Friday, July 20, 2012

Arena Survival

Arena Survival
            In this one, the title really just speaks for itself, an enclosed area in which the player uses their current Diablo 3 characters to clear waves and attempt to make it o the end.  Not much more to it than that.  Easy enough to get creative with wave design with the large number of monsters and champion affixes in Diablo 3.  Various modes could be created, some with set waves, others random, some infinite.  It would give players a pretty chaotic challenge and they would be easy to design.
            Aside from that, not a whole lot to say, most gamers have encountered an arena style game or fight, this would not be much different from that.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Aeon of Strife

Aeon of Strife
            The second mode that has come to my mind is a take on the current MOBA genre (games like LoL, DotA, HoN).  For those who have actually played a Strife map back in Warcraft 3 days, this will seem pretty familiar.  I do believe however that it would fit very well into the Diablo 3 engine and universe.

            Each map will consist of two bases on opposite sides.  One will be the player base, the other will be the base of the demons.  They will be connected by multiple paths upon which computer controlled minions will travel down and fight.  Players will spend their time pushing enemy minions down the lanes, ultimately attempting to reach and destroy the enemy base.

            A good majority of the players time will be spent in the lanes.  As the enemy will only be NPCs, their waves of minions will be stronger than the players and will quickly push towards a player’s base if a lane is left alone for too long.  Under normal circumstances, when a player is in lane, they will begin to push the lane towards the enemy base.  As time progresses, the enemy minions will go stronger and new types will begin to spawn.
            The lanes themselves will each be different.  One may be a straight shot to the base, others may wind through a forest or swamp.  Some may even go through a cave system.  Having paths of different lengths, perhaps even different spawns than the other ones, would force players to decide the priority of each lane, and how far they wanted to push them respectively.

The Player Base
            A large part of player decision making would be made at the player base.  Here, there would be a lot of options for them to spend the resources they will earn over the course of the mode.  Players would have to choose from buying equipment for themselves, upgrading their troops, adding new spawns, creating new buildings and defenses, summoning special troops, and a host of other options.

Champions, Control Points, and Events
            While most of a players time will be spent in a lane, several things will happen that will force players to have to change lanes and shift their focus from simply pushing them.  The first and most common of these will be Champion spawns.  Occasionally and generally in a random lane, a Champion pack will spawn.  These will represent a major threat to the lane they are in and players will be forced to shift their attention to this spawn or otherwise watch the lane quickly make the way to the player base.
            The second distraction from the lanes will be Control Points placed along the map.  These can be directly in the lanes, or off in random places.  Players will fight the NPC’s for these points and the team that controls them will acquire some sort of advantage.  This could be in the form of resource generation, way points, long range defenses, or area/global buffs.  Keeping control of these points would greatly benefit the player and while under their control the enemy would at times send special waves to try to reclaim them.
            A third distraction, would be events.  These could be triggered by the player (such as the construction of a trebuchet), or be random generated (such as a massive enemy wave, or having to interrupt the channeling of an enemy spell.).  Some events could even be the claiming of an objective in which both sides must fight to reach it and bring it back to base

Player Characters
            There are two ways to use the classes of Diablo 3 and players characters in this mode.  The first is an extremely simple implementation.  Just use player’s actual characters.  For most situations this would work out well, basing difficulties off of the difficulty structure of the main game.  The only downside to this would be that players could out scale the challenge at extremely high levels of gear.
            The other option would be give players a starting set of gear at the beginning of the mode, and allow them to use resources or gold gather in the mode to upgrade their gear from shops (as well as potentially having enemies drop loot.  This would allow designers to create a stable level of challenge based on the map/difficulty of that mode, keeping it as something for players to overcome, not overpower.
            Of course, both methods could also be used with varying difficulties created for both.

            A mode like this would allow for designers to quickly create content that would be both enjoyable and challenging to players.  It would be different and fresh style of play while still remaining true to the feel of Diablo 3.  Current content could be recycled and used in a new way providing players with a change of pace without a lot of design time.  As the main Diablo 3 game progressed, any new content created there could be used in this mode as well.

Assault Defense

Assault Defense
            My first idea is a take on the classical tower defense genre, but much more action oriented.  For this mode, I have made a small map as an example.

