Thursday, October 2, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSW vs. EDG Game #1

Edward Gaming vs. Samsung White Game #1
Standard Lanes

Yasuo Twitch
Kassadin Ryze
Alistar Janna

1. Maokai 2. Zilean
3. Thresh 2. Khazix
3. Lucian 4. Rumble
5. Jarvan 4. Tristana
5. Orianna 6. Nami

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top – Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Jarvan to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Khazix damage will be much higher.

Mid – Orianna has an easy lane against Zilean. Most likely will not be able to kill Zilean due to his move speed and ult, however if Zilean tries to fight Orianna, Orianna will win. Zilean will wave clear and roam slightly faster. Orianna has the choice to either hard farm mid and jungle camps to out scale Zilean, or to attempt to follow Zilean and reach the fight a little bit later. Orianna can also attempt to zone Zilean to one side of the lane, predicting and limiting his roam options. I would suggest running Teleport in this match-up, focus on farming, and use Teleport to follow Zilean.

Bot – This match-up in my opinion is inferior to Samsung White's bottom lane. The only hope for Lucian/Thresh is to bully Tristana from level one or by getting the early level 2 to get her low. Once low, the harassment onto Tristana must be constant against Nami's sustain to keep her too low to fight in an all-in. Around level 4/5 if HP is even, then the lane will most likely be lost and Lucian/Thresh must now try to just safely farm against a greater scaling ADC. Lucian MUST save his dash for Nami's Bubble/Ult. Anytime his dash is down, Trist/Nami will have kill potential. Best hope is for Jarvan to gank and then bursting down Nami, Tristana will be untouchable. After level 6, it will be too late for Jarvan to successfully gank when either Trist or Nami's ult is up.

Jungle – Jarvan will lose in farm to Khazix, however he can gank much better early on and two of his lanes have hard CC to setup the ganks. As long as he can avoid the counter-gank, Jarvan should have very successful ganks. Top lane especially has good cc vs. no escape Rumble. A bottom gank right when Thresh picks up lantern would also be good too.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top – Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Khazix is there for the counter-gank.

Mid – Outside of ganks, Zilean is very safe vs. Orianna. Orianna will out farm Zilean if she focuses on jungle camps after the wave is cleared, but Zilean can clear mid lane safely and quickly and then is able to roam very quickly to jungle/side lane fights.

Bot – Tristana/Nami is a fairly safe and superior lane against Lucian/Thresh if played properly. Any minor damage to Lucian/Thresh will stick, while Tristana/Nami will easily be able to heal through poke. Lucian/Thresh must all-in to win this lane, however with Nami bubble and heal, their safety, escape, and counter-engage vs. Lucian/Thresh all-in is very strong. Get the safe harassment at levels 1-3; once level 4/5, Tristana/Nami should be able to win every aspect of the lane. Nami however, is vulnerable to Thresh hook into a lantern gank from Jarvan, especially before level 6.

Jungle – Khazix should focus primarily on farming and look to counter-gank and counter-jungle Jarvan as much as possible. All of Khazix's lanes, except for Nami, have weak help in the early ganks. Must reach a point where the damage alone is too high for an escape from the gank.

Team Compositions/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – All-in engagement and win 5v5 team fights.

EDG's team composition is very much your standard all-in 5v5 engage. Maokai and Jarvan will be diving into Samsung White's team with the support of Orianna ball and ultimate (delivery systems). Thresh, unless he gets a good hook, will be looking to peel for Lucian, primarily against Khazix, and to provide lantern escapes for his front line. They must not fight in small corridors or pile into a single spot (especially a dive onto one champion with Zilean around) otherwise Rumble's ultimate will shred them to pieces. Provided EDG do not fall behind in the laning phase and then switch their focus to 5v5 team fights, pushing towers and objectives together with the threat of a 5v5 engage, their team composition should be superior around the mid game mark. The real problem lies in the disengage of Samsung White though, so when EDG do engage, they must pick it carefully.

Team Compositions/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Allow Khazix time to poke and then dismantle EDG's all-in engagement buying time for sustained poke/damage to bring down EDG.

*Note – As always, with Zilean on the team, Samsung White will be the team to first hit level 6 all else going even.

SSW have put together a very disengage style team composition that deals very well with EDG's all-in composition. While they lack a strong front line, their goal is not to engage, but rather they have put all the pressure onto EDG to engage. Without just the right engagement from EDG, SSW's team will be able to dismantle EDG's attempt to engage. Rumble and Nami ultimates, combined with the escapes of Khazix/Tristana, and the speed of Zilean make it very easy for SSW to back off of an engagement, kite it out, and then re-engage once EDG have lost their engagement tools. Zilean ultimate also provides safety in the event of someone getting picked, allowing the rest of the team to set up their disengage to save their teammate.

