Monday, August 26, 2013

LoLByTheNumbers - EU Regionals

Greetings Summoners,

I'm Heydon aka Snowspots and welcome to the first posting of LoLbyTheNumbers. For some formal metric practice I'v decided to watch all of the Regionals while taking stats on a whole host of parameters throughout the games. It will be a long process but luckily most the games are enjoyable to watch. I'd like to share with you the stats that I gathered so far and some (hopefully) quick analysis. These are by no means completely conclusive and I'm sure I've made some mistakes. I hope you find these as interesting as I have.

Mostly, these Regional wrap-ups will just be sharing of the statistics spreadsheets. I will give some small insight into a few noticableable trends, but these smaller posts will be leading up to a breakdown post of the trends we can see from each region, going into the World's.

Spreadsheets for the EU Regionals can be found here:
Spreadsheets for all regions can be found here, as I complete them.

Champion List – Contains Pick/Ban, Win/Loss percentage, KDA and avg KDA as well as Champion Picks and KDA/avg KDA of each player.

Items – Contains (primarily) finished/intermediate items picked by X role for each game as well as the total pick-up percentage per game. Broken down into individual games, teams, and champions.

Objective Control – Contains a few major objective points found in most/each match, the times they were taken, and the win rates associated with controlling that objective.

There is an Excel and an OpenOffice file for each spreadsheet. Spreadsheets were compiled in OpenOffice so their may be a few quirks (most likely not) in the Excel files. If there are I apologize.

For a more detailed analysis of the patch 3.10 effects, see my simliar postion on the EU/NA LCS Superweeks:

Champion Selection -

There has only been one major change since the EU super week, and that is the vast drop in Elise's pick/ban %.

Superweek: Elise drew 16 pick/ban out of 26 games.
Regionals: Elise drew 1 pick/ban out of 19 games.

Even though it took an extra week, it seems that, even as a favorite champion, Elise has been too damaged by the patch 3.10 nerfs to still be a high value pick.

Other than that, Aatrox and Fizz are still holding high value in EU at 17 P/B and 12 P/B out of 19 games, respectively.

Zac and Shen are holding the highest priority at 18 picks/bans out of 19 games each.

Zyra is by far the most popular support at the EU regionals, being played 17 games, though generating no bans. The next closest was Sona at 11 games played and 0 bans.

Caitlyn has jumped in popularity, reaching 13 games out of 19.

Ashe, Ahri, and Zac have had the most success at

Ashe: 5 plays 4 wins
Ahri: 9 plays 7 wins
Zac: 7 plays 5 wins

As well as drawing additional bans themselves.

Dragon's Folly -

In my previous article I talked a little bit about how the tower change in 3.10 has affected the importance of dragon, and how it seems that prioritizing the first/early dragon over other objectives actually has a negative impact. The same trend is still following, I've just taken a few more details on the early dragon objective.

Win Percentage from:
First Turret – 68.42%
First Blood – 63.16%
First Dragon – 52. 63%

Taking the first dragon is still trending as the least successful early objective. Here are some more details:

Taking the first dragon as your first objective: 3 wins to 5 losses – 37.5% win rate
Taking the first dragon after taking another first objective beforehand: 7 wins to 4 losses – 63.6%

Taking the first dragon but not the first turret: 4 wins to 7 losses – 36.4%
Taking the first dragon and the first turret: 6 wins to 1 loss – 85.7%

Though 19 games is not a very large pool to get statistics from, the trend in the EU regionals is continuing along the lines of the NA/EU LCS games as well. By the end of the regionals, hopefully there will be enough data to make some good informed analysis about early dragon control vs turret control.

That's it for this posting of LoLbyTheNumbers, mostly just sharing. Stay tuned for each region and the final wrap-up before World's hits.

Monday, August 19, 2013

League of Legends LCS Super Week Analysis - With Spreadsheets!

Greetings Fellow Summoners,

I'm Heydon aka Snowspots. For some formal metric practice I decided to watch all 47 Super Week LCS games while taking stats on a whole host of parameters throughout the games. It was a long process but luckily most the games were enjoyable to watch. I'd like to share with you the stats that I gathered and some (hopefully) quick analysis of the professional scene and the effects patch 3.10 has had on it. These are by no means completely conclusive and I'm sure I've made some mistakes, but there's only so much one person can try to do. I hope you find these as interesting as I have.

