Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSW vs. DP Game #2

Samsung White vs. Dark Passage Game #2
Standard Lanes

Nidalee Tristana
Lucian Yasuo
Thresh Zilean

1. Alistar 2. Ryze
3. Khazix 2. Lee Sin
3. Corki 4. Braum
5. Zed 4. Ezreal
5. Janna 6. Fizz

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Alistar should have a bit of a rough time against Ryze. With the range advantage and the lack of all in potential early on for Alistar, Ryze should be able to bully him early. Picking up a point into Alistar's heal at level 2 may be very useful, unless you are expecting a gank from your jungler at that point. Although bullied, Alistar should be able to sustain through it when he picks up his heal. Using mana for the headbutt->auto attack combo will hurt Alistar's longevity in lane but the damage will stick to Ryze. Always keep enough mana for a headbutt/pulverize combo in case of a gank and heal > headbutt harassment when Alistar has extra mana. Wait for your jungler to really go aggressive, farm and play safe till then. (Here we will get to see SSW and Dark Passage's top laners switch champions and see how the match-up fairs this way).

Mid -
Mid will be a very brawl centric lane. With two mid lane melee assassins in the mix, poke, trades, and fights will be almost constant. The rush to level 2 will be very important. If one or the other can definitively reach level 2 first they can all in to grab early lane advantage. Zed will have an easier time harassing with his skillshot Q and his AoE E. Neither of these will pull creep aggro while Fizz will have to auto early on for his harassment. Zed should be stronger at level 2, slightly, and then Fizz at level 3, evening back out after until level 6 upon which Zed should have the advantage. Zed has several ways of dodging Fizz ultimate, be it his own ultimate or shadow play. Fizz on the other hand, can only dodge Zed ult through his pole hop. After 6 if at anytime Fizz's pole hop is down, Zed should go all in.

Bot -
This match-up is fairly even with poke residing on the side of Ezreal/Braum and all-in potential on the side of Corki/Janna. The difference is very slight though in these regards. Corki/Janna will be looking to trade damage against Ezreal while Janna shield is up. Enough harassment this way will ensure them the lane. As long as they don't get out poked, the lane should proceed in a safe, even manner. At level 6 the lane match-up will shift, with poke advantage switching to Corki/Janna and all-in to Ezreal/Braum unless there is a decent amount of creeps hit by Ezreal ultimate. All in all an even lane whose determination will rest upon Janna shield use and Corki/Ezreal properly timing their dash skills.

Jungle -
Fairly even match-up against Lee Sin. Should farm primarily and be ready to counter-engage Lee Sin if he ganks. Best gank opportunities will be in top lane if Ryze over extends. Providing even a small amount of damage mid lane will also swing the lane in Zed's favor. If he can sneak his way bot lane, a counter-engage if Ezreal/Braum or a gank if they are pushed up too far, will be devastating with the burst of Corki.

Lane Match-ups – Dark Passage

Top -
Ryze should have a very easy time against Alistar. While lacking sustain, he does have the bully potential. Ryze should focus on forcing Alistar to use his heal, keeping his mana low to prevent headbutt harassment. Will be a hard lane to get a gank on, especially after level 6, but the lane match-up will allow Ryze to farm and scale with safety.

Mid -
Mid will be a very brawl centric lane. With two mid lane melee assassins in the mix, poke, trades, and fights will be almost constant. The rush to level 2 will be very important. If one or the other can definitively reach level 2 first they can all in to grab early lane advantage. In an even level 2 however, Fizz will be at a disadvantage, as his skills will force the all-in where as zed can provide poke as well as all-in potential. At level 3 though, Fizz will be able to harass with his full kit. Either by dashing in at Zed and hopping out, or by hopping in behind Zed, then dashing through him back to Fizz's side of the lane. Once level 6 comes around, the lane becomes much tougher. Fizz must hold onto his ultimate and his pole hop, otherwise Zed will have the advantage with his ultimate up.

Bot -
This lane is an even match-up, Ezreal and Braum will have the better poke and setup early on, but the damage potential of Corki/Janna is higher, unless they can secure the Braum stun onto Corki. Getting safe poke and farming will be the best option, if enough damage can be tossed onto Corki or Janna, then a potential all in can be had. Ezreal needs to make sure to keep his E shift up to dodge Corki Q and/or Janna Q as these will provide a significant advantage to SSW's bot lane if they hit. At level 6, the poke and all-in potential switch. If Ezreal/Braum can land a stun proc, they can combo it into both of their ultimates, making sure that Ezreal does not get diminished by creeps. This will provide a huge amount of burst and win them the all-in.