Game Notes – Start to Finish

Jarvan and Khazix both start Red.

Thresh/Lucian get behind in HP by level 2 and get level 3 later than Trist/Nami.
Thresh hook leads to a better trade for Trist/Nami.

EDG farm in top and mid is ahead early, too be expected.

Jarvan wastes time bottom when the lane was pushing, does not spend the time to stay around for the lane to push back, instead goes to waste time mid against another pushing lane.

Maokai's first back nets him HP pots and another Doran's Ring, this is a bad buy, especially when Rumble has bought Ruby Crystal and Amp tome, items building towards his Haunting Guise. Maokai should have bought a Negatron cloak.

Rumble baits Maokai into a fight, burning his ult and mana while Khazix is on his way. Rumble knows Maokai can't kill him, and that he can slow Maokai down the long lane once Khazix gets closer. Earns FB.
EDG respond, take dragon. Trade is actually in favor of SSW, they have focused the gold/exp advantage into a single lane, putting Rumble farther ahead of Maokai where as the first dragon benefit is more minor to the lanes (greater overall, less focus).

Nami/Trist catch Thresh, Rumble instantly tp's causing Thresh to back off instead of engage, and burns his flash. Rumble cancels TP after flash, saving cool down and allowing him to get to lane rather than be on the other side of the map

Trist uses ultimate for harassment in lane, knowing Lucian cannot heal it up. Thresh gets a hook onto Trist, but Lucian's dash is down. Nami ult and bubble provide MUCH more cc than Thresh hook and Lucian goes down.

Maokai returns to lane with catalyst (200 hp, only effective combat stats) where as rumble has returned with Haunting Guise. Khazix waits up top for another gank onto Maoki. The damage is just way too high for Maokai to even get close to escaping.

Maokai picks up a Blasting wand, still no MR and now Rumble has double Mpen items.

Take note of SSW's vision. There is no possible way for Jarvan to get top outside of from lane. And now Rumble can simply 1v1 Maokai every time.

Trist/Nami 2v2 bot lane, killing Lucian, even with Trist jump being down (though it got him in position). Lucian's dash is down, Nami ult catches him and they chase with speed ups and slows to finish him off.

SSW get overconfident and get caught in a blue invade attempt.

Rumble gets overconfident and engages Maokai, winning engage but gets ganked by Lucian/Thresh and dies. Ganks on Rumble should have been happening long ago with how much CC Maokai has.

SSW take the dragon though, prioritizing this later dragon over top lane due to its increased value now.

Orianna farming wraiths during SSW push on mid, w/o the wave clear mid falls.

Imp is now strong enough to split push, will move to side lanes over the rest of the game to push turrets and farm waves. The solo experience will really help him reach his range advantage Can 1v1 anyone on EDG, and has an easy escape during ganks. Safe strong split push with ward coverage.

Trist jumps at Maokai in a 1v1 knowing that he can win the fight. Even though Thresh is near enough to join in, Trist is safe enough with the knock-back to last long enough against the low damage Maokai/Thresh can provide until his team (who are already on their way) are able to reach him. This earns them the top tower before EDG can respond.

EDG out rotate SSW and take mid T2 turret. Trist responds by pushing bot T2. EDG has two choices, push mid in the 5v4 and race Trist, or collapse onto Trist. They should have chosen push, but instead choose collapse with Maokai tping to tower to save it. Without vision of 3 members of SSW, EDG split to cover all Trist's escape routes, and because of this, Orianna gets caught by Nami/Rumble, taking her to 1/3 hp and earning SSW the dragon.

EDG setup a trap in the baron pit, hoping to jump the wall and catch someone. However, SSW has just hit some huge item spikes. Trist has picked up Infinity Edge, Rumble finishes Seeker's Arm-guard, Khazix grabs Pickaxe and Negatron Cloak.. EDG has not picked up anything new. The difference in power from this spike is huge and EDG do not respect it. EDG get spotted out, miss the pick, and EDG engage with Nami ult. EDG do get out, though Maokai is stuck. EDG decide to engage with Maokai trapped and with the whole team at half hp., should have just backed off, EDG lose 3, SSW start baron. Orianna/Lucian try to stop baron, but Trist jumps right into them, knowing Zilean ult is up and takes them both out.

