Sunday, September 15, 2013

LoLByTheNumbers - A Look at Worlds

Greetings fellow Summoners,
The World Championship is upon us with the first of the group stage matches underway. So what can we expect during the course of the World's, and what can we expect from each team? After having watched all 92 regionals matches and doing some stat taking, I'd like the share with you a few things I noticed.

Sorry its a bit late as the Group stages have started, wanted this to be up yesterday, but life got in the way.

Combined Regional Stats
For those of you interested in the statistics of the regional qualifiers, all of the data I've collected can be found here.

.ODS files up currently, Excel will be up shortly.

Champion List – Contains Pick/Ban, Win/Loss percentage, KDA and avg KDA as well as Champion Picks and KDA/avg KDA of each player.

Items – Contains (primarily) finished/intermediate items picked by X role for each game as well as the total pick-up percentage per game. Broken down into individual games, teams, and champions.

Objective Control – Contains a few major objective points found in most/each match, the times they were taken, and the win rates associated with controlling that objective.

Things to watch for
Outside of the normal, high-skilled play that is associated with the professional teams. There are a few things to watch out for. If you regularly watch the LCS and the professional scene you probably already know these, but if you are a bit newer to the scene, here are a few things to keep your eye on.

Trinity Force
Just a small note, its back and in full force. Expect to see it, and Trinity Force champions making a huge showing. With only two of the Regional Qualifiers being played on the buffed Trinity Force patch, several new champions for the various regions teams may be coming out.

Contested Champs
Even though a total of 81 champions were picked/banned throughout the course of the Regional Qualifiers, there are some very highly contested champions among all the regions.

Champion – Pick/Ban Rates
Shen – 81 – 88.04%
Thresh – 77 – 83.70%
Jarvan – 73 – 79.35%
Zed – 70 – 76.09%
Ahri – 66 – 71.74%
Sona – 63 – 68.48%
Zac – 63 – 68.48%
Zyra – 57 – 61.96%
Elise – 54 – 61.96%
Ezreal – 53 – 57.61%
Lee Sin – 52 – 56.52%
Caitlyn – 51 – 55.43%
Orianna – 48 – 52.17%

During the regionals, these were the champions that were either picked or banned in over half the matches. With the exception of Sona and Zyra (rarely banned but picked a lot due to being the primary supports currently), these champions are very highly contested and often banned out or taken as first or second picks. You can expect to see a lot of decision making and mindgames happening during the pick and ban phases in an attempt to secure these champions for their own team or deny them from the opposing team.

Fast tower pushes/trades
During the beginning of the summer split, we saw a lot of very fast tower pushing with the first outer tower falling around 3:30 and sometimes the following inner turret by 5:30. Since the buff to the outer towers though, this has become a lot less likely. But, it does still happen, especially in the Asian scene. Anytime you see a 2v1 lane at the start of the match (especially with Caitlyn), there is going to be a high chance of the jungler moving to the 2v1 lane and fast pushing towers. Most teams have seen this kind of play before, and will most likely react appropriately by doing the same in the opposing lane, but with this type of strategy having mostly died out over a month ago, it may be possible that a team gets caught of guard by this. Regardless, in the event of extremely fast turret pushes/trades, expect to see the rest of the game accelerated and laning phases ending shortly after.

Champion Combos
Some very potent champion combinations have cropped up over the past few weeks or months and we can be sure to expect them during the World Championship. If you see them picked up, be prepared to watch some pretty destructive plays coming from the combos.

+ Ashe + Zyra: Probably the most well known combo and made popular by Cloud 9, the Ashe/Zyra combination brings a ton of control from the bot lane, a rarely known for the control they bring. Inside of the lane, the long poke range provide good harassment, as well as the ability to both engage and disengage with 4 different types of CC (Stun, Knock-up, Snare, and Slow) provide this combo with a lot of safety and kill potential. Outside of the lane, the CC that Ashe/Zyra provide allow for more pure damage champions to come from the other lanes. With high pick potential from Ashe's ultimate and the CC/Protection/Zone Potential of Zyra, this bot lane combo allows teams to almost always choose how and when to fight.
Variations of this combination include replacing Ashe with Varus, or Zyra with Sona. Though not as effective, they still provide a large amount of control from the bottom lane.

