Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSW vs. DP Game #1

Dark Passage vs. Samsung White Game #1
Standard Lanes

Yasuo Nidalee
Zilean Maokai
Tristana Lucian

1. Alistar 2. Ryze
3. Khazix 2. Lee Sin
3. Thresh 4. Janna
5. Jinx 4. Vayne
5. Orianna 6. Talon

Lane Match-ups – Dark Passage

Top -
Alistar should have a bit of a rough time against Ryze. With the range advantage and the lack of all in potential early on for Alistar, Ryze should be able to bully him early. Picking up a point into Alistar's heal at level 2 may be very useful, unless you are expecting a gank from your jungler at that point. Although bullied, Alistar should be able to sustain through it when he picks up his heal. Using mana for the headbutt->auto attack combo will hurt Alistar's longevity in lane but the damage will stick to Ryze. Always keep enough mana for a headbutt/pulverize combo in case of a gank and heal > headbutt harassment when Alistar has extra mana. Wait for your jungler to really go aggressive, farm and play safe till then.

Mid -
Try to get your harassment in at level 1, Orianna has strong auto attacks and the ball zone/positioning is crucial against any melee champion at level 1. Gets a little trickier at level 3 when Talon has his full combo and will be able to jump in on you, do damage, and move out. Try to farm with your ball, and keep your distance, but don't sacrifice creeps for it. When talon leaps in, do not immediately recall the ball for the shield. Try to judge if Talon is going to try to fight, or just burst and run. If he chooses to fight, then recall the ball, otherwise auto attack Talon as he runs and use Command Attack and Dissonance as he is running away from you and towards your ball (since the ball should be somewhere in the lane at this point, by not using Command Protect for the shield there is less time for Talon to react and dodge your offensive ball movements). Alternately you can leash the ball as Talon goes in allowing you to use Protect without losing cast time due to ball movement. At level 6 this changes though and you will want to Protect instantly to survive Talon's large burst. Outside of that, farm like crazy and ward to watch his roam paths, be very careful when roaming yourself to follow Talon lest he turn around and kill you.

Bot -
Jinx can out-range Vayne pretty well from early on. Getting good rocket harassment is essential to winning this lane, however you will want to avoid any level 1 fights as Jinx is in a way without an ability at level 1. Janna however will make this tough, a rocket poke that is easily read will be countered by Janna shield into a Vayne tumble shot at Jinx or Thresh. The best scenario would be hitting a hook at level 1 and getting a free rocket or two (do not go in on the hook), and continuing from there. Otherwise Flay and getting Janna to use her shield on herself will allow Jinx to pot shot Vayne. Alternately at level 2/3 with Zap, Jinx can try to hit Janna (will probably be easier) and get her to shield herself, then take shots at Vayne with rockets. The lane needs to be won by poke and pressure into the turret. An all-in fight will result in Vayne/Janna winning unless they are significantly lower HP.

Jungle -
Fairly even match-up against Lee Sin. Should farm primarily and be ready to counter-engage Lee Sin if he ganks. The best gank opportunities will be in mid and bottom lane. Thresh hook + lantern and Jinx snare would equal a dead Janna, possibly even Vayne instead. In mid waiting for Talon to jump on Orianna at the level 3+ stage could result in a good gank, burning a flash or even getting a kill. Top lane will be a bit harder, even though Alistar has good CC. Need enough room to keep slows on Ryze so Alistar can catch up if Ryze hits his Rune Prison before Alistar can engage.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Ryze should have a very easy time against Alistar. While lacking sustain, he does have the bully potential. Ryze should focus on forcing Alistar to use his heal, keeping his mana low to prevent headbutt harassment. Will be a hard lane to get a gank on, especially after level 6, but the lane match-up will allow Ryze to farm and scale with safety.

