Solo Mid vs.
Star Horn
Royal Club Game #2
Nami Alistar
Janna Zilean
Rumble Lucian
1. Lee
Sin 2. Ryze
Tristana 2. Janna
Nami 4. Khazix
Rumble 4. Caitlyn
Orianna 6. Fizz
Match-ups – Team Solo Mid
Top -
will get bullied by Ryze early on, the range and Q spam of Ryze
really putting on the pressure. Level 3 will give Rumble a bit more
ability to fight, however Ryze with his snare should keep Rumble at
bay. Rumble's time to shine, will be his level 6 and when he picks
up his first Mpen item, growing even more when he gets his second.
This will be during Ryze's weak point of gaining his mana. Rumble
needs to be extremely wary of ganks from Khazix before level 6,
however Lee Sin counter-engages will heavily turn into TSM's favor.
Mid -
will have the pressure in this match-up for the first 2 levels, able
to really put the pressure onto Fizz and deny him farm. Once level 3
hits, things will be tougher for Orianna, as Fizz can harass and hop
out. Just as against Yasuo, Orianna will need to keep the ball close
in order to guarantee safety and return damage against Fizz. Barrier
will almost be essential for surviving level 6-8 against Fizz's
all-ins. Hang back and farm with your ball when you have no
knowledge of Khazix, and stay close to your ball and harass Fizz when
Khazix is no where near. In the end, Orianna should be able to
out-farm Fizz and win the lane that way.
Bot -
are in for a rough lane if they go 2v2. Caitlyn and Janna will be
able to get very good harass from level 1 and can continue it as the
match progresses. TSM should be reduced to farming under turret as
Caitlyn and Janna push against their tower. All-in potential for TSM
should be very low, as Janna shield and knock-ups will be very strong
if Tristana jumps in. At level 6, expect Caitlyn to be using her
ultimate on cooldown against Tristana, while Janna holds her ultimate
to prevent any all-ins.
Lee Sin
vs. Khazix, much of the same. Farm mostly but try to use your early
pressure. Gank opportunities will be primarily in the top lane.
Getting a counter-gank top if Khazix tries to gank Rumble will go
great for TSM. Otherwise going after Fizz if he uses his combo
against Orianna will also net success.
Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club
Top -
will be able to bully Rumble at the low levels and should do so as
much as possible. When Rumble gets his level 3 combo up, Ryze should
keep him at bay with a quick Q cast into snare then backing off away
from Flamespitter damage. Prioritizing an early Negatron Cloak would
do wonders for Ryze in this match-up and should be picked up before
Rumble can get both of his Mpen Items, even if it will slow his
scaling down some. Ganks with Khazix will be very successful, as
Rumble has no escape, however they must be wary of the counter-gank
from Lee Sin which would turn the fight heavily around.
Mid -
Fizz is
going to have a hard time against Orianna, getting bullied early, and
having trades after level 3 that will only go even or in Orianna's
favor. However, if Orianna's ball is ever far away from her, that
gives Fizz the opportunity to get in some free harass and pole hop
away before the ball can move back to her or move to hit him. Look
for opportunities to all-in at level 6, saving pole hop to dodge
Orianna's ultimate. Getting this opportunity will be difficult, but
rewarding. Ganks onto top or bottom will yield more success, but
will sacrifice a lot of cs and tower damage.
Bot -
in either a 2v1 or a 2v2. In either situation Caitlyn/Janna will
bully the lane and push into the tower, trying to take it down as
quickly as possible and denying a lot of CS to whoever they face.
They should win the lane they are in, but will be unlikely to net a
kill. The advantage should be used to get a quick tower kill and
then switch lanes with top to do the same again.
Khazix vs. Lee Sin. Khazix needs to farm quickly to level 6, and
then join Caitlyn/Janna in tower pushing with an Evolved Spike Rack.
In the earlier levels, he should try to gank Rumble, but must make
sure that he knows where Lee Sin is before attempting this. After 6,
if not pushing with the team, timing a gank with Fizz ultimate onto
Orianna will yield summoners, and possibly a kill.
Composition/Strategy – Team Solo Mid
Condition – Withstand the early turret pushing power of SHR. Take
dragon during Rumble's power spike and Ryze's mana generating phase.