Spreadsheets can be found here:

Champion List – Contains Pick/Ban rates as well as Win/Loss percentage for each champion.

Items – Contains (primarily) finished/intermediate items picked by X role for each game as well as the total pick-up percentage per game.

Objective Control – Contains a few major objective points found in most/each match and the win rates associated with controlling that objective.

There is an Excel and an OpenOffice file for each spreadsheet. Spreadsheets were compiled in OpenOffice so their may be a few quirks (most likely not) in the Excel files. If there are I apologize.

Onto the analysis!

Objective Control -

The biggest thing to talk about in objective control change is the recent turret buff in 3.10. With the increased tower protection, there was a lot of talk during Super Week about the increased importance of dragon. This may be misguided though. While its true that taking the most dragons is a high indicator of who will win the game, the team with the most dragons having a 70.21% win rate, there was only a 57.69% win rate for the first dragon (42.86% in NA). That is the lowest of what can be considered the first 3 primary objectives

First Blood – 68.09% win rate.
First Tower – 61.70% win rate.
First Dragon – 57.69% win rate.

To make sense of this, we also need to look at what objective normally in between the 1st and 2nd dragons. That is taking down all 3 Outer Turrets. This is the second best early game indicator as to which team will be taking the in (behind First Teamfight Win – 91.49% win rate).

First Outer Turrets – 85.11% win rate.

So what does this mean? Why does taking the first dragon have such a low win rate? I believe the answer comes in map control. While trading dragon for another objective nets you extra gold that the other team cannot gain, there are several things that you lose out on when putting such an early game emphasis on dragon.

1 – You lose out in lane CS. Early dragons take longer to kill (even if not by much). This causes more minions in the lanes to be killed by turrets or minions than if dragon was taken at a later time.
2 – Your lanes take a lot of pressure. While you are prioritizing the dragon, it allows the other team to push to your towers and potentially kill them. With early game being harder to deal, this is important, especially because at this time mark the tower armor has usually started to decay.
3 – You may lose a tower. Even with the extra tower armor, an undefended turret can go down really fast. While gaining more gold for dragon, and still able to take turret gold, you give up map control by losing a turret. This puts the champions in that lane, as well as the nearby buff objectives at greater risk for the rest of the game.

Going for an early dragon can be easily punished. In a worst case scenario, the gold you gain from dragon will be countered by the gold lost from CS and a tower kill by the other team. This will cause you to be on even footing in terms of gold (until you take a tower in response) while being at a disadvantage in terms of map control. In the LCS, this is often the case.

So in a nutshell, while yes Dragon has a large importance in 3.10, it is extremely easy to punish a team going for an early dragon and gain an advantage over them. Dragon is best left to be taken after another early game objective and/or at a time when the opposing team is unable to punish you for it. Dragon should not be prioritized over the other early game objectives otherwise you will most likely put yourself at a disadvantage for claiming the first Dragon.

All of the other major objectives have stayed the same this patch as through the rest of the Season. Taking all 3 of the Outer/Inner Turrets is still holding strong at 85.11/93.48% win rates when taken respectively. First teamfight win is also holding strong at 91.49% win rate.

Champions -

First, the 3.10 effect:
More interesting than the Objective Control changes, 3.10 has had an even bigger effect on Champion selection. With the tower change, laning phases have generally been extended. This has lead to what I like to call,

The Rise of the Assassin.

Ahri – 74.47% Pick/Ban, 55.56% win rate
Fizz – 36.17% Pick/Ban, 100% win rate
Kass – 53.19% Pick/Ban, 50% win rate
Zed – 76.60% Pick/Ban, 58.33% win rate

With the extended laning phase, assassin champions (with escapes) have risen in popularity. Ahri and Zed in particular have extremely high rates of pick or bans, and win rates over half. They've been very high priority picks and both NA and EU and have performed extremely well even in the games they have lost. With more time in lane, and roaming be less punished, assassins have become more effective, able to get to their high burst items while the lanes or most lanes are still in tact, instead of picking them up just as teamfights begin. This change increases their strength, being that they perform best in small fights and skirmishes, not large teamfights.

