Monday, August 26, 2013

LoLByTheNumbers - EU Regionals

Greetings Summoners,

I'm Heydon aka Snowspots and welcome to the first posting of LoLbyTheNumbers. For some formal metric practice I'v decided to watch all of the Regionals while taking stats on a whole host of parameters throughout the games. It will be a long process but luckily most the games are enjoyable to watch. I'd like to share with you the stats that I gathered so far and some (hopefully) quick analysis. These are by no means completely conclusive and I'm sure I've made some mistakes. I hope you find these as interesting as I have.

Mostly, these Regional wrap-ups will just be sharing of the statistics spreadsheets. I will give some small insight into a few noticableable trends, but these smaller posts will be leading up to a breakdown post of the trends we can see from each region, going into the World's.

Spreadsheets for the EU Regionals can be found here:
Spreadsheets for all regions can be found here, as I complete them.

Champion List – Contains Pick/Ban, Win/Loss percentage, KDA and avg KDA as well as Champion Picks and KDA/avg KDA of each player.

Items – Contains (primarily) finished/intermediate items picked by X role for each game as well as the total pick-up percentage per game. Broken down into individual games, teams, and champions.

Objective Control – Contains a few major objective points found in most/each match, the times they were taken, and the win rates associated with controlling that objective.

There is an Excel and an OpenOffice file for each spreadsheet. Spreadsheets were compiled in OpenOffice so their may be a few quirks (most likely not) in the Excel files. If there are I apologize.

For a more detailed analysis of the patch 3.10 effects, see my simliar postion on the EU/NA LCS Superweeks:

Champion Selection -

There has only been one major change since the EU super week, and that is the vast drop in Elise's pick/ban %.

Superweek: Elise drew 16 pick/ban out of 26 games.
Regionals: Elise drew 1 pick/ban out of 19 games.

Even though it took an extra week, it seems that, even as a favorite champion, Elise has been too damaged by the patch 3.10 nerfs to still be a high value pick.

Other than that, Aatrox and Fizz are still holding high value in EU at 17 P/B and 12 P/B out of 19 games, respectively.

Zac and Shen are holding the highest priority at 18 picks/bans out of 19 games each.

Zyra is by far the most popular support at the EU regionals, being played 17 games, though generating no bans. The next closest was Sona at 11 games played and 0 bans.

Caitlyn has jumped in popularity, reaching 13 games out of 19.

Ashe, Ahri, and Zac have had the most success at

Ashe: 5 plays 4 wins
Ahri: 9 plays 7 wins
Zac: 7 plays 5 wins

As well as drawing additional bans themselves.

Dragon's Folly -

In my previous article I talked a little bit about how the tower change in 3.10 has affected the importance of dragon, and how it seems that prioritizing the first/early dragon over other objectives actually has a negative impact. The same trend is still following, I've just taken a few more details on the early dragon objective.

Win Percentage from:
First Turret – 68.42%
First Blood – 63.16%
First Dragon – 52. 63%

Taking the first dragon is still trending as the least successful early objective. Here are some more details:

Taking the first dragon as your first objective: 3 wins to 5 losses – 37.5% win rate
Taking the first dragon after taking another first objective beforehand: 7 wins to 4 losses – 63.6%

Taking the first dragon but not the first turret: 4 wins to 7 losses – 36.4%
Taking the first dragon and the first turret: 6 wins to 1 loss – 85.7%

Though 19 games is not a very large pool to get statistics from, the trend in the EU regionals is continuing along the lines of the NA/EU LCS games as well. By the end of the regionals, hopefully there will be enough data to make some good informed analysis about early dragon control vs turret control.

That's it for this posting of LoLbyTheNumbers, mostly just sharing. Stay tuned for each region and the final wrap-up before World's hits.

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