Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - TSM vs. SK Game #1

Team Solo Mid vs. SK Gaming Game #1
Standard Lanes

Nidalee Lulu
Kayle Zed
Aatrox Syndra

1. Alistar 2. Lucian
3. Lee Sin 2. Khazix
3. Nami 4. Mundo
5. Tristana 4. Sona
5. Yasuo 6. Orianna

Lane Match-ups – Team Solo Mid

Top -
Alistar and Mundo will have a pretty standard farming top lane. Neither champion will have an innate advantage over the other, however the lane can be turned by the jungle ganks. Mundo is much more susceptible to a dive or short gank, while the slows from Khazix and Mundo will allow a chase down a longer lane. Alistar should do his best to push lane and clear waves, then try to make TP plays or fight with Lee Sin and Yasuo in small skirmishes in the jungle or mid lane. Once Trinity Force comes into play, Alistar will have a little bit more bully potential, but not enough to make a significant difference. A long fight will still play out in Mundo's advantage.

Mid -
Yasuo has a slightly rough time against Orianna, but not enough to really be shut down from fighting. Good use of dashes through creeps can make it very hard for Orianna to hit him with offensive ball movement, and with good positioning Yasuo can get in some poke onto Orianna when his flow charge is full. As the lane progresses, Yasuo will gain bully presence at level 6, but will lose it once Orianna is able to wave clear in a spell cast or two. Both lack solo lane kill potential, barring any major mistakes, and any ultimate trades should come out with even damage. The major advantage that Yasuo has is with the jungler, Lee Sin. Once both are level 6, the kill pressure from a gank onto Orianna will skyrocket. It is at this point that they should take advantage of the lane.

Bot -
The bot lane match-up is a trade off between greater poke from Lucian/Sona, and better CC from Trist/Nami. The lane should remain even for a good part of the game. If Tristana/Nami want to pull a lead, they should push heavily into SK's tower. Being stuck at the tower will lower SK's harass and poke potential to a great degree, while TSM's lane holds onto a better all-in fight, as long as Nami hits the bubbles. A jungle gank from either side will sway this lane. At level 6, the greater potential lies in Tristana/Nami, as they have better and more tools for safety, even though they have a trickier engage/fight than SK's side.

Another Lee Sin against Khazix match. Both should go even on farm. In this particular game, Lee Sin should look to swing either top or bottom, without wasting too much farm time. An early dive, perhaps a 3 man dive, onto Mundo up top should prove very successful. Once Lee Sin hits 6, focus should shift to mid lane or jungle skirmishes near mid lane, synergizing with Yasuo ultimate.

Lane Match-ups – SK Gaming

Top -
Alistar and Mundo will have a pretty standard farming top lane. Neither champion will have an innate advantage over the other, however the lane can be turned by the jungle ganks. Mundo is much more susceptible to a dive or short gank, while the slows from Khazix and Mundo will allow a chase down a longer lane. Mundo needs to be wary of an early tower dive from Lee Sin as well as a follow up dive when Alistar reaches level 6. Outside of that, Mundo should farm as much as possible, stacking armor against TSM's team. Teleport plays should primarily be attempted on bottom lane.

Mid -
Orianna generally has an awkward time against Yasuo. His swift dashes combined with the flow shield make it hard to land solid harass against him while also using the ball for CS. Optimal placement of the ball will either be on top of Orianna, or in the middle of her own creep wave. Both of these options will serve to zone/deter Yasuo from attempting to harass Orianna back, as the quick short ball movements will be much easier to hit than if the ball were residing in the opposing creep wave. The ideal point in this match will be when Orianna is able to quick kill the creep wave in 2-3 spells, this nets her a much faster clear speed than Yasuo, as well as forcing minor creep damage onto him. Creeps attacking Yasuo are also much more predictable in their movement and this will help in avoiding Yasuo's dashes. Level 6 will be a feared point though, mostly because of the potential for Lee Sin ganks into an unavoidable Yasuo Ult. Good warding and safe play will be required when Lee Sin's position is unknown.

Bot -
Lucian/Sona have a better level 1 than Tristana/Nami and need to use it to their advantage. Keeping the wave even or in TSM territory will be essential for the better poke/bullying potential of SK's lane to be effective. Must be aware that a Nami bubble landing onto Sona could be disastrous, but must not allow that possibility to hold them back. Getting Khazix into a lane bush and then engaging onto Nami would be an ideal gank.

Jungle -
Another Khazix vs Lee Sin match-up. Not much new to say here. Khazix will farm mostly and look to counter-gank. Khazix should especially be looking to counter-gank or prevent a dive onto Mundo top. Other than that, look to punish an over pushed lane, and try to sneak in a bottom gank through a lane bush, particularly once Sona hits 6.

Team Compositions/Strategy – Team Solo Mid

*Win Condition – Get good Yasuo ultimates. Have Lee Sin make good early ganks and mid game plays to get the lead. Turn this lead into small skirmish and jungle objective control. Get Yasuo and Trist to scale before Mundo does, and try to create a lot of flanking plays to get to SK's back line.

What we see from TSM is very much a Yasuo composition with Tristana as a late game back up. TSM's largest spike will start at level 6, peak around level 11 and the mid game and then start to fall off after that. During their power spike, TSM must use their synergy with Yasuo to create small skirmish fights and solid lane ganks. EVERY champion on TSM's team can set Yasuo up. There are too many options for SK to reliably avoid them all. Mid game dragons will be key, and until Tristana gets sufficient range, they should avoid tower sieges in 5v5 fights, as SK has solid disengage potential, baring a Yasuo ultimate to the back line.