Elise's Downfall

The other major effect that 3.10 has had is on Elise. From the looks of it, this patch has severely hindered her, perhaps to the point of no longer being viable. Let me give you the stats, and then explain why I believe she has been so hurt.

34 games Picked/Banned – 72.34%
14 games Banned
20 games Picked
4 games won – 20% win rate.

For the priority that was placed on Elise for Picks and Bans, her win rate is an abysmal 20%. The other champions with similar priority having win rates around 50% to as high as over 75%. 3.10 seems to have taken Elise out of the picture. Why is this?

Elise has been consistently nerfed most patches, but the spiderling change in this one is the straw that broke the camels back. As each of her skills took a hit, more and more of her damage percent was being found in her spiderlings. They were keeping her afloat by providing her much needed sustained damage that the rest of her kit is lacking. Now however, the spiderlings are a lot easier to kill. So much easier in fact that they simply die to incidental AoE damage. They rarely survive the enemy teams burst damage in a teamfight and cause Elise to lose a huge chunk of her damage.

Spiderling Effective Health Changes, parentheses are versus AoE
Vs. AD – 715(1001) to 494(593)
Vs. AP – 825(1155) to 546(682)

The changes in their health are massive. And the loss of DPS Elise gets when they are gone is just as big, even though killing the spiderlings is almost always completely incidental. Because of this large loss of DPS to Elise with extra work required by the enemy, she has taken a massive hit to her potential. To counter this, I'd suggest a buff to her spiderlings, allowing Elise's spider form W to provide damage resistance to her spiderlings, or to cause them to heal on each hit. This would allow Elise to protect her spiderlings with good skill usage.

LCS Super Week Champion Choices

Just quickly some interesting numbers and a few whys. First on the list is Shen

Shen – 100% Pick/Ban rate, 68.75% win rate.
While always a very solid pick, with the extended laning phase, Shen now gets more use out of Stand United before team grouping begins. He is also punished less for using it leave lane early, because his tower can better survive when he is gone.

Zac comes in 2nd with an 85.11% Pick/Ban rate while Zed, Ahri, Elise, and Thresh are all over 70% Pick/Ban.

Shen (31), Zed (24),Kassadin (20), and Ahri (19) hold the highest number of bans, with the next few closest champs running at 14 or lower.

Zyra holds the highest games played at 26 with a 0% ban rate, and a 57.69% win rate.

Twitch is the most popular ADC, at 29 Picks/Bans with Vayne 2nd at 21 Picks/Bans.

Zac holds the most games won (19) along with the best win rate (76%) for the amount of games played (25).

Twisted Fate, Sona, Attrox, Kennen, and Zac all have win rates over 70% while having at least 5 games played.

The least successful champions have been
Nunu – 5 games, 5 losses, 0% win rate.
Vi – 5 games, 5 losses, 0% win rate.
Karma – 4 games, 4 losses, 0% win rate.
Fiddlesticks – 8 games, 7 losses, 12.50% win rate.
Renekton – 7 games, 5 losses, 28.57% win rate.
Orianna – 8 games, 5 losses, 37.50% win rate.
Vayne – 16 games, 10 losses, 37.50% win rate.

The most successful champions have been.
MF – 4 Bans, 4 Wins, 100% win rate.
Fizz – 14 Bans, 3 Wins, 100% win rate.
Amumu – 3 Wins, 100% win rate.

Ryze also was hit hard by the 3.10 patch it seems. Having a 0% pick/ban rate over the course of both NA and EU super weeks.

NA vs EU Champion Choices -

The biggest note here is Fizz. In EU Fizz was Picked/Banned 17 times, a 65.38% rate, while having a 100% win rate. In NA however, Fizz was never picked or banned.

Fiddlesticks/Attrox are also more popular in EU having 13/9 to 4/0 pick/ban rates in NA.

NA places more priority on Tristana at 6 games in NA to 0 in EU, while Rumble is 6 games to 1.

Thresh and Varus have higher popularity in EU, being picked/banned 92.31% and 50% of the time respectively, while in NA they have a 47.62% and 19.05% rates.

Item Choices -

The biggest item to look at this week, as of 3.10, is the removal of the Runic Bulwark and the changes to Locket of the Iron Solari.