+ Vi + Ahri/Shen: Recently picking up steam, particularly in the Korean scene, Vi + Ahri/Shen have been causing huge amounts of problems for the opposing team. Vi's ultimate is guaranteed to hit here target and with the extra range she can get from her Q Dash, she can almost always reach the high priority targets in any fight. This long range, guaranteed crowd control allows Vi to setup her teammates. This is hugely effective with Ahri and Shen. Ahri, with her ult, is able to easily follow Vi to her target. With her targeted CC'ed Ahri is guaranteed to land her charm on her target, resulting in her entire combo hitting on top of Vi's damage. 99% of the time this will result in the targets death. Shen, as the other combo with Vi, is also extremely effective. Shen will Ult onto Vi as she is dashing in. The result is having Shen teleported into the opposing teams back line and following up Vi's CC with even more CC.

+ Ori + Delivery System: Another well known combo and seen time and time again throughout the world, is the Ball Delivery System. Basically it consists of Orianna + any champion that can cover a very large distance quickly while holding onto Orianna's ball. This allows fast and easy positioning of Orianna's ball into the middle of the opposing team for her Ultimate. Many champions work well for this, though some of the more notable ones are Jarvan, Zac, Vi, and Nocturne with their long range engages.

Regions, Teams, and Differences

The Chinese League of Legends scene can be summarized in one word, aggresion.

+ See Kill, Get Kill Mentality - If there is any chance for a kill, the Chinese players will go for it, even if it means committing themselves to their own death. This often puts the players in very high risk situations. Rarely faced with defensive teams in their region, Teams OMG and Royal may potentially set themselves up to get their aggression countered. However, if they are able to draw other teams into their style of play, they will most certainly come out on top.

+ Low Warding – The Chinese region seems plagued by low warding, especially when you compare them to NA/EU regions in which often times you will see 7+ wards out per team at one time.

+ Teir 2 Turret Trades – A common tactic in China, often times in 2v1 lanes, not only will the outer turrets be traded by 3:30, often times the inner turrets will fall by 5:30 as well. Beyond that, on a rare occasion even the Inhibitors have been traded during that first turret push and have fallen before the 9 minute mark. No other region has ever done this, so they need to be prepared for the Chinese teams to not back off from the intial pushes.

+ Hectic Play – While controlled and understood by the teams, most of the games from the Chinese region feel extremly Hectic. More often than not a fight resulting in a kill is going on, someone is out getting caught, a tower is being pushed, or a gank set up. Things are always happening in the games, but just as often as this accomplishes beneficial goals, it also causes teams to put themselves into bad positions and be punished for it.

Team OMG -

+ Yorick Jungle – Team OMG love to play Yorick Jungle. A very unique pick-up, he does extremely well at early turret/objective pressure. He is also a very strong duelist in the jungle, potentially the strongest and is played with a very strong counter jungle preference. If Yorick makes it way into the hands of OMG, expect their jungler to bully the opposing teams jungler and to have high presence in objective play. However, do not expect him to be ganking very often, as his ganks have little effectiveness. Team OMG love to combo this with Renekton Top so that they can use Yoricks ultimate on Renekton after he has used his Ultimate, so that there are two lizards running around with the AOE damage.

+ Very Strong Orianna – If Team OMG's mid laner gets his hands on Orianna, be prepared to see some extremely strong play out of him. His Orianna is one of the best in the world and though I would love to see it played, I would prioritize target banning this champion against them.

+ Mundo Top – Picking up a little bit of steam lately, Team OMG will run Mundo as a top laner. Only seen in the Korean scene as well, most region's teams will not have played against this. Watch out for this pickup and enjoy watching something most unplayed to great effect.

Team Royal -

+ Support Annie – Team Royal's support player loves to play Annie and is highly respected at it by his region. More often than not, Annie draws a ban from the opposing teams and when she does not, Royal will pick her up immediately. If Royal gets their hands on Annie, you can expect to see the ADC/Support combo run in the mid lane. This allows Annie to have the greatest zone of influence and you will see her participating in counter jungling, objective control, and running off to gank both top and bottom lanes. You will also see Team Royal going very aggressive during the pre-minion spawn time.

+ Very, Very Strong Fizz – Ban Fizz versus Team Royal. Their mid laner absolutely loves to play Fizz and is extremely good at him. Even when shutdown in 2v1 lanes, he still manages to come back and carry extremely hard on this champion. Expect to see him banned versus Royal, or to see some amazing play out of their mid laner on Fizz.

Europe -
During the Summer Season, Europe had the highest amount of competition for the top spots of the region. The teams are very used to playing in high pressure situations and the practice under the stress of every game having large implications for them may provide the EU teams with a small edge in that area.

