World's is over, and there's a plethora of stats that I've taken from it, and I wanted to share in an easier manner than my spreadsheets, so I made some infographics. They aren't the prettiest, but I hope they get the information across easily! I would love to know what you think, or even just here if you think these are neat or peaked curiosity. Also if you have any questions on what these numbers mean in terms of Game Analysis, please ask, I'd love to answer. I'll be putting up some of my thoughts on them later, but for now, here they are!
Spreadsheets from the Worlds can be found here.
Information may not be 100% correct, but should be extremely close. I did have to take these stats by hand.
1. Team Scores
2. Champion Overview
3. Champion Details
4. Objective Control Overview
5. First Objective Control Details