Locket – 47.62% pickup rate per game
Aegis – 9.52% pickup rate per game
Total – 57.14% pickup rate per game

This means that in NA the new Locket is being picked up by only 1 team, in roughly half of the games. This is down from an almost 200% pickup rate of the Runic Bulwark in previous weeks, each team having 1 almost every game.

Locket – 103.85% pickup rate per game
Aegis – 23.08% pickup rate per game
Total – 127.93% pickup rate per game

In EU there was a more than double pickup rate, but still a huge drop from the near 200% of Runic Bulwark. This change has given more choice to players. Locket of the Iron Solari being a viable option, but no longer necessary like Runic Bulwark was.

BotRK vs IE vs BT on ADCs

BotRK – 23 over 21 games
IE – 18 over 21 games
BT – 6 over 21 games

BotRK – 24 over 26 games
IE – 17 over 26 games
BT – 23 over 26 games

BotRK is a far more popular item in NA for ADCs. NA players love the auto attack damage and the utility of the on use way more than the pure damage that BT offers. With an almost 400% higher pickup rate, NA players are thinking that BotRK is the far superior item for ADCs. However over in EU this is not the case, BT is picked up just as often. In NA, the IE is normally the counter choice to BotRK, one or the other being picked up and followed by attack speed. In EU however, IE is generally built immediately after BT or BotRK. EU players seem to prefer the high AD rates on their ADCs, for both the on hit damage and the physical spell damage. NA, however, is putting more emphasis on Attack Speed, paring their one AD item with an AS item immediately. This is a difference in ADC play that both regions should note.

AP Carry Item Choices

Zhonya's – 114.89% pickup rate per game
DeathCap – 112.77% pickup rate per game
Voidstaff – 78.72% pickup rate per game

While AP item choices are generally very champion specific, there is a common trend among them. Zhonya's Hourglass is the most popular choice. It's raw power and the utility it offers in protection and baiting is unmatched by most other AP choices and thus it is primarilly the first major AP item picked up by AP champions.

Deathcap comes in second, above Voidstaff. This shows that players are preferring the raw numbers than Deathcap provides over the % penetration that Voidstaff offers. There is a little bit of discrepancy between NA and EU in this though.

NA prefers penetration over raw power.
Deathcap – 95.24% pickup rate
H.Guise – 95.24% pickup rate
Lissandries – 28.57% pickup rate
Voidstaff – 95.24% pickup rate

Where as EU is preferring the power over the penetration.
Deathcap – 126.29% pickup rate
H.Guise – 73.08% pickup rate
Liandry's– 19.23% pickup rate
Voidstaff – 65.38% pickup rate

One other interesting stat that the above numbers show, is the low pickup rate of Liandry's compared to the pickup rate of Haunting Guise. Liandry's is an extremely expensive item for what the upgrade offers, and this is showcased but the poor numbers of it being finished in games.

NA vs EU Doran's Popularity

304.76% - Doran's Blade – 457.69%
157.14% - Doran's Ring – 296.15%
119.05% - Doran's Shield – 157.69%

As we can see, in EU Doran's items are vastly more popular, so what does this mean? EU likes the early potential that they offer. They feel that by filling up your slots for maximum power early on is better play than the gold you save by not buying 2-3 Doran's items. NA will have to realize that this is an early power spike for EU and make sure to wait till they complete their first major item before overly engaging. The downfall of this for EU though, is the lack of item space. Carrying a ward, or that 1 red pot that can save your life in a fight or from a gank are now harder to carry. Larger items must also be completed in full, rather than pieces, making their power curve more spiky, and less consistent.

A Small Boots Note

Just a quick note, EU puts less priority on finishing boots over other items than NA does. Boots of speed (never upgraded) had a 157.69% pickup rate in EU while NA was about 2.5 times lower at 66.67%. EU is also a lot more likely to pick up Mercury Treads on their carries, opting for the tenacity over the damage increase offered

All Done.

While there is certainly more that can be talked about, these I feel are the most important differences in item changes and in NA vs EU choices and should be looked at by both regions as World Championship is coming up.

Thanks for reading and hope you find the statistics interesting. Think I missed something? Want some other statistics? Please let me know. I plan to be continuing this for the Regionals and World, perhaps beyond.