E-Sports vs. Samsung
White Game #2
Zilean Zed
Alistar Nidalee
Yasuo Maokai
1. Lee
Sin 2. Lucian
Ryze 2. Thresh
Jinx 4. Khazix
Twisted Fate 4. Kayle
Blitzcrank 6. Katarina
Match-ups – AHQ E-Sports
Top -
early match-up top lane will go even, with both Ryze and Kayle
farming in lane safely. Ryze can bully Kayle at level 1, but Kayle
will sustain through it from level 2 on with his heal and pots.
Around level 6 and Ryze tear/catalyst, the match-up will swing
heavily in Ryze's favor. The much higher burst of Ryze will allow
him to really bully Kayle, as Kayle's power spike does not really
come into play until he reaches Nashor's tooth + Needless Rod or
Recurve Bow; even then Ryze will be able to out-trade with his spell
combo and backing off after he uses his snare. Kill pressure is
unlikely though after 6, as Kayle's ultimate and heal speed will keep
him safe. An early Lee Sin gank would have great kill potential, and
after level 6 a good ultimate will give him and Ryze time to kill
Kayle as he tries to retreat.
Mid -
Fate will have the early advantage in this match-up. He needs to get
as much harassment before level 3 as he can. Once level 3 hits,
anytime he uses either of his skills, Katarina will go in for the
counter harass. Farming primarily with auto attacks and holding onto
his skills will be the best option for Twisted Fate. However, if he
is able to land a pick a card stun onto Katarina, the harassment will
be well worth it and hard for Katarina to follow up on it. After 6
the lane becomes very dangerous. Hopefully at this point Twisted
Fate will be able to clear the wave in 1-2 Q's, allowing him to
safely and quickly farm out the mid lane from range. He should
attempt to keep his pick a card ready for an instant lock gold card.
Great kill pressure with Lee Sin as long as Lee Sin does not come
from behind, and the gank is timed when a creep wave will not be
coming to give Katarina an escape.
Bot -
again AHQ picks Blitzcrank into Thresh as well as picking Jinx, a
weak level 1 laner. This puts them in a very bad spot against SSW's
lane. The bully potential of SSW is vastly superior as is the all-in
fights. AHQ should not opt into this match-up and should instead go
for a lane swap. Trying to fight against the high pressure lane of
SSW will just result in AHQ getting pushed back and losing in farm.
The only saving grace here would be a hook into tower range.
Lee Sin against Khazix match-up. Farming will be the primary
concern, however Lee Sin does have two solid gank opportunities. If
Kayle pushes up early against Ryze, there is kill pressure up top.
Alternatively, Twisted Fate can bait out Katarina's leap and then Lee
Sin can gank immediately after, providing enough slow and time for
Twisted Fate to be able to pull out a second gold card stun.
Match-ups – Samsung White
Top -
lane will be a farm lane for Kayle. Primarily Kayle has been picked
for his late game potential and for his ultimate use on Katarina and
Khazix when they dive into AHQ's team. In lane Kayle will get
bullied, but will be able to sustain through Ryze's damage. It is
unlikely that Kayle will pull a large enough advantage to put kill
pressure (or any pressure) onto Ryze. On the same side, it is
unlikely that Ryze will be able to put kill pressure onto Kayle at
anytime during the laning phase either. If Ryze is pushed up to
Kayle's tower, a gank from Khazix could secure a kill with the double
slows and the speedup from Kayle.
Mid -
will have a fairly even time in this lane. She will get harassed by
Twisted Fate, however anytime either his pick a card or wild cards
have been used, Katarina can jump to either him or a minion and gain
harassment onto Twisted Fate with her other spells. Keeping up this
harassment pressure will be essential for Katarina staying even in
lane. At level 6 Katarina will have huge kill potential any time
pick a card is down, or is on the wrong cast rotation for a quick
gold card grab to stop Katarina's ultimate. Easy kill with jungle
gank, if Khazix can get in and slow Twisted Fate before getting
Bot -
is a very strong lane, especially against a lane that does not have
sustain. Once again AHQ picks Blitzcrank, who is inferior in lane to
Thresh. Samsung White should have an easy time as long as they don't
get grabbed into tower range. They will be able to heavily bully
Jinx from the very start of the lane and any hook or even flay onto
her that Thresh gets will create a strong kill opportunity.
standard Khazix vs. Lee Sin match-up. Khazix should primarily farm
and hope to counter-gank Lee Sin. Successful ganks will only be
found if Ryze is overly pushed, Thresh can land a good hook/lantern
combo, or Khazix can get into mid for the slow and damage onto
Twisted Fate without getting stunned.