At this point the game is 95% over. Trist is strong enough to 1v1 anyone, potentially 1v2. SSW will send him to split and draw attention. EDG must deal with Trist by sending 2-3 people, allowing SSW to group as four. Either Trist or the group of 4 will take an objective depending on who and how many EDG send where and when.

SSW do make some mistakes, mainly overconfident, they know they have the win. A few players get caught by EDG and die unnecessarily so. But this still earns SSW objectives and pressure.

Trist picks up Bloodthirster 3rd instead of Last Whisper. Shield and Life-steal will make him so safe while EDG has only a single armor item.

Trist solo pushes bot lane with EDG top, takes 2 turrets.

SSW play around Baron, baiting in EDG, until the point they decide it's safe to start Baron. Trist gets overconfident and leaps into EDG's team while Zilean is too far away to ult her. Trist gets locked down by CC and SSW proceed to lose the fight, even after getting Baron. EDG unable to take any other objectives after though and SSW is still safe with a 10k gold lead and 6 item Tristana.

SSW decide to finally push the bot inhibitor now that Baron is down. A good engage from EDG results in a solid team-fight, and once again Tristana jumps right into the enemy team, too far from Zilean and gets CC'ed and blown up. However, SSW is so far ahead that they are still able to clean up and kill several members of EDG, and take the inhibitor.

Now SSW will do the baron dance while super minions push bot lane and will keep the other lanes pressing. Rotates to top lane after taking out baron vision. Out rotates EDG and gets top turret.

EDG try to engage, but this time it is a bad one, and SSW disengage with Tristana in complete safety. SSW end the game off of this fight.

End Game Notes -

Early Game –
EDG's bot lane is unable to bully from level one (they leash for Jarvan) and do not earn level 2 before Tristana/Nami. Because they are behind at this point, the lane is essentially lost unless Jarvan gets a good gank. Lucian also has his dash down at several key points which end up getting him killed. This helps Tristana get past her mid game power dip much quicker.

Maokai does not respect Rumble's damage output and does not pick up any MR against Rumble's double Mpen build.

Jarvan does not gank top lane, even though Rumble has no escape and Maokai has great CC to supplement Jarvan's own. He also wastes close to a minute trying to gank pushed lanes against very safe opponent champions. His build is also extremely squishy, building Elder Lizard into Sight Stone, making him paper against Tristana.

Mid Game -
EDG are mostly playing catch up to SSW's map movements. We do see a good gank top, but it costs them the dragon. Then EDG get out-maneuvered and lose their mid turret due to Orianna farming wraiths.

EDG out rotate SSW during the third dragon, but make a bad choice in trying to collapse onto Tristana and splitting up in their attempt to catch her when they are lacking vision on three of SSW's members. This costs them the dragon.

EDG then try to set up a pick, but do not respect the item spike of SSW and then horrible lose a fight they never should have picked. This causes SSW to get a delayed Ace on them and pick up Baron. This is essentially the end point of the game.

Late Game -
SSW get a little careless, and Rumble and Zilean both die twice by being in side lanes alone. SSW is so far ahead though that the other members can still apply pressure and/or take an objective while this is happening. The lead stays the same, and SSW are able to slowly, but easily draw EDG out to baron fights and win the game, even though Imp plays careless.

EDG would have needed 2-3 good fights with objectives taken after to catch back up, but SSW would not let this happen.

What EDG needed to do -
Simply put, everything really snowballed from the laning phase. EDG's bot lane did not pull an early advantage to prevent SSW's bot lane from going all in and Lucian did not keep his dash up. Maokai up top did not respect the Rumble pick and eventually lost trades against him. Jarvan did not pull off any ganks when he had two solid lanes to gank for, especially Maokai up top. EDG got too far behind too early.

At this point they really had to try to stall and 5v5 fight around objectives during the right item spikes until Maokai could deal a bit with Tristana and Orianna would reach the point of being a major threat.

Item Notes -

EDG did not pick up an Aegis/Locket even when facing a double AP comp and Nami/Trist which deal a low to ok amount of magic damage.

Once again, I really dislike the Rod of Ages start for Maokai, especially if he is going to go into Frozen Heart later. Instead he should have picked up an early Spirit Visage (still good early-mid game versus Tristana who goes Statik Shiv), then moved into Frozen Heart or maybe a giant's belt/Rylai's from some HP and damage. All Maokai needed to do was to be able to tank, the slow scaling Rod of Ages is a bad choice when behind or even going even with Rumble.

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