+ Objective Control Focus - Recognizing the value of objectives over kills, the teams from this region place a high value on controlling objectives. Expect to see fights break out around turrets and dragon and expect to see objectives pushed after every teamfight. NA/EU/KR are the only regions to place a huge priority on getting objectives after won teamfights. They feel that if you don't get an objective after each won teamfight, then you did not properly use the advantage you gained.

+ Variety of Strategies – The EU teams know how employ and deal with a large variety of strategies, team comps, and play styles. Expect to see the likes of Split Pushing, Team Fight Oriented, Skirmishes, Pick, and more Comps will come from this region's teams.

+ Mercury Treads – EU teams have the most willingness of any region to pick up Mercury Treads on any of their champions. Just as often as their carries will pick up Sorcerer's Boots or Berserker Greaves, they will pick up Mercury Treads. Opposing teams need to recognize this and be prepared for EU's carries to be less susceptible to CC.

+ ADC's as Casters – EU love to play their ADC's as casters. With a heavy focus on their mid laners, the EU use their ADC's for upfront damage. Expect to see EU's ADC's building Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, and Infinity Edge before they pick up Attack Speed outside of Berserker Greaves.

+ Mid Lane Focused – EU focuses a lot of their effort and attention into the mid lane. Their mid lane players are some of the best and you can expect junglers to be providing a lot of support to get their mid laners rolling into the play makers they love to be.

Team Lemondogs -
The new team on the scene, but holding the number 1 spot in EU for the longest time, the Lemondogs are a strong team. During the EU Regionals, they seemed to be playing a little lackluster, but I believe this is due to them being satisfied with just making it to the EU Regionals. With the time since them, I believe they will have picked up their desire and effort as being in the World's after their first season in professional play sets in.

+ Twisted Fate – One of the few teams to still employ Twisted Fate since the nerfs, the Lemondogs actually feel he is stronger since his passive change. Expect to see him banned or played, and to have a very large effect on the outcome of the games he is in.

Team Fanatic -
Taking the number one spot from Lemondogs during the EU Regional Qualifiers, Fanatic is most likely EU's strongest team. Constantly keeping control of games and forcing them to played at their pace. Breaking their flow will be key for other teams.

+ Aatrox – Both Fanatic and Gambit really love to play Aatrox and they are the only teams in the Worlds that put priority on him. Aatrox is a big pick in EU and no where else. Teams from the other regions need to be prepared to see him played both in the Jungle and Top lane. Whichever lane he is in, Aatrox will be a bully and in any duel situation players cannot forget about the massive leach that he has.

+ Yorick – The only team to play Yorick outside of China. Fanatic prefer to play him top lane though as a lane bully.

Team Gambit Gaming -
EU's most aggressive team, Gambit Gaming are definitely a favorite in the EU scene. Their play style is very aggressive and if they can get even a small lead in the early stages of the game they will turn it into a huge win.

+ Aatrox – Both Fanatic and Gambit really love to play Aatrox and they are the only teams in the Worlds that put priority on him. Aatrox is a big pick in EU and no where else. Teams from the other regions need to be prepared to see him played both in the Jungle and Top lane. Whichever lane he is in, Aatrox will be a bully and in any duel situation players cannot forget about the massive leach that he has.

+ Miss Fortune – Gambit's ADC loves Miss Fortune and will pick her up almost anytime she is available. Teams need to be prepared for his very aggressive lane presence on his favorite champion. I wouldn't be surprised to see him pick up the new Trinity Force on Miss Fortune, but we will have to wait and see.

+ Eve Jungle – Gambit's Jungler's favorite champion to play, Eve creates a lot of pressure around the map just by being Eve. The constant invisibility causes her to be in the back of the opposing teams mind at all times. Gambit also know how to make great use out of Eve to creat teamfights and during them as well.

Korea -
The region hailed as having the strongest teams of all, we can expect big things from all three teams from this region. Interestingly enough, the Korean teams are the ones that play most like the current NA/EU LCS teams and the same strengths can be seen from them as well.

+ Objective Control Focus - Recognizing the value of objectives over kills, the teams from this region place a high value on controlling objectives. Expect to see fights break out around turrets and dragon and expect to see objectives pushed after every teamfight. NA/EU/KR are the only regions to place a huge priority on getting objectives after won teamfights. They feel that if you don't get an objective after each won teamfight, then you did not properly use the advantage you gained.

+ Variety of Strategies – As top of the top professional teams, the Korean teams know how employ and deal with a large variety of strategies, team comps, and play styles. Expect to see the likes of Split Pushing, Team Fight Oriented, Skirmishes, Pick, and more Comps will come from this region's teams.