Once Tristana gains enough range and items, start to push turrets,
using Rumble ultimate to zone SHR's back line if they engage.
TSM has
drafted what can be considered an anti-engage composition. If SHR
ever want to dive in onto TSM, Nami and Rumble will keep the back
line of SHR zoned and far away from them, giving TSM time to focus
and take down Fizz and Khazix. Any engage made by SHR should be shut
down my TSM's champions as long as SHR do not gain a massive lead.
Once Tristana scales up enough, TSM will use her to start besieging
towers while being ready to disengage. Their team is also extremely
strong in corridors, as a disengage composition so they can make good
use of retreats made through the jungle.
Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club
Condition – Fast push turrets with Caitlyn and move the early gold
lead around the map to take as many objectives early as possible,
getting Fizz and Ryze past their weakest points and close to their
late game hyper-scaling. Once they reach their strong points, have
Fizz and Ryze split-push while the 3 man squad of SHR wave clear and
poke from range in mid.
SHR has
picked up two hyper-scaling champions in Fizz and Ryze. This leaves
them at a bit of a disadvantage during the mid game, especially
against a Rumble. To somewhat alleviate this problem, they have
chosen a duo lane that can fast push towers. SHR need to quickly
push at least two, if not three turrets and us that gold advantage to
get to the strong points of Ryze and Fizz quickly. Once Fizz reaches
the point where he can split-push, he should definitely do so, Ryze
following suit later on when he reaches it as well. Khazix, Janna,
and Caitlyn can offer decent wave clear and poke, holding their own
near towers against TSM.
Notes -
I would
have preferred to see a lane swap by SHR, taking the top tower with
Khazix extremely early, then moving to bot lane and dominating TSM's
duo quickly after, taking bot turret as well. However, in the
standard lanes, they do keep Tristana behind a good amount.
though Lee Sin being bottom does not result in a gank, the presence
allows Tristana to not fall farther behind.
taking many jungle camps.
goes all-in against Ryze, using his ultimate. Ryze uses his flash,
unnecessarily so I feel, and backs off. I feel as he had already
stepped out of Rumble's ultimate, Ryze could have taken the fight and
killed him, or at least backed off simply by running and not being
forced to use flash.
Lee Sin
dashes to ward as Fizz is dashing into him and drags Fizz with him,
ends up getting SHR first blood. Should have just ran towards
Orianna and tower. Also nets SHR dragon as bot lane is heavily
pressured and pushed in as well.
are finally able to put some pressure onto SHR's bot lane with
Janna's mana low and her ult down from dragon.
Lee Sin
dives top lane with Rumble, killing Ryze. The lost flash earlier
coming up huge here.
ganks bottom, burning 3 of TSM's summoners on bot lane.
finally take bottom turret at 15 minutes.
than backing off after taking the turret, they continue to push,
resulting in a great flank TP by Rumble, getting kills on both
Caitlyn and Janna. Fight goes 2 for 1 in TSM's favor and then gains
them a lot of damage onto the bottom turret.
is the next focus for both teams, immediately following. Some great
harass from Orianna as SHR moves in prevents them from being able to
do dragon, and zones them away from mid, allowing TSM to take the mid
start dragon, and Lee Sin steals it for TSM. Khazix leaps into 4
members of TSM, to start the fight, but a great Rumble ultimate
completely zones the rest of SHR and keeps them away long enough to
annihilate Khazix. SHR continue the fight, currently a 4v4 with
Tristana away from it, however she is able to make it to the fight
and clean up. The result is 5 kills for TSM, 3 for SHR, with 3 kills
going onto Tristana and the dragon to TSM. This massive swing brings
Tristana even with Caitlyn and TSM into the lead in the game.
Now in
the lead, TSM have a great team for taking control of the jungle and
pushing turrets.
1v1's Ryze in the top lane. Ryze has 0 magic resist against Rumble
who now has triple Mpen items.
will begin to push turrets and take control of SHR's jungle, by
grouping as 4 or 5 and using their team fight power. At this point
it is TSM's game to lose.
rush top with their whole team while TSM move to push bottom lane.