Composition/Strategy – AHQ E-Sports
Conditions – Get Ryze fed and able to split-push/hard carry. Land
hooks and get picks with Blitzcrank and Twisted Fate. Transition
into turret pressure with Jinx range and Twisted Fate wave clear.
team, aside from Blitzcrank, is a fairly solid composition. Ryze and
Jinx will scale well into the late game if they can reach that point
and Twisted Fate should be able to turn one of those lanes in their
favor. The biggest downfall will be the bot lane match-up and should
be avoided. This will allows Jinx to farm safely and to apply early
and fast turret pressure. A pre level 6 turret transitioned into a
mid lane push would be ideal. The threat of Twisted Fate stun and
Blitzcrank pull would provide ample fear for SSW to go in before the
ultimates of Kayle and Katarina come into play. An early turret lead
would get them a small gold lead and they could continue this style
of play, in a defensive manner. Once SSW's ultimates come into play,
it will be much harder to siege if they do not have a lead, as Khazix
will gain greater wave clear, and the all in potential of SSW will be
vastly higher. After this point, if AHQ is ahead, they can continue
to siege and split-push with Ryze, attempting to keep Kayle away from
the sieges. If they are behind, it becomes a waiting game as they
try to farm into the late game (relying on Blitzcrank hooks for plays
at this point) while avoiding an open fight with SSW. Early
defensive items are a must against SSW. Preventing resets will be
key to winning.
Composition/Strategy – Samsung White
Condition – All-in reset city. The win condition here is getting
strong enough to be able to all-in AHQ with Katarina/Khazix and Kayle
ultimate after Khazix has landed some poke. Getting ahead in lane
will vastly improve these odds.
SSW has
crafted a very heavy reset composition. If it gets going it will
become almost unstable. With Kayle ultimate there will be a heavy
amount of guaranteed damage from either Khazix or Katarina and if
even one member of AHQ falls before Katarina or Khazix does, SSW will
quickly clean-up. If SSW get too far behind though, they will be
unable to all-in and get the resets and will be very lacking in any
comeback mechanics.. The saving grace here, is that their bot lane
is vastly superior to AHQ's lane. This should provide the power and
distraction Khazix and Katarina need to get rolling in the
Notes -
should have waited just slightly for his team to get in range. He
did burn a flash though. Waiting may have given kill pressure or may
have not got the flash. Ryze now cannot bully Kayle at level 1 since
he picked up his snare.
AHQ opt
into the 2v2. A good hook onto Thresh in bot lane leads to an early
fight. However a slight misplay causes the kill to go to Blitzcrank
instead of Jinx. Jinx also dies, as SSW go all-in after getting
hooked, and having the superior match-up are able to get the kill
trade and for it to be in favor of SSW. As the kill gold and the kill
target are better for them.
unable to bully Kayle at level 1, gets pushed into his tower. A full
HP Kayle is able to pick up Q instead of heal. A tower dive from
Khazix results in the kill, however good skill use allows Ryze to get
the tower to finish off Khazix.
A gank
attempt from Lee Sin goes awry in bot lane as Blitzcrank tries to
hook Lucian (who dashes away) while too close to SSW's tower. Thresh
hooks Blitzcrank into tower range and flays him in, causing huge
damage with no return from AHQ. The fight is now in favor of
Thresh/Lucian who have almost full HP to the sub 100 hp of
Blitzcrank, the 1/3 HP of Jinx, and the 4/5 hp of Lee Sin. SSW now
counter-engage in a 2v3. A great dash flash will put Lucian in range
to kill Blitzcrank and subsequently onto Jinx, even with Thresh to
far away. A good lantern will allow Lucian to escape Lee Sin, the
lantern having allowed Lucian to play so aggressively.
once again dives top, this time with Kayle intervention, but still
dies due to using his Leap to get into the tower rather than away
from it. The tower dives have caused Ryze to lose a lot of
experience from creeps, though not gold since he has gotten the
kills. However, the experience lead has now given Kayle the
bot lane is now a level ahead and heavily bullies AHQ's lane.
