Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends World Analysis, Group Stages - Samsung White, Main Page

Samsung White

Top – Looper
1. Win – Rumble 3/3/10
2. Win – Maokai 3/2/20
3. Win – Ryze 4/0/2
4. Win – Alistar 3/0/9
5. Win – Kayle 7/2/22
6. Win – Maokai 2/1/13

Jungle – Dandy
1. Win – Khazix 3/1/9
2. Win – Lee Sin 11/3/13
3. Win – Lee Sin 2/0/9
4. Win – Khazix 6/1/8
5. Win – Khazix 6/5/17
6. Win – Jarvan 3/3/18

Mid – Pawn
1. Win – Zilean 2/4/10
2. Win – Yasuo 9/1/7
3. Win – Talon 1/0/2
4. Win – Zed 5/0/6
5. Win – Katarina 12/2/16
6. Win – Fizz 10/1/4

ADC – Imp
1. Win – Tristana 9/2/7
2. Win – Twitch 11/1/9
3. Win – Vayne 8/0/2
4. Win – Corki 5/1/6
5. Win – Lucian 13/2/9
6. Win – Twitch 11/1/9

Support – Mata
1. Win – Nami 3/1/14
2. Win – Thresh 0/5/15
3. Win – Janna 0/0/14
4. Win – Janna 1/0/14
5. Win – Thresh 1/3/28
6. Win – Janna 0/1/17

Banned Against
Yasuo – 5 
Kassadin – 2 
Alistar – 4 
Ryze – 1 
Zilean – 4
Tristana – 2

Banned By
Nidalee – 3
Maokai – 2
Thresh – 2
Zilean – 1
Rengar – 1
Twitch – 1
Ryze – 1
Janna – 1
Fizz – 1
Lucian – 3
Zed – 2

Group Notes -

Samsung White has great mechanical skill and great warding. Countering their vision control and keeping your own will be paramount to a victory.

Fighting small skirmishes and 1v1's or 2v2's in lane will be difficult, as Samsung White are very mechanically skilled. However, they are not unbeatable in the lanes.

Samsung White are very overconfident in these matches. They take 10-15 minutes longer than necessary in several of their wins, and they put themselves in positions to get caught, give up kills, and lose teamfights when ahead due to aggressive overplays. Often times they will lose out and getting objectives, to dive and get kills instead. However, this must be taken with a grain of salt because when SSW do this, they are generally far enough ahead that these mistakes still leave them with a large gap over their opponents.

Samsung White looked very dominant in their group stage, however, their group also looked like the weakest group in the bunch. I feel that while they have no shown their full strength, they have also looked much more dominant than they really are, because of the weakness of the teams in their group. Case and Point.

Kabum – Wild card team, hardly expected to put up much of a fight against the team favored to win worlds. SSW was able to easily outperform them.

AHQ – Picked Blitzcrank twice, both times into a bad lane match-up. Played a level 1 invade poorly and got aced, allowing SSW to steamroll through the game with their already superior composition and lanes. In the second game, AHQ again opt into a bad bot lane match-up, allowing SSW to get the upfront damage they need for their snowballing reset comp. Ryze also gets screwed by AHQ's failed invade, and AHQ as a whole do not respect the resets at a dragon fight, focusing on Thresh instead of Katarina or Khazix. Very poorly played both games.

EDG – Both games EDG misplay their team composition and play into SSW hands. In game #1, EDG lose out on the level 2 rush in a lane that they MUST establish their dominance from the very beginning. At this point the lane is mostly lost, and Tristana will begin the dominance she will show throughout the game. Up top Maokai does not respect the damage Rumble can bring and gets himself killed twice in ganks, and then proceeds to get pushed out of lane in 1v1s after that. Bad item choices against the Double AP disengage comp of SSW lead to EDG being unable to sustain through the disengage. Disrespecting SSW's item power spikes and then attempting to fight a 5v5 when already at half HP across the board, end up handing SSW the game.

In game #2, EDG play the lanes much better, but once again misplay their team composition, this time to an even greater degree, and play into the strengths of SSW.

On top of this, EDG flat out stated that they were not preparing to fight SSW, but rather the other teams in the group so as to make it out.

Samsung White faced VERY weak competition in the group stages.

Teams facing SSW in the quarterfinals need to respect their skill, but also understand how their group stage played out and why they looked so dominant. As the brackets progress, the qualify teams need to play their game against SSW, and not play into SSW's hands. They need to understand why AHQ and EDG lost, and realize that they did not play to their team's composition, or to lane match-ups.

I feel that Samsung White gained the least out of any team from these group stages. In the other groups, especially in groups C and D you could watch the teams grow and learn. The competition that was alive in the other groups will offer great experience for the qualifying teams, while Samsung White’s experience in the group stages really offers them nothing, except perhaps overconfidence.

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