They catch Dyrus, kill him, and take baron. The unexpected 5 man
top, ignoring everything else, comes up huge for SHR. Very risky,
but it did work out. (Better warding for TSM in the top jungle, and
Dyrus being more aware of the danger would have prevented his death,
and then he could have stopped Baron alone or at least slowed down
SHR enough for TSM to make it there).
out-rotate SHR, putting pressure onto SHR mid turret, SHR flank TSM
and get good damage, but TSM disengage and SHR chases TSM into the
jungle, while Rumble and Orianna still have their ultimates and turns
disastrous for SHR as they get over zealous.
play by SHR draws TSM into a very spread out, chaotic fight, breaking
TSM's team fight advantage. The fight goes 2 for 2, but SHR are
healthy enough and in the right position to take TSM T2 mid turret.
takes SHR mid inhibitor, and backs towards dragon with no vision on
Baron. SHR see this and rush to Baron, getting it again. TSM really
needed to back from the inhibitor down middle and then towards baron
to be ready for the counter-baron. Delays the game again.
push bottom, still trying to team-fight instead of using Fizz's
split-push potential. Doesn't net them anything but time, as
Orianna's wave clear at this point is instant.
rotate towards Baron/top, taking top T2, TSM rushes mid, forcing SHR
back to defend their inhibitor. SHR gains a turret kill, but TSM now
are free to take vision of Baron.
fight happens at the Baron area. A great Rumble ult zones Caitlyn
out of the fight completely. A bit of a split allows Fizz and Ryze
to take brawl with Orianna/Rumble/ and Nami while Tristana leaps past
them to take out Khazix and Janna, then return to clean up the fight.
With Caitlyn delayed and Tristana so strong, Tristana rushes down
mid and takes the Nexus.
Notes -
early MR from Ryze really puts him at a huge disadvantage against
Rumble and costs him several deaths. The pick-up of Glacial Shroud
before Negatron Cloak really offers Ryze nothing against the double
AP comp of TSM.
goes Mikael's against a team whose only hard CC is Nami's bubble.
Janna needed to pick up an Aegis/Locket which would have been huge
against TSM's composition. Exponentially more effective than
Game Notes -
SHR did
not play into their strengths, and try to fight TSM several points,
even though TSM has such a great anti-engage composition. Trying to
fight this, gets SHR into a lot of trouble early on and sets up TSM
to take control of the game.
A very
risky play by SHR and then a sloppy back by TSM, end up giving them a
great reward and they secure 2 Barons in a row.
continue to try to fight TSM though, and lose out against the
disengage. To be fair though, with their inhibitor exposed in mid,
it is just about if not completely too late for a split-push.
Star Horn Royal Club needed to do -
In the
team composition that SHR chose, they needed to get an advantage
early in all lanes, not just in the bottom lane. The best way SHR
could have facilitated this is by using the huge advantage that SHR's
duo lane had to fast push turrets. SHR should have opted into 2v1
lanes and taken the top tower as quickly as possible. This would
have created team gold, and while it would not have kept Tristana
down in the beginning, it would have kept Rumble down. As soon as
the top turret drops, then Caitlyn/Janna switch to bottom lane,
having an item advantage from shopping as well as the match-up
advantage and pushing down the bottom tower quickly as well. Khazix
(or an Elise) could easily help facilitate this by rushing level 6
and picking up Evolved Spike Racks for the poke and fast wave clear.
two turrets down, Khazix/Caitlyn/Janna could have pressured mid while
Fizz switches into a split-push (TP would have been great on Fizz
instead of ignite). This would have helped Fizz and Ryze get the
lead they needed to be able to split-push, win the 1v1s and draw
multiple members into their lane.
thing that SHR club could have done, was to not pick Fizz. They
could see the full intention of TSM's team and had an opportunity to
pick their mid laner in response. A mid laner that has good long
range abilities, does not have to all in, and is able to provide
usefulness in a tower siege would have been great against TSM, as TSM
had no hard engage and SHR already had Caitlyn/Janna for the turret
pushing. Xerath, Syndra, Ziggs, or Jayce would have been great for
SHR. Playing the same way as mentioned in the previous paragraph,
but instead of SHR's mid laner split-pushing, he would help in the
siege once it reached mid lane. From there, poke around dragon,
manage waves, and then push into the T2 turrets, extending the gold
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