Team Najin Black Sword and Team Samsung Ozone -
Unfortunately, these two teams were not a part of the regionals, having bypassed them with the amount of League points they have accumulated. Both will be extremely strong teams and from what games I was able to find and watch, play very much the same as most of the region. We can expect very strong play, very objective controlled styles, and a large variety of team comps. Analysts and casters of the Korean region however, are toting SK Telecom as Korea's currently strongest team, not the 1st place Najin or the 2nd place Ozone. This is due to the play styles and champion choices of SK Telecom in relation to patch 3.10 and 3.11.

Team SK Telecom -
A favorite to take first in the World's, they are an extremely strong team right now. The changes in patch 3.10 and 3.11 have vastly increased SK's chances with how well the patches have fit into their champ picks and playstyles.

+ Extremely Strong Mid Laner – Faker of Team SK is a very large portion of the team. His ability to make plays, carry, and keep his team strong in bad situations is greater than even most of the professional Mid laners. Shutting him down will be hard, and potentially necessary for opposing teams.

+ Elise Top – Used to be a very popular pick, playing Elise top is rarely seen as of late. Team SK however, will still pull her out. Other teams top laners need to remember her strengths.

North America -
Constantly poked at as being the lesser of the regions, this year may be the year that NA teams prove the world wrong. With strong showings from all three qualified teams, the NA region is out to prove that they deserve to be fighting for the top spots.

+ Objective Control Focus - Recognizing the value of objectives over kills, the teams from this region place a high value on controlling objectives. Expect to see fights break out around turrets and dragon and expect to see objectives pushed after every teamfight. NA/EU/KR are the only regions to place a huge priority on getting objectives after won teamfights. They feel that if you don't get an objective after each won teamfight, then you did not properly use the advantage you gained.

+ Variety of Strategies – The EU teams know how employ and deal with a large variety of strategies, team comps, and play styles. Expect to see the likes of Split Pushing, Team Fight Oriented, Skirmishes, Pick, and more Comps will come from this region's teams.

Team Cloud 9 -
Cloud 9 has been dominating the NA scene. Having one of the best seasons in any region and showing their strength time and time again, Cloud 9 is a favorite, at least in NA, to take the World Championship. With extremely coordinated team fights and probably the highest objective focus of any team, Cloud 9 are going to be a massive threat.

+ Dragon Fights – Cloud 9 love the dragon. More specifically, they love the fight that dragon creates. Cloud 9 excels at fight at or near dragon and many of their games are won at the first dragon fight. Teams need to be aware of how strong Cloud 9 are at dragon and be prepared to let it go and take other objectives, or to come in to the dragon fight with a very strong teamfight.

+ Ashe/Zyra Combo – Cloud 9 popularized this combo and they play it to great effect. I expect to see it either banned or picked out. Cloud 9 need to be ready for the amount of priority that other regions put on Zyra as a support, even outside of the Ashe/Zyra combo. No doubt Cloud 9 are just as solid without this comp, but if they get it, expect great things.

+ Metoes' Jungle Style – Metoes his highly acclaimed as the most efficient jungler and possibly the best jungler. His style of play is maximizing his time. He will rarely go for a gank unless he knows that he has a kill, preferring to get the guaranteed gold from the jungle, than spend a minute or more trying to make a gank happen. However, his positioning sense and presence are uncanny and rarely is he not where he needs to be. Opposing teams junglers will need to be able to keep up with Meteos or the presence he provides will be their undoing.

+ Rumble – C9's top laner is extremely potent on Rumble. Often times he will turn a 2v1 into a double kill for himself while on this champion. His ultimates are always spot on, providing huge impact in any fight. While not the highest priority for other teams, I still feel that Rumble deserves a targeted ban when it comes to Cloud 9.

Team TSM -
A fan favorite in NA and a long standing team that has been to Worlds before. TSM are expecting a lot out of themselves and put a lot of pressure on doing well in the worlds. They may be the team putting the most pressure on themselves in the Worlds.

+ Long Standing – One of the teams that have been around the longest, TSM is comfortable playing in the large scenes with lots on the line. Their best performances happen in high pressure situations and I expect their play during the worlds to be a step above their play during the LCS.

+ Mid-laner Reginald – Owner, Shot caller, and Play maker for TSM, Reginald puts a lot of weight on his shoulders. A very strong player, expect to see a large portion of TSM's ability to win games centering around Reginald. The downside however, is that when Reginald gets shutdown, he frustrates easily. Get Reginald frustrated and TSM falls apart.

Team Vulcun -
NA's second strongest team during the LCS, Vulcun have made just as strong a showing throughout the season as Cloud 9, being the only team to really give Cloud 9 a challenge in the season.

