Horn Royal Club vs. Team Solo
Mid Game #1
Maokai Fizz
Nidalee Lee
Alistar Lucian
Zilean 2. Ryze
Rengar 2. Zed
Tristana 4. Nami
Irelia 4. Corki
Janna 6. Elise
Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club
Top -
will get bullied by Ryze early and will be reduced to surviving and
farming. It will be rough for a while, but being lower than Ryze
will keep his kill potential almost non-existent during the low
levels, as well as providing Irelia with an easy way to set up a gank
through the long duration of her stun. Once Irelia reaches and 6 and
picks up a Sheen, she will have more control over the lane than Ryze.
Her all-in onto Ryze will be superior while Ryze is scaling up with
his tear/catalyst. Every opportunity after this point should be used
to push Ryze out of lane and potentially kill him. Jungle with
Rengar will be extremely potent and should be a priority.
Mid -
does not have much to fear from Zed. Safe use of bombs to get farm
and harass should be used while making sure to avoid a level 2 or 3
all-in from Zed. Once level 6 hits, and Zilean in an even lane will
hit it first, all kill pressure from Zed will be gone. Zilean can
freely fast push mid lane and then roam to the sides and make plays
there. The ability for Zilean to speed up Rengar during Rengar's
ultimate will make for good ganks, and good plays later on in the
Bot -
will have a fairly safe time against Corki/Nami, but will be unable
to put much pressure onto them. Farm as much as possible to get
Tristana into that late game and avoid 2v2 engagements with TSM's bot
lane, especially when Corki picks up pieces of or completes his
Trinity Force. The passive movement speed from Janna will help when
Rengar lane ganks with his ultimate.
should farm as much as possible and use the increased experience from
Zilean to reach level 6 ASAP. From there he has solid gank potential
in every lane (though the least in mid as Zed is slippery). Ganks
before 6 should be focused top, as Irelia can set them up very well.
Match-ups – Team Solo Mid
Top -
can bully Irelia, though it might not be so wise. With Irelia lower
than Ryze, it will put Ryze at risk to be ganked easily by Rengar.
Harassment should only be done when he knows that Rengar is on the
other side of the map and must be wary anytime his presence is not
accounted for. Be especially mindful of low hp ranged creeps and the
ability of Irelia to double gap close in those situations. If
possible, try to keep the wave slightly on TSM's side of the river,
giving more time to chase Irelia in a gank, since she has built in
tenacity to deal with Elise and Ryze CC, and because Ryze will need a
short escape route if he gets ganked.
Mid -
really not much for Zed to do in this lane. If possible, get
harassment in the early levels, and try to all-in around levels 2-4
for the kill. If Zed cannot get ahead early, there will be no way
for him to kill Zilean after 6. Other than that, Zed must farm and
get enough of a power lead to be able to split-push later on in the
Bot -
will have the advantage in this lane. With superior all-in, poke,
and sustain they should be able to come out ahead in this lane. The
key will be landing the skill shots in trades/fights though. If Nami
and Corki miss their skillshots, they can lose a trade to
Tristana/Janna. TSM's lane needs to be extra careful against Rengar
when he hits 6, especially Nami. Janna's passive move speed bonus on
top of her slow into knock-up will give Rengar plenty of time and an
easy setup to gank.
against Rengar is a bit of an awkward match-up, especially in these
compositions. I would suggest that Elise put on an early tower push
bottom. Rengar cannot do much early on against a siege. Elise
should use her ranged and pick ability to help push towers early,
opening up the map for TSM to ward and keep track of Rengar. Early
gank potentials will be against top lane, if Irelia is pushed to
Ryze's tower or mid, if Elise can somehow sneak into for a flash
Compositions/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club
Condition – Deny TSM the ability to split-push, have Rengar get the
lanes (primarily top) going. Group up with the mid game potential of
Irelia and Zilean, denying Zed's usefulness and allowing Rengar to
make great engages. Alternately just get ahead of both Ryze and Zed
to completely shut down TSM's split-push ability.
have a great composition here to completely shut down TSM's plan.
Zilean + Rengar can make extremely fast engagements that are hard to
see coming and hard to stop. The experience advantage will allow
Rengar to make level 6 ganks that much earlier as well. If/when TSM
try to split-push, Rengar is great at stopping them, able to gank
straight down the lanes and turn the split-push into a 2v1 very
quickly. Alternately when TSM try to push with their 3 man squad,
the engage potential (as noted before), should be able to prevent
them from escaping. As another note, Irelia's strength in the mid
game and as a duelist will help to prevent a successful split-push
from TSM.