Jungle -
Even match-up against Khazix. Farm and look from some sneaky ganks. A bot lane gank onto Janna would prove the most successful. An early top lane gank would also work well, but if both headbutt and pulverize are up, Alistar should be safe. Be prepared to counter-engage a level 2 all-in by Zed should also prove successful

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Conditions – The first win condition is simply winning lanes and the snowballing that into the mid game power spikes of Corki, Alistar, and Zed. Alternately, a second win condition appears in the form of Zed split-push and Corki/Khazix wave clear.

Once again Samsung White has drafted a team that is very lane focused with much less focus on team synergy past the laning phase. This composition is all about outplaying Dark Passage early and snowballing a lead. There does exist a backup plan this time around though. If Samsung White cannot find the skirmishes they want and are unable to win 5v5's, Zed can split-push while Khazix and Corki wave clear and/or turret siege with Janna and Alistar providing disengage and anti tower dive against Dark Passage.

Team Composition/Strategy – Dark Passage

*Win Conditions – Win lanes and turn that lead into small skirmish wins. Get Fizz and Ryze into their hyper carry late game status.

Dark Passage's team comp does not have a very solid strategy but rather have picked comfort champions. They have chosen two very hard scaling laners in Ryze and Fizz who while superior in the late game to Alistar/Zed, must get ahead early to provide any mid game benefit. If they can not pull a lead early on, Ryze and Fizz will be very weak until the late game mark. Additionally, DP is lacking any kind of wave clear and have set themselves up for an extremely rough time if they get behind. Dark Passage must go even or win lanes to have any hope with their team comp.

Game Notes -

Ezreal Braum get some very early damage on Corki. Braum takes way too much damage from Janna in lane though, preventing them from being able to fight at level 2.

Zed hits level 2 first, and all-ins Fizz, giving him a big lead. Zed poke after that keeps him ahead despite Fizz having 5 HP pots.

Ezreal/Braum go in at level 3 but are unable to get the stun proc onto Corki. Need to wait till an Ezreal shift will guarantee the proc.

Ryze gets too close to tower against Alistar, gets flash->pulverize->headbutt into tower right as Khazix ganks, dies.

Khazix wards after hopping over, so he can see Lee Sin Q.

DP's bot lane attempts to go all-in, at even HP. Without getting poke or an early stun proc onto Corki, the fight goes in SSW's favor.

Khazix applies pressure top, and once Alistar is 6, a catch leads to an easy tower dive. And a kill. This does cost SSW the early dragon, as it was timed with SSW's bot lane backing, giving DP an easy dragon. Focuses the gold up top and on jungle.

SSW mid and bot lane constantly harass and apply pressure, creating a huge gap in experience and gold between the two lanes. At this point, the game is essentially over. Dark Passage have lost any and all pressure unless they can survive until the 45-55 minute mark, however with a lack of wave clear, it is highly unlikely that they can survive until then.

Corki/Janna reach level 6 first and bully DP's bot lane, pushing them out and keeping them low on experience and farm.

Fizz tries to catch Khazix in the jungle, but uses his E. Zed who is pushing mid to the turret gets an easy shadow over the wall into ultimate which Fizz can no longer dodge and dies.

Fizz escapes a great tower dive in mid lane and transitions it into a bait and counter-engage with Lee Sin vs Khazix/Zed. A great play that only barely does not work out. Janna comes in and saves Khazix with shield and ultimate at the very last second. If the mid lane had gone more even, Fizz would have had the damage to kill Khazix before this could have occurred. Samsung collapses onto this fight, netting them 3 kills for 0.

Alistar 1v1 's Ryze, roaming from the mid fight back up top as Ryze is pushing tower. With the positioning advantage, and the mid game spike of sheen/phage, he is able to easily secure the kill against Ryze who has very little combat stats at the moment. This nets Alistar his Trinity Force and allows him to completely bully Ryze.

Dark Passage attempt a dragon to catch back up, however they get pincered by SSW who are vastly ahead right now and end up getting aced and losing dragon.

Without any wave clear and with SSW's lead and dive potential with Alistar, they will push down towers quickly and look for the win.

End Game Notes -

Not too much to say. Dark Passage got outplayed by Samsung White in the laning phase. Lacking any kind of mid game comeback mechanic, Dark Passage then bleed kills and turrets to Samsung White.

Note that even in this match, Samsung White is still creating solid and superior vision control.

What Dark Passage needed to do -

Dark Passage should have picked a solid mid game 5v5 team composition and very early on moved into a death ball/siege composition. Unfortunately for Dark Passage, they are outmatched in individual skill. Their best hope would be to quickly transition out of the laning phase and into team-fights and pushes with a superior team fight composition. Something with long range, wave clear, and disengage.   

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