would love to see EDG move into tower siege. Unfortunately, it is 15 minutes in and everyone has their first item so it will be more difficult, however playing the split-push, lanes, or skirmishes will result in SSW winning. EDG need to group and put the pressure onto SSW.

As the second dragon comes up, Ryze is top lane while Maokai is already at dragon. EDG have no hope and give up dragon. Preferably, EDG would have been grouped mid, putting pressure on tower and getting damage. Taking something for dragon and/or dealing poke/kite damage if SSW tries to fight.

SSW put pressure on EDG's blue buff. EDG opt into the fight and give up 4 kills for 0 to Samsung. EDG had no reason to be in the jungle for that skirmish. That is where SSW's team shines and EDG's does not. At this point, the lead has shifted heavily into SSW's favor, and this is the really the closing point of the game.

SSW continue their rotational lane pressure in one's and twos, always staying close enough to collapse in the jungle. This results in more small skirmishes, eventually leading to Baron.

SSW shows their overconfident nature again, going from Baron in with the team is low, to EDG's blue buff. EDG get 2 kills, blue, and dragon from this overconfident play. EDG is still too far behind.

Twitch makes a super aggressive play mid, pushes Ziggs out of lane, removing the wave clear from EDG and netting them T2 mid turret.

With their 10k gold lead, and engagement potential, SSW dive deep into EDG's base, Ace them and take a turret. Really great play, even with the lead.

EDG go for a very deep, very aggressive pick onto Twitch. It is what they need to do to make a comeback, however it backfires and EDG lose a few members in the re-engage.

*Note – While SSW definitively win the game by continuing to build themselves a lead, once again they make a few overconfident plays as well as taking longer than necessary to close out the game.

End Game Notes -

Unfortunately this is another example of a team playing their composition incorrectly against Samsung White and playing into SSW's hand. EDG played too passively, allowing the lane phase to continue on too long. Not respecting the Fizz gank top as well as the bad timing on Khazix in the top jungle and EDG's bot lane backing resulting in a dragon for SSW gives Samsung a decent lead at this point in the game. At this point, or preferably before, EDG should have used the power of their team composition against SSW instead of fighting to SSW's team composition in the skirmishes and jungle.

What Edward Gaming should have done -

First and foremost I would have started out with 2v1 lanes. Ryze and Maokai should do evenly in the 2v1's. The advantage will come with an earlier tower take up top. EDG could then transition into the tower siege play that their composition is good at. EDG needed to put SSW on the defensive and control the map themselves, rather than letting SSW control the pace of the game. If they wanted to stick with the 2v2's, then EDG should have put some extra pressure on Bot lane with Khazix, or perhaps an Elise, and taken the bot turret much earlier, then transitioned into mid/top lane siege. EDG badly misplayed their composition, fell behind because of it, and essential got destroyed by SSW.

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