Grey – Ramparts
Blue – Area to Protect
Brown – Destructible Barricades
Red – Bridge
Yellow – Cliff
Green – Underground Entrance
Arrows – Wave Spawn Points
White – Monster Paths

            Players will be attempting to stop a constant flow of monsters from reaching their revive crystal located at the end of the NPC pathways.  If this crystal is destroyed, the mode is over.  Players will protect this crystal by actively fighting against the stream of monsters and hiring squads to aide them in their defense.

            Rather than your traditional towers for defense, Squad Captains will be placed in various locations of the map (or a new system could be designed to allow them to be placed anywhere, but with the current mechanics, preplaced NPC’s would be easiest).  Players could then talk to these squad captains to hire various types of soldiers under their command.  These squads would then protect their area, attacking and/or distracting anything within range.  However, unlike traditional defenses, your squads will be attacked, causing the player to have to decide how to build them, based upon their location (some captains will be in places monsters never attack, others may be right along the paths).  The squads will the player’s main source of dealing with the constant stream of monsters, allowing the player’s to focus on the more dangerous threats.

Monsters and Events
            In each map, weak/normal monsters will constantly be attacking from the main spawn points.  At first, players will be handling this stream on their own. As they collect resources, they will begin to hire the squads to deal with them.  Over time, they constant streams will get stronger, forcing the player to keep an eye on them, and continue to upgrade and hire squad members.  The primary focus of the players however, will not be these streams of monsters, but rather the random events/spawns that will occur throughout the defense.
            Throughout the course of the mode, most of a player’s time will be dealing with Champion and Elite spawns.  Left unchecked, these spawns will take a heavy toll on your squads, putting the player far behind and causing the regular stream of minions to become a big threat.  So players will run to the various lanes and spawn points (aided by waypoints) to handle this larger threat.
            Aside from just champion spawns, players will have to turn their attention to events that transpire over the course of the fight.  These could include new paths opening up, a wave of flyers, or a group of mobs that climb your walls attempting to attack your squads from behind.  Events could also include protecting workers while they build a long range catapult, new training facility, or put up a wall.  Players could also be required to stop enemy events that would summon devastating creatures or debuff spells.

Player Characters
            There are two ways to use the classes of Diablo 3 and players characters in this mode.  The first is an extremely simple implementation.  Just use player’s actual characters.  For most situations this would work out well, basing difficulties off of the difficulty structure of the main game.  The only downside to this would be that players could out scale the challenge at extremely high levels of gear.
            The other option would be give players a starting set of gear at the beginning of the mode, and allow them to use resources or gold gather in the mode to upgrade their gear from shops (as well as potentially having enemies drop loot.  This would allow designers to create a stable level of challenge based on the map/difficulty of that mode, keeping it as something for players to overcome, not overpower.
            Of course, both methods could also be used with varying difficulties created for both.

            A mode like this would allow for designers to quickly create content that would be both enjoyable and challenging to players.  It would be different and fresh style of play while still remaining true to the feel of Diablo 3.  Current content could be recycled and used in a new way providing players with a change of pace without a lot of design time.  As the main Diablo 3 game progressed, any new content created there could be used in this mode as well.

New Gameplay from Old Content – Diablo 3 Game Modes

New Gameplay from Old Content – Diablo 3 Game Modes
            Recently, Blizzard announced that Diablo 3’s endgame is currently unsustainable.  There is only so much pull that the item hunt can generate, especially with so much gear readily available on the Auction House.  However, creating brand new content is a huge endeavor.  The time and money that goes into the art, story, sound, music, quest design, character and monster creation, to name a few parts, is enormous, especially for a game with the quality that Diablo 3 has.  Adding on to that, new content (specifically a new Act) has to fit into the difficulty structure currently in the game, leading to a potential redistribution of difficulty, exp, items, etc throughout the current difficulty levels.
            This got me thinking and so, I started brainstorming and I’d like to share a few ideas I came up with.  Now bear with me one these, I know the Diablo universe is not known for “modes” but with PvP being designated to an arena separate from the game itself, “modes” might work out pretty well.  The reason I’ve come up with ways to create content in terms of mode is two-fold.  One, using current content in new ways to create new styles or realms of play cuts down tremendously on time and money design takes.  The other reason, is that people enjoy short term burst of challenges; they keep players engaged without becoming too much because there is no end. So, without further ado and without going into a ton of detail (which I have), here are some of my ideas for content that can be challenging, enjoyable, and quickly designed.