Team Compositions/Strategy – SK Gaming

*Win Condition – Do not fall behind in the early game, wait to scale up, and protect towers through wave clear and disengage. Get to a point where Alistar is no longer a major threat to your back line, Mundo is able to tank pretty much the entire TSM team with a high armor build, and Orianna's damage reaches her late game heavy threat potential.

SK's team is setup to scale into the late game and against TSM's full AD composition will do well against it if they can reach that point. Their play making ability is lacking, but their counter-engage and ability to punish over reaching TSM members is severe. Orianna and Khazix will need to defend towers as much as possible, keeping up the wave clear and delaying any time of objective snowball from TSM. The key point to being able to reach past the mid game TSM spike, is by avoiding Yasuo's ultimate. This will require good warding to avoid flanking, and respect for Lee Sin's “Insec” plays as well as Alistar's headbutt/pulverize combo. If TSM engages without reaching Orianna or Lucian with Yasuo, then the disengage from SK should prove superior.

Game Notes -

Orianna throws the ball away from herself deep into creeps while there is an easy dash path for Yasuo to engage along with his knock-up being active. With Lee Sin present, this step too close costs Orianna her flash.

Not having her flash or her ball, and having just used her dissonance against creeps, behind Yasuo. Yasuo once again dashes through creeps with knock-up, just barely reaching Orianna and allowing Lee Sin to come in to help secure the kill. Was a great play by Yasuo.

Mundo show's his prowess against Alistar.

Orianna picks up a chalice, in my opinion a bad item pick against this TSM team and against Yasuo.

Yasuo, with the assist on first blood and the slight exp advantage, Yasuo takes control of the lane.

Lack of warding against Alistar roam ends up with Orianna dieing under tower to Yasuo to the gank synergy.

Lee Sin gets too greedy for a kill on Lucian, misses the knock-back shot with his ultimate and ends up dieing for his attempt.

Top and bot lane are running even, but mid is severely behind. TSM takes this advantage and turns it into a dragon.

Note how weak vision is in the top side right now.

Small fight at blue, nothing gained or lost. Does result in a 3 man move to top, but only burns Mundo's flash.

A great engage by Sona almost nets Lucian a kill on bot lane, but the safety of the Tristana/Nami lane allow a quick disengage. The sustain of Nami will allow Tristana to stay and heal up to take the next wave, before both sides return to shop.

A solo engage by Yasuo onto Orianna results with Lee Sin being able to collapse and provide just enough damage to kill off Orianna.

Fast reaction times in bot lane save Tristana from being locked down by Crescendo. Nami in turn, locks down Sona, and Sona barely escapes. Lucian goes hard on Tristana, but miscalculates the damage and does not keep chasing for the last hit. (Should have anyways and went after Nami after Tristana). Lee Sin comes from behind to lock Sona and Lucian at the tower and TSM 5 man collapses with Alistar TP. Mundo TP's but only adds his own death. Leads to a dragon for TSM. Khazix, trying to poke, lets himself get caught by Yasuo, and goes down, as Orianna tries to help and dies for her troubles as well.

At this point, TSM is very strong at this point, having hit their mid game spike on all their champions. With the map already opened up, the game is pretty much solidified. TSM will run all three lanes in in small match-ups in which SK will try to make plays, but will lose to the lead TSM has. Eventually this results in a Baron.

With Baron and the lead that TSM is wielding, TSM use Tristana's range to push into SK's base and win the game.

End Game Notes -

Yasuo was the central figure in this match, with Lee Sin providing great support to him and the rest of the team. Orianna misplaying the match and building wrong led to Yasuo getting too strong for the team to deal with.

The big dive bottom was the solidifying factor for TSM's win. If Lucian had been more aggressive, he could have killed Tristana and then Nami, the dive would not have happened and the crazy snowball from that point would not have happened.

The TP into the 5 man dive was also ill-advised, Alistar will provide much more in a dive with his ultimate while Sona could be considered already dead with her low hp.

Khazix letting himself get caught right after dragon led to two more kills onto Yasuo.

This whole series of events led to TSM's huge lead and dominance over the rest of the game.

What SK Gaming needed to do -

Not let TSM get Yasuo. Their composition from the first three picks were very ideal for a final Yasuo pick. Aside from that, Orianna needed to respect Yasuo's dash range and use her ball movements as well as creep wave manipulation better. Keeping Yasuo from going on a rampage was key against this team, and SK did not make sure that did not happen. SK needed wards to watch for Alistar and Lee Sin flanks on top of the better play from mid lane. SK can take away, don't let these insane Yasuo compositions go through.

Item Notes -

I have to point out that Orianna built terribly. Going chalice against a physical damage mid, let alone against a full AD team. Orianna had a few routes that she could have chosen including, seekers/Zhonya's, triple Doran's, or Haunting Guise. All of which would give her some survivability against Yasuo. I would have love to have seen any of those items then, into tear after. That would give her early game survivability and the mana/regen she will need throughout the game. Building Zhonya's or Rod of Ages next would be ideal. Either item, on top of Archangel's shield will give her the survivability she will need in the mid to late game. In this instance, I would trade out my blue runes, and possibly my Quints for scaling CDR runes to cover the CDR she so desperately needs.

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