Compositions/Strategy – TSM
Condition – Get ahead enough to be able to perform a 1-3-1
split-push and whittle down SHR with the pressure.
composition here, kinda sucks to be honest. The Rengar pick has
really screwed over their ability to split-push safely. Picking Zed
into Zilean completely gave away their strategy and allowed SHR to
deny them it. TSM must get ahead early and stay ahead early to be
relevant in this game. To do this, TSM should use the advantage that
Elise has over Rengar (her ranged and siege ability) to fast push
turrets and get them an early gold lead. If TSM manage to gain a
lead, then they will need to put pressure around the map with deep
wards to spot out Rengar. Zilean will be the biggest deterrent with
his wave clear, for the 3 man squad and the team should pay very
close attention to his animations, If they ever see him cast his
speed up, but do not see the particle, then Rengar is near. If TSM
get behind, it will most likely be over. They will have to fully
commit to the split-push and hope to trade objectives.
Notes -
would love to see pink wards make it into the bushes by SHR's T2
turrets early on. Not sure how they will work out, but would be
interesting to see.
great gank by Elise up top, but Irelia's passive gets her away.
misses her bubble and SHR goes in, coming out ahead in the trade.
TSM bot
lane, falling behind SHR bot lane. Every other lane is winning in
with level 8 able to do a ton of damage to Ryze. Rengar ganks
through lane soon after. A great flash into the leap from his
ultimate denies the warning time for Ryze and gets the kill onto Ryze
with Irelia.
3v3 on
bot lane, Irelia TPs as soon as the fight starts, but Ryze takes much
longer. Tristana flashes back to focus on and knock-back Elise. SHR
does much much more damage and takes out Elise. The quick TP allows
Irelia to secure it and then pick up Nami. As Zilean comes down, he
is able to speed up Rengar and add damage from bombs so that he is
able to reach and kill Ryze. Takes dragon.
At this
point TSM's strategy is completely dismantled. Bot lane has lost
pretty hard, top lane has reached the point where Irelia's mid game
spike is much stronger than Ryze, and Zed has not gained enough of an
advantage to deal with SHR's anti split-push.
is able to 1v1 Zed in the bot lane, this is her power against
split-push during this stage of the game.
will start to use Tristana to start taking towers, while Rengar
Zilean and Irelia will do a lot of running around to gank lanes and
control jungle objectives.
delay backs to try to take middle, but then decide to try to get
kills. Ryze goes in too early and without any defenses, goes down in
seconds before TSM can reinforce.
TSM get
heavily out rotated and make a very risky fight. Able to push SHR
out, but nothing else. SHR want to be the ones to engage, and let
the fight go, even though they most likely would have come out ahead,
but with several losses.
disengage from SHR fight, mainly through Corki poke and a weak engage
from SHR.
create a fight behind SHR, but are too far behind. Tristana is now
past your mid game dip and has skyrocketed past Corki's mid game
aced trying to stop Baron. Great play by Zed though, watch how he
uses shadows to kill Trist.
Game Notes -
really lost the game during champion select. SHR read their strategy
and completely countered it.
No lane
for TSM got an advantage with bot outright losing the lane, and top
lane falling behind during Irelia's power spike.
TSM did
not react in game to SHR's composition and did not do anything to
salvage the game and alter their strategy any.
Team Solo Mid needed to do -
Top and
mid were picked to early I believe. It gave away TSM's strategy
right away and allowed SHR to pick Rengar without TSM having the
ability to counter him in their picks. Pulling out a heavy
disengage/team fight/protect the ADC composition really makes things
hard for teams that lack siege potential. This would have allowed a
better mid pick primarily. Xerath, Ziggs, or Orianna would have been
great against Zilean and this team, providing AoE to spread damage
out as well as providing disengage and utility to escape when SHR
wants to engage. If TSM wanted to stay with this strategy, then they
should have recognized the deadliness of Rengar against split-push
and decided on how to get around it. Sticking with Ryze/Zed first,
the rest of their picks were good/decent, if they had switched up
their strategy, maybe trading Corki or Caitlyn.
the composition that TSM ended up with, they really needed to get
themselves an early advantage and use the early turret pushing
ability to gain map control and a gold lead. TSM should have started
with 2v1 lanes, and gone for a fast push, bringing in Elise after
buffs to accelerate this. TSM could have also tried a little bit of
a crazy play, and 4 man pushed top lane and move to the T2 turret. 4
ranged champions, with the CC of Elise/Nami/Ryze would easily secure
them 1 if not 2 towers. The early gold and the exp denial to Rengar
if he tries to turret defend would be a huge boon for TSM and help
Zed get the gold lead he needs. From here, judgment would need to be
made in the game, but continuing tower pushing early with Caitlyn, or
at 6 with Corki would be ideal. Use Rengar's inability to engage
early on and take advantage of the CC that Elise/Nami/Ryze can offer.
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