Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends World Analysis, Group Stages - Team Solo Mid, Main Page

Team Solo Mid

Top – Dyrus
1. Win – Alistar 2/0/8
2. Loss – Ryze 1/7/1
3. Win – Rumble 2/1/7
4. Win – Lulu 1/1/9
5. Win – Rumble 6/4/9
6. Loss – Maokai 5/6/5

Jungle – Amazing
1. Win – Lee Sin 3/1/9
2. Loss – Elise 1/5/2
3. Win – Lee Sin 1/3/8
4. Win – Lee Sin 4/1/13
5. Win – Lee Sin 4/5/11
6. Loss – Lee Sin 2/6/10

Mid – Bjergsen
1. Win – Yasuo 5/0/6
2. Loss – Zed 2/4/1
3. Win – Xerath 5/0/5
4. Win – Orianna 3/0/11
5. Win – Orianna 4/2/10
6. Loss – Syndra 4/3/7

ADC – WildTurtle
1. Win – Tristana 5/0/3
2. Loss – Corki 1/4/2
3. Win – Kog'maw 4/0/6
4. Win – Tristana 11/1/6
5. Win – Tristana 5/0/7
6. Loss – Kog'maw 5/2/8

Support – Lustboy
1. Win – Nami 0/0/9
2. Loss – Nami 0/5/2
3. Win – Janna 2/0/8
4. Win – Braum 0/1/14
5. Win – Nami 2/4/15
6. Loss – Janna 1/4/13

Banned Against 
Lulu – 1 
Zed – 3 
Syndra - 1 
Maokai – 3 
Nidalee – 1 
Alistar - 3 
Nami – 1 
Janna – 1 
Rumble – 1 
Elise – 1 
Tristana – 1
Ryze – 1

Banned By
Nidalee – 3
Kayle – 1
Aatrox – 2
Fizz – 1
Lee Sin – 1
Lucian – 3
Zilean – 3
Syndra – 1
Alistar – 2
Rengar – 1

Group Stage Notes -

Throwing TSM for a loop with champions can really get into their heads. They will need to realize that they need to think of what the opposition's team comp and champions can do quickly, if they are thrown for that loop again.

TSM is primarily a team-fight team. Be ready to face death ball and protect the ADC compositions. On the flip side, TSM need to do their best to get strong compositions like this as well.

Siege compostions fit TSM good as well. Long range disengage compostions will definitely be in their reportie.

TSM really like to play ADC hyper carries. Forcing WildTurtle onto an uncomfortable champion could yield great results (when TSM ban Lucian, ban or pick away Tristana/Kog'maw/Corki). TSM should also prepare for this situation.

TSM do not do well against Zilean.

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