Friday, October 5, 2012

Braiden, The Cogwork Tinker

Braiden, The Cogwork Tinker

          Not all benevolent minds stay benevolent.

            Braiden was born without magical talent.  What he was born with though, was mind for two things - machinery and medicine.  From the time he could learn to read, Braiden’s nose was buried in books cataloguing the achievements in medicine, techmaturgy, and mechanical invention of Pitlover, his hometown.   Even before he was admitted Pitlover’s famous academies, he could be found running their halls or in the corner’s of their libraries.  When he was just nine, he successfully performed his first life-saving surgery, albeit on just a street rat and a year later he had constructed his first simple automatron.
            When he was finally old enough to be admitted to one of Pitlover’s academies, he enrolled himself into three.  By the time the administration found out it was too late to stop him, he was already getting the highest marks in all his classes.  Learning became Braiden’s life for the next several years, tinkering his passion.  As the years past, the academies became filled with Braiden’s little automatrons, or as he called them, his cogworks.  Often times they could be seen running around Pitlover performing various errands for him.  While tinkering took up most of his free time, his drive to understand medical practices never left him and any free time not devoted to his tinkering was spent volunteering in one the hospitals.
            As his skill grew, his two passions intertwined.  Soon he was creating cogworks capable of performing basic medical treatment, or even assisting in more delicate operations much as a nurse would.  One of his greatest accomplishments was developing the ability to store magical energy within a cogwork and have it use that energy to speed up the body’s natural healing process.  These inventions of his were highly desired and often Braiden would send several on caravans to other cities without any thought for compensation.
            When Braiden graduated, he was one of the most respected minds in the fields of medicine and machinery.  With all the naivety of a scholar who rarely leaves his books, Braiden set out treat the injured.  His travels took him to the various skirmishes that still occurred on the country’s borders.  His travelling medical tent became a sort of neutral ground.  Braiden would treat anyone regardless of allegiance, and for awhile, his naivety held.  That is, until one night.
            While treating the Demacian survivors of a Noxxian raid, an assassin had attacked his tent.  His helpless patients had been slaughtered in front of his eyes and so would have he been if not for his cogworks.  Not expecting them to be of any threat, the Noxxian assassin had been caught off guard as one cogwork injected him with a powerful sedative.  Looking around at the senseless loss of life around him, Braiden’s naivety shattered, and he took his first life.  That night, Braiden didn’t sleep, the sounds of tinkering lasting through the night.  In the morning, the nearby Noxxian encampment was no more, all of the soldiers had been slaughtered, broken gears and metal casings the only sign of any attack.
            The next day, Braiden walked through the doors of the League of Legends, offering his services in hopes of preventing any more tragedies like the one that he himself caused.  Even as he fights in the League, his cogworks can be sometimes be seen on the borders of Pitlover, protecting it with vicious means if necessary.

            Braiden is designed to be a support play-style hero with fairly consistent, but minor Crowd Control abilities, as well as shields that contribute increasing benefits the longer they hold.  Braiden would benefit most from CDR, allowing him to protect his allies and control his enemies as often as possible.


Passive – Clinging Cogworks:
Braiden’s Cogwork weapons are designed to work in groups.  When enough Cogworks are attacked to a foe, they will short circuit, hampering enemy movement.

            Braiden’s auto attacks add a Cogwork Counter to his opponents, at 5 stacks the enemy will be snared for 1 second and take 20 (+ 8 per level) physical damage.  Champions will be immune to stacks for 3 seconds afterwards.

Augmentation: Cogworks specially designed to store and transfer energy attach themselves to an ally, providing a temporary electrical shield while they attempt to improve their ally’s defenses

           Braiden throws a Cogwork to target ally or uses one on himself.  Ally is shielded for 90/140/190/240/290 (+.8 AP).  Shield last for 5 seconds. While the shield holds, ally will receive 2/4/5/6/8 AR/MR per second, removed 2 seconds after the shield fails.

System Shock: A cogwork specially designed to target an enemy’s nervous system; explodes on contact delivering a powerful and debilitating electrical shock.

           Line skillshot.  Braiden quickly throws a cogwork in target direction.  On contact with an enemy, cogwork deals 75/120/165/210/255 (+.65 AP) magical damage stunning the target for .25/.3/.35/.4/.45/.5 seconds and slowing the target by 80% afterwards, recovering over 1 second.

Burrowing Cogs: Thrown Cogworks bury themselves in the ground, exploding and knocking back nearby enemies when stepped on.

           Anivia wall cast system, perhaps a curved barrier.   5 Burrowing Cogs will last for  2/3/4/5/6 seconds, deal 40/70/100/130/160 (+.25 AP) magical damage per cog, and cause minor knockback in a very small area.

Ultimate – Cogwork Storm: Braiden’s Cogworks designed to build even more Cogworks go into overdrive, producing smaller sized Cogworks by the second that fly to allies, protecting them and improving their offenses.

           For 6 seconds all allied champion in a large range around Braiden are shielded for 30/45/60 (+.15 AP) per second.  Shield will stack.  Every application of the shield will also add 4/6/8 AD/AP.  If shield is broken at any point, all AD/AP stacks are removed.  1 extra Cogwork will also be sent to the lowest HP % champion each second.  Shields will last for 3 seconds after their last application.

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