Lee Sin
counters an attempted tower dive from Katarina and Khazix onto
Twisted Fate, preventing the dive.
Fate makes a great ultimate onto bot lane, porting in at the lantern
range while Blitzcrank flash hooks Lucian. While the lantern does
get Lucian away, Twisted Fate's positioning is perfect to catch him.
leads to AHQ dragon attempt. Even though they have the man
advantage, the damage from dragon, and a good spike poke onto Lee Sin
bring him low. Katarina and Khazix will leap onto Lee Sin while he
focuses dragon. This allows SSW to set up the resets. During this
Twisted Fate, Ryze, and Jinx are fighting Thresh, instead of dealing
with the very dangerous Katarina and Khazix (who has evolved wings).
Though Thresh dies, it was completely the wrong target for AHQ,
Khazix and Katarina get the damage onto Lee Sin and the resets for
Katarina and Khazix begin. SSW ace AHQ in a 4v5 only losing Thresh
and then take mid tower.
SSW is
now very far ahead and will be able to win every lane, every trade,
and every skirmish. AHQ can now only rely on picks. Scrying orbs
should be coming out at this point, as keeping control of their
jungle will be very hard.
start to create skirmishes inside AHQ jungle, claiming jungle
pressure and superiority and will continue to look for pressure and
reset dive opportunities.
great wild card timing against Kayle intervention nets Twisted Fate a
kill, however AHQ do lose two in the process.
A good
culling taking Blitzcrank to half HP at the bottom T2 turret, leads
to a great flank engage from Thresh. With Blitz already low, and
with no defensive items on Lee Sin. SSW's reset crazy team clean up
3 kills and the tower very quickly.
A great
hook from Blitzcrank gets a quick flash from Lucian.
once again try to fight SSW in the jungle, near their top T2 turret.
With 0 defensive items still, AHQ give up two kills to the damage and
resets of SSW.
after, AHQ get caught, again in their top jungle, looking toward
checking blue and Baron.
will just push AHQ's base, getting kills and diving AHQ.
AHQ do
get a good pick after Katarina dives too deep and dies, however it
does not matter. The picks only result in trading kills, even in a
4v5 situation.
Game Notes -
SSW are
very slow at closing out the game. Instead opting for kill after
kill. Just something to note about their play when far ahead.
Though it does not matter in this game because the lead is so vast.
While the win is definitive it is in no means clean.
AHQ put
themselves at a big disadvantage from level 1. Ryze picking up snare
really hurt him in his lane potential and AHQ opting into the 2v2 put
their duo lane in a bad match-up. SSW was able to handily win top
and bottom lane due to this small advantages and were then able to
roll them into an Ace at the first dragon fight. AHQ did not respect
SSW's reset composition at this time, and focused on Thresh instead
of the dangers of Khazix and Katarina. They lost the fight, lost mid
turret, and really turned the game massively in SSW's favor.
Notes -
gets behind and ends up with no defensive items.
goes Deathcap over Hurricane as his second item. This is a great
choice as the upfront damage will allow the teams reset's to come in
builds Mpen items which are extremely effective against the no MR
have preferred to see Blitzcrank work towards Aegis before upgrading
his Relic Shield.
AHQ should have done -
Pick a
better bot lane match-up or opt out of the 2v2. AHQ essentially
threw this lane to SSW, giving them the edge they needed in the early
game. With Lucian and Thresh performing much better than AHQ's lane,
SSW was able to get the upfront damage they needed to get resets
going (Lucian ultimate and burst). Especially with Ryze grabbing
snare 2nd, AHQ should have lane swapped into the 2v1 and
pulled out some quick tower pushes with Jinx, and transitioning that
push into the other lanes before SSW's reset comp could reach its
shining point.
respect needed to be given to SSW's resets at the first dragon fight.
At this point, AHQ were behind, but not by too much. By not
respecting the resets, taking dragon damage and Khazix poke and then
focusing Thresh instead of Katarina or Khazix, AHQ handed SSW the
game at this fight, putting themselves too far back to make any sort
of comeback.
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