+ Large Champion Pool – Vulcun have one of the largest champion pools out of any team in World's. Every player has played a wide berth of champions over the course of the Regional Qualifiers and the season itself. Their pick/ban phase is one of the strongest, because it is near impossible to ban any of them out.

Southeast Asia – Team Mineski
Playing similarly to the Chinese scene, Team Mineski very much prescribes to the see kill, get kill philosophy. Capitalized by very high aggression, large kill/death counts, and a willingness to fight to the last hit, be prepared for some high action games coming from Team Mineski.

+ Good Bans – Expect this teams research to be done. The pick/ban phase will be highly effective for Team Mineski, as in the Regionals they seemed 100% ready for every team they fought.

+ Very Strong Mid and ADC – Be warned, these two will carry the games. Team Mineski's mid lander and ADC are highly skilled and if not shut down early, will be huge problems for other teams.

+ Scattered Teamfights – Team Mineski love spread out teamfights. They are very skilled at exiting and entering battles at the right time, maximizing the effect they can have on teamfights. They will attempt to separate opposing teams, catching out high priority targets if any mistakes are made.

+ High Kill Counts – With the see kill, get kill mentality prevalent in their region, Team Mineski's games have very high kill/death counts, often ending with over 50+ kills between the two teams. This play-style accelerates player builds. It may be possible to throw a wrench into their game by not allowing Team Mineski to pick up so many kills. The lack of accelerated builds could potentially throw off their game timing.

+ Ryze and Top Lane Jarvan - While most other regions and teams have dropped Ryze, Team Mineski's mid laner still plays him, and to devastating effect. The rest of the World's teams will need to be prepared for this. The other quirk, is that they like to play Jarvan top lane as a Burst Damage dealer. Rarely seen in other regions, teams need to be ready to face a very high damage Jarvan and not be caught off guard by it.

TW_HW_MO – Gamania Bears
Though only having a few games to go on from the Regional Qualifiers, there are a few things to note coming from this team. Playing much like the Chinese scene, here are a few things you can expect from the Gamania Bears.

+ Extended Engages – Generally starting engages in small skirmishes, the Gamania Bears are quick to rotate and collapse from all lanes to join any fight. This often results in engages that last for a minute or longer as each new person joins the fight.
+ Fighting with Low HP – Expect the Gamania Bears to fight even with HP so low that a soft breeze will kill them. They are very good at knowing just how much damage they can take (especially from towers) and will stick around until the last moment. Though this is high skill play, it also gets them in to trouble as sticking around so low has gotten them killed unnecessarily.

+ Lots of Roaming – Gamania Bears almost play without a lane. With their preference for extended engages and desire to chase down any fight, Champions are constantly moving from one lane to the other, clearing out a wave of creeps and then running off again.

+ Unimpressive CS - With their priority on fighting and roaming, the Gamania Bears CS is not very impressive compared to other regions. Often times, by the 30 minute mark, only one champion would be above 200 CS, and rarely by much.

+ Always Carriers Red Pots – An interesting tactic, every player on the Gamania Bears will generally have a red pot on them throughout the game. With their preference for extended fights, even one pot can be the difference between a win and a loss. The extra hp it provides for its low cost is a huge benefit to them

+ Very Aggressive – Gamania Bears like to fight, and they will almost always seek them out or be harassing in lanes. The downside to this though, is that they put themselves into a lot of danger by doing this. Their aggression is not often backed by a safety net and can be easily punished.

Wildcard – Gaming Gear
Though having a strong showing during the Wildcard tournament, Gaming Gear are the underdogs of the tournament. Having the least experience at this competitive level, it will be unlikely that they make it out of the group stages, however, I would not count them out completely. Being the team that others will have focused on the least, they have a great opportunity to prove themselves a threat, especially if we assume that they have been training with EU's professional teams lately.

+ Good Berth of Champions – Over the course of their Qualifiers, Gaming Gear showed the largest variety of played Champions. With only one loss during the Qualifiers, they also know how to play all of their Champions. It will be difficult to shut them down through picks/bans.

+ Solid Gameplay – For the most part, Gaming Gear's play was very solid, following primarily the NA/EU styles. However, their biggest weakness was knowing when they were ahead and how to take advantage of it. Opting into the slow burn style of winning, other teams in the World's will be able to take advantage of that.

+ Weaker Team Cordination – While far above most teams still, the coordination of Gaming Gear's team play, both in team fights and map control, is lacking compared to the more experienced teams.

Twitter: @SnowSpotsGaming

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