Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - TSM vs. SSW, Pre-game

Samsung White vs. Team Solo Mid

Picks and Bans – Samsung White

From Samsung White we have seen a vast variety of champions during the group stages. 6 from Mid, 5 from Top and ADC. From Jungle and support we see a smaller pool, 3 each, but that is mainly because of the strengths of the specific champions in those roles.

Banning out SSW is going to be extremely hard, especially if TSM wants to make one of the generic bans that we have seen in the group stages. TSM can try to focus all their bans into the Jungle, and force Dandy onto a champion he has not shown, but I would wager it will be tough to throw him off his game. Instead TSM should choose a play-style/compostion that they want to play, and ban out champions that will throw a wrench into this plan (IE. Rumble against team-fight or death ball comps).

Expect SSW to pick primarily assassin mid lanes and know that Pawn can play many of them, banning him out should be pointless and any mid lane bans should be made if that champion hinders TSM's strategy for that game.

Picks and Bans – Team Solo Mid

TSM have shown their strongest strength in well crafted compositions. Their first win was with a Yasuo composition with subsequent wins following siege/sniper compositions or death-ball/protect the ADC compositions.

Forcing Bjergsen onto an assassin on assassin match-up would be a good way to really hamper TSM's ability to run either of these compositions. Xerath/Orianna/Lulu bans/picks would really hit TSM's ability to play these compositions from the mid lane, and force them into the assassin/brawling meta that SSW love to play. Alternately SSW can ban/pick out Tristana, Kog'maw, and Xerath. Taking out 2 potential champions for both TSM's protect the ADC and long range siege compositions.

Spending all bans on these area's though would allow TSM to potentially grab a disengage composition which works wonders against brawl/engage compositions. Rumble being a big part of the disengage.

As another strong note, Amazing has only shown prowess on Lee Sin. Banning him out could really remove him from the game.

Playstyles – Samsung White

We did not get to see much from Samsung White in the group stages other than clear domination. Samsung were able to easily steamroll through their group and played primarily brawl/skirmish centric compositions. Samsung White played compositions in which they wanted to fight and continue to fight. The only composition we saw that was not engage/brawl oriented was their first game in which they played a heavy disengage composition.

We know however, that SSW can play other styles, including long range poke compositions with Jayce, so TSM cannot assume that what SSW showed is all they have and will need to prepare for more than brawl compositions.

In games, we saw a very kill centric play-style from SSW, often times they would ignore objectives to get kills as well as play very overconfident and overaggressive. We should assume that this was due to the weakness of their group, but it may be something that SSW bring into the Brackets. Sometimes teams do falter when they think they are the better team.

Playstyles – Team Solo Mid

TSM have two primary play-styles that they like to run, with a third coming in close.

#1 TSM love death-ball/protect the ADC compostions, and they are really good at them. These compositions excel against engage and assassins as well as being a monster force to be reckoned with in the late game. SSW should be prepared to ban this out, or to run either a strong split-push or long range AoE composition into this. Champions like, Rumble or Ziggs really but a damper on the death-ball compositions.

#2 TSM also like to run siege/long range poke compositions with disengage. Xerath and Kog'maw are their preferred champions in this composition while running disengage or anti-engage in the other roles. SSW can counter this buy running a heavy wave clear champion and setting up a strong split-push in the other lanes. Also, if they ban Rumble when TSM is prepping this composition, then a strong engage composition should be able to counter the siege.

The third composition that we did see was a Yasuo composition. TSM like many teams, have learned how strong these compositions can be, especially since they include some of the very strong champions. Countering this out is done by recognizing its coming and either taking Yasuo, or stopping many of the picks he works so well with.

Weaknesses/Strengths – Samsung White

Samsung White is a dominant force. In groups their players put on a show of individual skill and got to show how mechanically strong they are.

Outside of individual play we saw very practiced vision control that looks like its become second nature to them.

Samsung White did play very overaggressive and overconfident though, in their group stage, costing them several fights and causing them to take much longer than was necessary to close games, showing a bit of unsafe play through this.

While we did not get to see much of Samsung White's strength outside of individual performance and really one play-style. SSW was also not challenged during the group stages. I feel this will be a major hindrance for them going into the Brackets. While every other team in the Groups was challenged, met with success and failure, learned and grew as a team, Samsung White really gained nothing from them. They played strong, but sloppily at times, and even played champions that they probably would not play if they felt challenged. The oomph behind TSM and behind the other teams in the brackets may help to give them an edge and bring them up to SSW's level and surprise them.

Weaknesses/Strengths – Team Solo Mid

TSM's individual skill does not seem as good as SSW, however it is close and TSM still have the ability to outplay SSW individually, though it will be an uphill battle. The duo lane of TSM may have the roughest time and depending on the team composition/lane match-ups will want to consider lane swapping.

TSM's strength will lie in their ability to make and play team compositions. While the Asian scene is heavily into the skirmish/brawl meta, the LCS teams have faced and created a large variety of different compositions and play-styles. TSM needs to play to this strength and take the mindset “We can win” not just relying on “I can/must win lane.”

How to win – Samsung White

SWW certainly have the edge in this match-up and to win they really just need to make sure that they do not fall prey TSM's compositions. They need recognize TSM's compositions and how to dismantle them both in picks/bans and in game. If they can keep TSM from getting their compositions rolling, then SSW should be able to draw TSM into their preferred style of play

How to win – Team Solo Mid

TSM are going to have a much harder time than SSW when it comes to pulling out wins. They need to and might just have to rely on their compositions to pull them past SSW's individual skill. That being said, TSM has some well crafted team comps and can play them to great affect. Prepping 3 or 4 styles and running through how to get them, prevent getting dismantled, and run scenarios in which SSW try to avoid them, will be necessary for TSM to make it through the best of 5.

During the matches, TSM will need to make sure to not get drawn into SSW's game like every team in SSW's group stage did.

TSM must play to their strength and stick to it as a full team.

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