Mid -
Talon should have control of this lane once he reaches level 3. His combo can be used very easily against Orianna and while it will be difficult to kill her, he can win trades and put her on the defensive. The key will be dodging the offensive ball movement as he retreats from his combo. Once level 6 comes around, Talon can simply burst Orianna, effectively pushing her out of lane or to her turret, though not killing her. This will give his team a huge advantage if they want to push an objective or if Talon wants to roam. Orianna will be unable to follow or fight.

Bot -
Should be a winning match-up. The key to winning is to time Janna shield with Vayne tumble to hit Jinx when she tries to rocket harass. Jinx/Thresh should not win an all-in in this match-up so the only worry is the harassment that they can provide. As long as Janna/Vayne stay healthy, the lane should start to turn in their favor around level 3-4.

Jungle -
Not much to say, fairly even match-up against Khazix. Should mostly farm, try to make plays happen up top against Alistar at the level 3-4 mark. Potentially go bot by dashing over the dragon wall to avoid wards. Tempest slow and Janna tornado may be enough time to allow Vayne to setup her stun.

Team Composition/Strategy – Dark Passage

*Win Condition – Play solidly in lane, allowing Jinx to get her first item or item and a half. Transition to mid game objective control, mainly through tower siege. Work your way around the map and take out as many turrets as you can to gain the lead before Vayne/Talon/Ryze can pick up speed.

This team composition is primarily just comfort picks for Dark Passage. The team has a very loose synergy with Alistar delivery system for Orianna ball, followed by reset clean-up from Khazix and Jinx. The biggest two problems is that Talon will melt Jinx and Vayne will deal plenty of damage to Alistar with her true damage. If SSW make a good engage, there is little DP can do about it. The best option is for DP to tower siege, using their superior range, poke, and wave clear to keep the pressure on the tower objectives.

Team Composition/Strategy – SSW

*Win Condition – Outplay Dark Passage and win lanes, get kills, continue to get picks and just snowball the lead.

This team has almost no synergy. SSW has picked a flashy team full of damage simply because they believe they are that much better than Dark Passage. They have picked strong lanes against and honestly have come out with the better match-up in every lane. Samsung have set themselves up, not to have a team play, but more of an individual win lane play-style.

Game Notes -

Janna harasses Thresh with shield. When Jinx goes to poke with rockets, Janna shields Vayne and Vayne tumble pokes, heavily winning the trade. This comes back to bite Jinx in the rear when both sides get level 2 and Vayne/Janna go all-in. Jinx is forced to back off earlier than Vayne, since she started with 100-200 hp less at the level 2 fight.

Alistar TP's bot to deny the dive, then cancels it to stay top after SSW disengages the dive.

Talon all-ins Orianna as soon as he hit's 6, taking more than half her HP. Continues to do so throughout the lane, putting huge pressure onto Orianna. Eventually earns SSW dragon.

Alistar makes a great flash headbutt, knocking Ryze into turret. If he wasn't so low could have gotten a kill.

Great lantern save onto Jinx after Lee sin ultimate (Lee should have tried for Thresh).

Ryze TP pincers Orianna.

Vayne heads top to fight Alistar after killing the bot lane turret. Vayne can easily bully and beat out Alistar and will take the turret much faster than Ryze would.

SSW suffocate Dark Passage through lane dominance and jungle objective bullying.

SSW start to look for kills. Talon hunts Jinx while the rest of the team bully towers and jungle, diving to get kills.

Ryze TP flanks, Ace happens.

Janna makes a great save on Vayne, Vayne gets a Pentakill. Surrender comes in.

End Game Notes -

Not a lot to say here, Dark Passage got beat by superior lanes, and super players. The entire game was fought either in lanes or in small skirmishes and not once did a teamfight come into play. Samsung rolled their lane dominance into jungle objective control and tower bullying.

What Dark Passage Needed to Do -

Primarily I'd say pick better lane match-ups. Something that can go heavily all-in or allow them to sit back and farm. Dark Passage's individual skill is much less than SSW so I would also like to see a lane swap perhaps, especially with Jinx, and go for a super fast tower push, and then transition very quickly into a roving team play with a team comp that would out perform the lane focus of SSW's team.

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